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New Moon.

Sun dives
then hides
behind the horizon:

the realm
of the new moon.

We meet
the limits
of our local

No longer
obscured by light,
night sky blossoming,
betraying infinity,
potential heights

of endurance
and ingenuity. No, the center
does not hold
in the rigid system we nurture.

We must find it within ourselves
and work
on every avenue of transcendence

at our disposal,
resist and overcome
the coming obstacles, 

In about five billion years,
it will bloat a big, giant red
and swallow us whole.

Far before
then, we would have made
a wasteland of our home. 

As a community,
so suicidal…

Staring at our star
in unwavering faith
till it makes us blind
to our potential,

numb to our power
to manifest
a similar energy,

burn away all our bullshit
and ascend in wisdom,

sail that dark sea
in the spirit
of true meaning.

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