On the Push for Disclosure & the Premature Sisyphus.

Perhaps I’m wrong. Dead wrong.

Perhaps I’m just a pessimistic, cynical asshole in finding those who proclaim “disclosure is coming” as being naively optomistic, but the historic congressional hearing on UFOs, the first one in over half a century, the one that took place on May 17, 2022, has not made me change my attitude in the least. To the contrary, it has only served to reinforce my previous perceptions on the matter.

It may only be my impatience — after all, over seventy years of government secrecy surrounding the subject can’t be reversed overnight, and this may be merely a small step in what will be an enduring process that could, for all I know, come to an end with Those in the Know coming clean, blowing our minds, making epic revelations that change the course of humankind forever.

Its possible, sure, but true to my apparent nature, I’m not inclined to hold my fucking breath. To me, this all seems like an echo of the past. A new rendition of the same old song and dance. A remake, a reboot, of the same old goddamn story.

And I’ve seen the original, or at least the last iteration, and so I know how this fucking ends.

For instance, a government group is established to study the subject in an effort to appease Congress, presumably by extension The People, but that group is dreadfully and suspiciously understaffed and before the public’s eye they often focus on debunking easily-explained cases while de-emphasizing the legitimately mysterious ones. And we can’t know the answers or details in some cases because it would betray “sources and methods” — they can’t tell the people of this country because in doing so they would reveal not only what they know and how they know what they know to The People but to potential adversaries, in other words — so all that shit, the potentially truly interesting shit, is being reserved for closed-door sessions.

In the media, in the meantime, they turn to either well-trained UFO Discreditors, such as Neil deGrasse Tyson, or irritating whack-jobs such as Jeremy Corbell, who despite doing much to promote the subject doesn’t serve as the best representative given his clear desires for the spotlight and internal ache to acquire the aura of authority which seem to preside over his desire to get at the truth and help reveal it to the public. To boot, he threatens to maintain the kind of whack-job association the UFO subject has in the eyes of the public.

Again: I hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m just being a judgmental douche. I want the truth to come out.

As for this new UFO group, they could be doing so much more to solve the mystery laid before them. Infinitely more. They could equip aircraft and submarines with technology specifically used, even designed, to acquire more high-quality data regarding UFO sightings and encounters. Just as important, they could create a useful database for analysis of these objects.

I mean, that last one, at the very least, has been done before.

Back in the 1950s, Blue Book had the bulk of their reports put into a computerized database for analysis, and the results were revealing, and published as Project Blue Book Special Report Number 14. They found that the True Unknowns all shared characteristics that distinguished them as a group — it wasn’t a random junk drawer of potentially diverse phenomena, there couldn’t we a wide variety of explanations, as they exhibited the same mysterious qualities and abilities. Given our ability to acquire more data on UFOs in the present day given our far more advanced technology, a database could be constructed that would reveal an incredible amount of information on these objects, even if the cases amassed by former Air Force Projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book, and civilian efforts like MUFON and CUFOS were not included, though if they truly wanted to get to the bottom of this, they damn well should.

Despite all this, I’m convinced that all this and more has already been done under the veil of secrecy by US intelligence agencies, that they are sitting on a wealth of data, that they have wreckage and even bodies in their possession that would settle the matter once and for all, and likely see this new group as a public relations thing at best and a threat to their power and a fulfillment of their greatest paranoia at best.

The nature of this paranoia is encapsulated by a brief but often-quoted portion of the Brookings Report, but perhaps best articulated by Victor Marchetti, former Executive Assistant to the deputy director of the CIA, who, though he claimed to have seen no evidence of, or had any experience that would indicate the physical reality of the UFO phenomenon himself, nonetheless had these intriguing things to say in his article, “How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon,” published in the May 1979 (volume 1, Number 7) issue of Second Look:

“My theory is that we have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and that the U.S. Government, in collusion with other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. The purpose of the international conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the world and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their respective populations. Thus, for these governments to admit there are beings from outer space attempting to contact us, beings with mentalities and technological capabilities obviously far superior to ours, could, once fully perceived by the average person, erode the foundations of the Earth’s traditional power structure. Political and legal systems, religions, economic and social institutions could all soon become meaningless in the mind of the public. The national oligarchical establishments, even civilization as we know it, could collapse into anarchy. Such extreme conclusions are not necessarily valid, but they probably accurately reflect the fears of the ‘ruling class’ of the major nations, whose leaders (particularly those in the intelligence business) have always advocated excessive governmental secrecy as being necessary to preserve ‘national security.’ The real reason for such secrecy is, of course, to keep the public uninformed, misinformed, and, therefore, malleable.”

If his assessment is correct — and it certainly seems consistent with the perceptions and attitudes of those institutions and people in power who, of course, wish to maintain their power — than this is doomed to be an uphill battle, and no matter how sincere the efforts both within and outside the government may be, this rock will not be pushed anywhere near the summit of this grand mountain before we face the premature fate of Sisyphus and watch it roll, roll, roll all the way back down again.

Don’t get me wrong. Please. I applaud the push, I am 100% behind it, but I fear that, in the end, it will be all for naught. I truly hope I’m wrong. I hope that I will in time be proven absurdly wrong, to be honest, but until the forces behind the True Unknowns elect to make some form of overt and undeniable contact, I fear thar the populous will remain in the dark, continue to be cocooned in the comfortable ignorance from the greater, cosmic context in which they truly reside, which was woven by and, in the end, benefits only — and even in that case, only superficially — the truly ruling elite, which I feel resides in military intelligence circles.

We have witnessed the same unexplained phenomena beneath our waters, on our land, in our atmosphere, and, most importantly, in space for as long as we have had eyes fixed in those realms, and we find ourselves regurgitating our former battles with Those in the Know, subject to the same old excuses, manipulative tactics, and ridiculous explanations yet again. We’re going in circles, living another remake, yet another reboot, and watch as new generations share our history, re-enacted in real-time, and suffer the same, and likely empty hopes that the truth kept under wraps will come to see the light of day so we can build upon it in hopes of a better future — or at least have the chance to chart a better future, finally having a broader map of the cosmic territory to help in our collective navigation.

A true democracy, or even a democratic republic, requires an informed citezenry, and that, among many other things, is what those in power, Those in the Know, are actively battling against us, The People, acquiring.

Still, let’s keep pushing.