On Exclusive Members of the UFO Paparazzi.

Another Dream of Lights in the Sky.

It’s nighttime, the blackest of conceivable black, cloudless and entirely absent of light pollution during what appears to be the deepest, most dead hours of the night. My family and I are just outside my parents’ house, and I’m meandering about their beautiful, rural property, watching the crystalline clear night sky, bathing in its cosmic beauty as I so often did during my insomniac-plagued teens and twenties, when I still lived here.

I think it was the eldest of my two younger sisters, the middle child, that first drew our attention to them: these strange lights above, dancing in the heavens. As soon as all our eyes were brought to the skies, they began producing these bizarre, hypnotic displays. Veering across the full length of the property, they executed these breathtaking aerobatics and luminous, seemingly miraculous acts in this grand light show far above our silly, dumbstruck heads. All of us are utterly captivated. We watch them with increasing enthusiasm and elevating, entranced attention, drawn into their ominous and unearthly beauty. Investing more focus than we would if we were witnessing something even as awesome as a meteor shower, fireworks display, or those heavenly, truly illuminating lightning storms above the forest lining the front yard that we always enjoyed observing from the safety of the garage, from out its open door, when my sisters and I were young.

After an enduring period of total psychological absorption, I finally break free from the trace long enough to realize how important it is to document this profound experience, to acquire evidence. How mindless I had been until this moment. So I grab my phone, open it, tap video, and try to record the astounding, otherworldly light display that our eyes had for so long been permitted to behold. Despite my efforts, though, I simply couldn’t catch it. However much I tried, I always seemed to fail. It was so real, but yet again, I had no documentation. Nothing even approximating substantial evidence. Nothing tangible to hold onto.

And with that frustration, the dream ended.

I awoke on the early morning of March 2nd, 2024, with just another rendition of the same general dream I’ve had now since the middle of December, 1994, just circling around in my waking mind like a goddamn psychological whirlpool. That recurring fucking dream theme of watching mysterious lights, objects, or anomalous phenomena in the sky. I was so frustrated upon my exit from the dream that I refused to open my eyes, roll over, and record the specific details immediately after it ended. Fuck it, I thought to myself. Fuck it all to hell. What’s the goddamn point? Consequently, all throughout my subsequent dreams the nonverbal mantra persisted: write it down, write it down, write it down…

After awakening that morning, I finally did. Most of the details were out of reach, but the general story, a story I knew all too goddamn well, it was undeniably cemented, imprinted, burned into my consciousness.

Generally speaking, I’ve been unable to find a trigger for these dreams over the last 30 years or so, but on this particular occasion the stimulus was pretty fucking obvious. Just the evening before, I’d watched yet another UFO documentary. This one was suggested to me on YouTube, an offering from the almighty algorithm ever-amplifying our echo-chambers, and it sprung from a channel called Mountain Beast Mysteries (MBM). The video itself, just over 49 minutes long, was entitled “The Beings From Beyond.” I’d only vaguely recalled it having been referenced in something I’d heard, watched, or read rather recently, which led me at the time to make a nearly-forgotten mental note to watch it. I still don’t recall its origins or why I thought it would strike my interest – aside from the general subject being the UFO phenomenon, of course – but in any case, I’m certainly glad it drove me to do so.

Even if it triggered another one of these wonderfully cosmic, yet undeniably ominous, and endlessly frustrating dreams of mine. I’ve not only accepted them as inevitable but, if I can be honest, I actually look forward to them. I always feel as if they provide for me something my mundane life is lacking, even starving me of, and both the dream and the video that inspired it unquestionably provided me with that psychospiritual sustenence.

This, of course, brings us to the video in question, and to the strange case of Justin Chernipeski in general.

Regarding The Beings From Beyond.

As I would later learn, Chernipeski is certainly no stranger to the weird. After all, he had started MBM, which was exclusively geared for years, as it’s homepage explains, towards “providing information and stories on the subjects of Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch) and conspiracy theories relating to it.” While his focus had been on Bigfoot, he was well-aquainted with the UFO subject and had even engaged in some meditation practices over the years that some claimed had the ability to summon UFOs. He honestly didn’t expect it to work, however, and still isn’t confident that this was what triggered what eventually happened to him.

Regardless of the cause, as is often the case in life, shit inevitably happened.

During the period in which he shot the videos, he was living in an apartment building in downtown Edmonton, Alberta, and he believes it was on May 30th, 2022 that the first event occured. It was a clear night. He was heading inside from the patio through the sliding glass door when he noticed a flash of light out of the corner of his eye. Turning, he saw a row of six or seven lights spinning like the rotors of a helicopter in a way he later described as very calculated, very precise. It was entirely silent and traveling in a straight line right over him, heading from north to south.

He fully confesses to having freaked out at that point. He ran inside, slamming shut the sliding door behind him, and proceeded to pace, trying to come to grips with what he had just seen. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep, once he managed to calm down a bit he decided that he wanted evidence to ensure himself and others that he wasn’t just going batshit insane. So he went back outside in the attempt to capture it on video. While the object he had seen was gone, he managed to capture some strange and silent lights on camera nonetheless, though freely admits the footage was of an awful quality. He was finally able to get to sleep around three in the morning and subsequently made a YouTube video describing what happened. Afterward, he admits that his looming fear was either getting abducted or getting a visit from the Men in Black. To me, this at the very least confirmed his allegations that he was familiar enough with the subject.

Interestingly, that night was only the beginning. It kicked off an entire year’s worth of sightings – and this time he captured it, thankfully, on a higher-quality camera.

On the second night of sightings, he had set up a camera with a wide-angle lens on a tripod, aimed it to the sky directly above him, sat down on a chair, and just let the camera roll. After awhile, he didn’t notice anything, and so decided to go inside and grab something to eat. Just after he had come back outside, right as he was sitting back down in his chair, however, he saw a row of three lights coming out of the clouds directly above him, traveling from east to west, and so grabbed the camera to follow it. It’s faint, but with effort, you can see it on the video.

He found that he was less anxious on this second occasion, Curiosity, it would seem, had overcome his fear. So he made the decision to move away from his Bigfoot efforts and turn his focus toward the UFO phenomena he was experiencing instead. It should be noted, though – unless I’m mistaken – that he never once referred to these lights as UFOs, at least in the context of the documentary. He also repeatedly made it clear he didn’t pretend to know what was behind the phenomena, though many of the speculations he provided confirmed to me that an extraterrestrial origin was certaintly among the top candidates in his mind.

At any rate, as time went on, he found he could go out at night on his porch with reasonable confidence that he would end the night having captured something strange on film. This struck him as strange, for as previously mentioned, he didn’t live in some rural area, but rather in the capital city of Alberta, where these UFOs may be subject to a mass amount of onlookers. Even more confounding, as he also pointed out, was the fact that they typically appeared or flew directly above him. And often enough, he also emphasizes, a lot of what he captured on video he didn’t realize he’d captured until afterward, while reviewing the footage on his computer.

He ultimately described a few distinct categories his UFO sightings fell into. The first mentioned were these low-altitude, dead quiet, bright and Blue Lights. Sometimes there would be another, fainter blue orb at a greater distance, moving in parallel and at the same speed. Another category were these low-altitude White Lights that appeared in pairs or triangle formations, sometimes distant formations and on other occasions very close together. The most bizarre category he mentioned, however, involved what he called Creatures.

Until this point, at about the twenty minute mark in the documentary, I had found myself being almost involuntarily absorbed by his videos and general account. Now I found myself pulling back a little. This was approaching my boggle threshold, though he swiftly confirmed I was by no means alone. “This is where I start to lose most people,” he said, providing, at the very least, a degree of self-awareness I can respect.

He calls them Creatures because like birds, he says, you can see wings flapping. Watching the provided videos detailing these alleged Creatures, I caught only hints of what could perhaps be interpreted as flapping, but perhaps my laptop and flatscreen TV aren’t sufficient for me to notice this element of the provided videos in their full glory. I’ll suspend judgement for the time being and give him the benefit of the doubt. At least at the beginning there could be anywhere between one to five of them, he said, though typically four, and when there was more than one they would be flying in a rigid formation, sometimes a V-formation. As time went on, however, they would appear in larger groups and their formations became less rigid. As they collectively moved, they would begin to move individually in what I personally considered a strange and breathtaking way – a way that could certainly be described as more organic, but nonetheless nothing like any birds I’ve observed. He actually provides a good example as to why I feel this way at about twenty-four minutes in, too. He was out on his porch one evening and upon looking up noticed a group of them hovering directly above him, kind of flying in a swarm, after which he pointed the camera in their direction. Then another one flies in their direction, joins the group, and then, assembling themselves in a V-formation, they collectively take off in a joint direction.

He later says that he considers their movements and appearence to constitute “disguises,” which helped desolve my resistence a bit. The distinction between these creatures and birds, he said, is that they are both silent and emit light. He has deduced that they aren’t reflecting the lights from the city, as the helicopters and airplanes that have began flying low over his apartment during this period didn’t reflect light at their intensity, which are almost brighter than the backdrop of the stars. Some of these so-called creatures would be, as he put it, “zipping around” alone in the sky, executing insane areal maneuvers, abruptly moving into the frame and then shooting up into the heavens. Other solo creatures would do so while seemingly “glitching” in and out – maybe flashing, strobing their lights – in weird patterns as they swiftly moved about. You couldn’t help but lean in towards the screen, furl your brow, and try your damnest to focus on it and subject it to the most intensive, critical, visual analysis you could.

Whatever they are, some of the maneuvers these objects pull in his videos literally had my eyes bugging out and my jaw dropping, it’s reactionary descent only temporarily suspended for me to involuntarily exclaim aloud, in the one-bedroom apartment I live in alone, “WOW!”

As alluded to before, he also described and caught on film a lot of low-altitude, seemingly manmade aerial activity over his apartment as well. An airplane akin to a Cessna would fly over his apartment again and again. One night he thinks he filmed it flying over a dozen times. What seemed to be a police helicopter flew over on multiple occasions as well, and sometimes the helicopter would fly over and he could hear it but never see it. He even managed to catch it on video, flying without it’s lights on.

While a lot of what he’s described has been described and even captured on video before, at least in singular doses, his initial experience is a rather rare one. I’ve certainly never heard of it before, and I’m fairly well acquainted with the UFO phenomenon. I’ve never heard of a line of lights swinging like a helicopter rotor crossing the sky. Despite this, he reports having randomly met a girl online – also from Alberta, though roughly two hours away from his location – and though it didn’t originally come up in conversation, and she wasn’t aware of the full scope of his experiences, she eventually confessed to having had an experience that he immediately recognied as being remarkably similar to his own, origional experience. While his had been at the end of May 2002, hers had been in October of 2002, however, and while she didn’t report having seen as many lights – only four in her experience – they were nonetheless arranged in a line, and they spun like a helicopter blade across the sky. And she saw it again that December, only this time it was spinning faster. Assuming his account is true, and I am of the strong opinion that it is, as he asked: really, what are the fucking odds?

There are two peices of video he provides in the documentary that sparked my interest specifically. Apparently I wasn’t alone, either, for as I would learn in the days after I watched the documentary, he actually had separate videos dealing with each of these videos.

The first one was a clip that was provided at about fifteen minutes into the documentary and then detailed in a separate video, “Alien Visitors Caught on Camera.” Here he explains – and shows the footage of – how he was tracking a singular light in the sky with his camera. That was all that he noticed, too, until he later reviewed that footage on his computer, at which point he discovered that he had filmed what he described as his most amazing peice of footage to date. And I agree. “This light comes from the top left corner of the screen,” he explains, and then “zips down, and then zips back up to this object I was tracking, and pulls these maneuvers that I’ve never seen anything pull before in the sky.”

This was my first truly jaw-dropping moment watching this documentary. It reminded me a lot of a video I had seen years ago when looking on YouTube for videos of UFO sightings. It depicted this strange light, about as faint as the stars, which would fly erratically across the star-speckled sky as the camera struggled to keep up with it, but in this case it seemed to be playing cat and mouse with the focus of the camera – or the person behind it.

The next video that sparked my interest is, so far as he has made us aware, his most recent one, and it came after a bit of an experiential commercial break. As Winter had approached, the weather became agonizingly cold, so he had an understandable increasing reluctance to go outside and skywatch. Consequently, his sightings and the videos of them trickled to a standstill. When the weather warmed, however, he went back outside, but to his dismay, he didn’t see anything. He feared that they might have gone away, and that he might have to start over from square one, striving to summon their presence – if that brought them to him in the first place – or that he might have to face that this enlightening chapter in his life was simply over. Still, he persisted.

Then he had what he considers – despite the poorer quality of the camera – the most spectacular sighting he’s captured to date. This was at the very end of the documentary and was also detailed in a separate video, “Alien Mothership Caught on Camera,” which, yes, might be a misleading if not dowright click-bait kind of title. Still, it aroused my curiosity.

It was around 11:45 in the evening on May 26, 2023, and there was heavy cloud cover. He was outside on his top-floor patio and suddenly noticed a spot in the clouds that looked slightly brighter than it should be. As he focused his attention on it, the glow seemingly behind the cloud abruptly disappeared – and then reappeared. It did this a few times and then began going through all the colors in the light spectrum – at first slowly, and then again, at higher speed. The light would then veer away at high speed across the sky. Sometimes it would shoot across the sky in a straight line, or it would do a circle or a triangle, sometimes reversing course. He emphasized he could see it from beyond the angle he caught on film when it zipped across the sky, which reinforces his hypothesis that this couldn’t have been a spotlight. It would always return to the same general area where the camera was fixed, however, and it would stop on a dime. When the light stopped, sometimes it was dimmer, sometimes more brilliant. When the light would occasionally blink off, sometimes you could see a faint ring of six or seven lights around where it had been, and the ring seemed to be rotating – and as soon as the central light came back on, they would disappear. He said it went on like this for at least three hours. Sometimes he would get tired, go back inside, and when he’d come back out it would still be there, zipping around. It went on until at least three in the morning, he said, when we finally went inside and submitted to sleep. Shortly thereafter, he moved that location. This was the last video of the lights that he filmed and, so far as I’m aware, the last he’s seen of them so far.

A lot of people in the comments, even those who considered his other videos as containing truly anomalous lights, dismissed this particular one as an effect caused by a spotlight, a strong flashlight, or a laser projected on the clouds. If it was a hoax, I don’t think he perpetrated it, but that it was likely someone who had seen his previous videos, found out where he lived, and decided to pull a prank in hopes of making a fool out of him. After all, he said he always went out there at about 11 o’clock or half passed, so they’d know when to do it. Even so, you’d think the buildings would get in the way, particularly when the light went zipping out of the frame and across the sky, where he could see it. Even so, I considered this possibility rather seriously after my dream and watched some videos of such effects I could find on the net. While I entirely accept I could be wrong, it simply didn’t seem like the same thing to me. I’ve also watched the “mothership” video a few times, and even analyzed some parts of it frame by frame, and not only can I not see a beam but there are parts where you can see it in breaks in the cloud cover. I’m no professional analyst, of course, not in the least, but It really seems to be behind the clouds to me.

If you poo-poo this particular video, however, there are his other videos, most specifically (in my opinion) the aforementioned video clip in the documentary which was focused on in “Alien Visitors Caught on Camera,” and they are far more difficult to dismiss, as the potential explanations just explored wouldn’t be applicable. Despite that, there may be resistance. I get it. Hell, I feel it. Even among those of us who realize that the UFO phenomenon is a legitimate mystery, at least among those of us not among the Gatekeepers buried in our world governments, we might find ourselves rather suspicious of Chernipeki, inclined to impulsively dismiss him on the basis of his countless videos and the associated anecdotal evidence he provides alone. After all, this is too far outside the the norm, even in the context of the utterly bizarre UFO phenomenon, to take seriously, we might tell ourselves. And again, I get it.

It should be understood that Chernipeski is by no means alone, however. There are others.

Other Exclusive Members of the UFO Paparazzi.

Aside from Chernipeski, there are, so far as I’ve been able to discern, at least three other individuals in relatively recent history that not only appear to constitute UFO magnets, but are permitted frequent photo ops by the nonhuman intelligences behind them: Ed Walters, Ellen Crystall, and Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt.

Ed Walters articulated his experiences alongside Francis, his wife at the time, in their 1990 book The Gulf Breeze Sightings: The Most Astounding Multiple Sightings of Ufos in U.S. History. Ed was a builder-developer by profession and at the time lived in Gulf Breeze, Florida, with his aforementioned wife and two children for five years. It was on November 11, 1987 when the cascade of weirdness began relentlessly pouring into his life and it would extend until at least May 1, 1988. In short, he not only began seeing UFOs regularly, but phographing and videotaping them. He claimed to have been immobilized by a blue beam from a UFO on at least two occasions, lifted by it once, and on another occasion – February 7, 1988 – even photographed his wife attempting to outrun it. The family had seen aliens as well, and they had telepathically engaged with Walters, who also had experiences of missing time and recalled a series of typical abduction scenarios when he finally unwent hypnosis. Early on, he began submitting his UFO photographs to the Gulf Breeze Sentinel, though fearing the ridicule him and his family would be predictably subject to, he used at least three aliases, though ultimately confessed his identity in 1989.

Unsurprisingly, Walters was subject to a buttload of scrutiny. He took a polygraph test and passed it, with the examiner concluding that he was being truthful, at least in the respect that he believed he was being truthful, which is all those tests can truly determine. Aside from that, examinations of the photos and assessments of his character and allegations were entirely dependent on what one considered a reputable source. Discreditors obviously dismissed and ridiculed his allegations and Believers clearly invested in it. The perceptions of what I would regard as the true Skeptics varied. Military officials, specifically the nearby Eglin Air Force Base, denied there was any anomalous acitivity at the time of the reported sightings. In essence, everything you would expect from an intense UFO flap.

Until the last year or two, I hadn’t read the first, aforementioned book of his, but only his second, 1994 book, UFO Abductions in Gulf Breeze, of which I can remember very little, given I read it back in the mid-1990s, when I was still in high school. Upon reading The Gulf Breeze Sightings, however, I felt instantly transported back into my high school period, when The X-Files first made it’s appearance. I particularly felt vibes between this book and the first season of the television series, not only because the sightings were mentioned at least twice that season but because there are a wealth of incidents in the book that seemed to serve as inspiration for the show. Many have cast doubt on the authenticity of Walters’s photos (including Carter himself in that first season, through the words of Mulder), but I’m inclined to think (at least based on the first book) that they’re authentic, at least on most days.

Again, I’m willing to accept I’m wrong, but in Walter’s defense, him and his family were by no means the only ones to witness and report a UFO in Gulf Breeze during that period. After his photos were published, many came forward with their own reports, and some recognized the specific craft they saw as corresponding to what Walters caught on film. Many would and certainly have dismissed this as a form of mass hysteria, blind to the alternative possibility that others embraced: that Walters might have had a tightly-knit series of intense encounters that compelled him to share his photographic evidence publicly in hopes that others had seen the same thing and that, once he had broken the ice, others might feel more comfortable coming forward with their own stories and nurture his hopes that he wasn’t just going batshit fucking insane.

Maybe you think he’s full of shit anyway. Fine. There is also the case of writer, musician, and photographer Ellen Crystall, however. In her 1991 book, Silent Invasion: The Shocking Discoveries of a Ufo Researcher, which I also read in high school, she describes how she first witnessed UFOs as nocturnal lights doing aerobatics in the distance from the balcony of her Hollywood, California, apartment complex amongst a crowd of neighboring tenants in May of 1971. Before long, her curiosity was piqued.

“After a few weeks of observing the craft from our apartment complex, I decided I wanted a closer look. About a mile from our apartment was a small hill with an excellent view of the area, so my friend and I decided to go there,” she wrote. “It was only a few minutes before a set of lights descended towards us, turning off as they came closer. Soon we could clearly see the saucer shape of an unlit craft. Totally silent, it began to circle us, staying about two hundred feet or so from us.”

After two nights on the hill, during which craft at different distances would revolve around the two of them, she retreated to the former distance of the balcony, though they then seemed to be moving closer to her. Her next close encounter was even closer than the former, however, and occurred in August, 1971, some four months after her sightings began. She was walking home from work at roughly nine in the evening on an otherwise unpopulated street when she looked up. What she was was a delta-shaped craft descending from above a house, its headlight shining down upon her. Through four large windows on the craft she saw lights flashing on the walls inside and, most unnervingly, a Gray sitting in one of the two seats that were visible to her, working what appeared to be a joystick. She ran, the craft following just behind her until she entered her apartment, where she promptly began packing. She flew back home to her parents in New Jersey the following day — where she continued having close encounters among other witnesses.

Nine years later she was hunting for UFOs with colleagues and snapping photographs of them in Pine Bush, New York. These encounters got even more intimate with her personal encounter on the roadside. On August 7th, 1980, she decided to go hunting for UFOs in Pine Bush alone, which she had never done before. As she was driving along a dark road at 1 AM, shining her flashlight into the woods in hopes of catching hints of a hiding craft, she caught sight of an alien roughly 25 feet away. Shortly thereafter, she stepped on the gas.

In general, whether you believe in what she recounts as having experienced or believe in her interpretations, it is an intriguing, fun, and interesting read. Again, like Walters, I found myself drawn into her narrative. Was it fiction, as some attest, or at least an attempt to document her actual experiences? It’s difficult to know for certain, obviously, but like Walters, she was by no means alone in her sightings and encounters – many others reported similar experiences in the same location during the same period of time.

Even aside from all I’ve provided above, Chernipeski, Walters, and Crystall weren’t the only alleged members of this exclusive UFO paparazzi. No, there was another.

Last, by no means least, though perhaps most curious, is the case of Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt. She was born on September 24, 1922, in Kowloon, Hong Kong, where she later married Duncan Izatt and went on to have four children. When the strange experiences in her life began, she lived with her husband and family in Richmond, a suburb of Vancouver, British Columbia, on Pacific coast of Canada. Her story was featured on Unsolved Mysteries, Season 3, Episode 13, which aired on December 12, 1990. There was also a 2003 book written regarding her experiences by Peter Guttilla, entitled Contact With Beings Of Light: The Amazing true Story of Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt. To say the least, it’s an interesting read. Subsequently there was a 2008 documentary, Capturing the Light, which is where she first came to my attention.

Her first UFO sighting came to pass on November 9, 1974, when she was 52 years old. While in her kitchen around four in the evening, making herself a cup of tea, she had the sudden and strong sense that she was being watched. Going over to the window, she saw a large, diamond-shaped object in the sky, spinning and flashing. She felt elated, privileged to be able to see it, and felt no fear whatsoever. After the experience, she tried to share it with her husband, who sort of laughed it off dismissively. Later that same evening, she saw a bright light shining through one of her heavy-curtained windows. She again told her husband, who seemed utterly disinterested. After proceeding to the guest room, she now saw lights in the sky through that window, wondering to herself, “Is this real?” Telepathically, she received the response: “Don’t be afraid. We are real.”

I’ve often read or heard about those who blindly deny their own strange experiences or those of a loved one of this type (as an example of this last instance, her husband), or with equivalent blindness, lay uncritical faith in it, but this was demonstrably not the instinctive nature of Izatt. This is one reason why I found myself respecting the woman so much. Instead of blind faith, she sought confirmation. In response to this telepathic communication, she picked up a flashlight and asked the intelligence apparently communicating with her if it would imitate whatever it was she did with the flashlight. She then flashed it three times to the left. The object went three times to the left. She then flashed it three times to the right. It went three times to the right. Three times upwards, three times downwards, zigzagging – each time the object mimicked her, as requested, in the style known as “crossover mirroring.” Then they were gone.

Later that same evening, as she was meditating prior to sleep, a light suddenly appeared in her room. She then saw three men, who apparently collectively communicated to her that what they were going to show her was for the purpose of preparing her for what they were going to give her. After subsequent communications, they left.

She continued seeing these lights in the sky. Her husband and children took her sightings “lightly, almost as a joke,” but she took it seriously – but not on faith. She called the airport, the police, and so on, but no one seemed to take her seriously, so she finally had enough.

Borrowing her husband’s Super 8 Milimeter video recorder, she waited, ready to capture them – and she did not await in vain. At first, she heard a high-pitched buzzing. As time went on, she noted that dogs seemed to hear it, but the people around her usually couldn’t. In any case, in this particular instance, she started filming, and upon watching it later, was very happy she’d actually captured these lights in the sky. She showed it to her husband, who continued to say nothing in response. Even so, she would go on to see them everyday. When she finally asked the natural and obvious question – namely, why her? – they said that they’d known her for a very long time.

What she saw in the sky were just orbs of light, which she also caught on film, but a few frames later the video she took captured something invisible to her naked eye: an incredible blast of light, almost like a lightning flash (later it was noted that these flashes lasted 1/18 of a second). Watching her videos later, she rewound and fast-forwarded until she isolated the single frames containing the blast of light. Rather than just a flash of light, the frame revealed an elaborate display of colored, streaking lights. The frame was self-contained, too, and no evidence was found in the surrounding frames.

“I noticed that while I’m filming these objects, they’ll suddenly stop,” she said. “And then I’ll notice one object, like, shooting out a little beam at the other object, and then that object would be shooting out another beam back at it. And so I guess it must be messages or something that they’re passing back and forth on these beams of light. And then when I get it developed, I’ll find all these strange, one-frame shots on it.”

She blew up these frames. Also those that just depicted the balls of light, and here the photos began to show more details. Sometimes they would beam a light down on her. She would ask them to come closer and closer so she could get better shots. They complied. She used three different cameras, all of them producing similar results. By the time she died on January 29, 2021, in Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada, she had amassed over 30 thousand feet of film depicting UFOs and other anomalies.

There are similarities in these three cases that ultimately bind them all and I feel it’s important to consider them. The experiences of both Walters and Izatt are similar in that they heard a buzzing sound prior to the appearance of the UFOs that usually only they could hear, for instance, and they also reportedly had telepathic communication with the occupants of the craft as well. Both Crystall and Izatt are similar in that their photos (in the case of Crystall) and video stills (in the case of Izatt) reveal strange, perhaps subliminal light phenomena not consciously visible to the naked eye but captured on film. All three are similar in that their UFO experiences are supported by other eyewitnesses, some of whom had association with them, and some that simply happened to live in the same area.

Chernipeski, on the other hand, only shares likeness with them in that he was capable of capturing them on film. Even so, many of his videos seem astounding to me, and I certainly don’t think he’s a liar.

Telepathy & the Photogenic Status of UFOs.

At the time that I first watched Chernipeski’s documentary, I was still reading D.W. Pasulka’s 2019 book American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology for the first time. Her perspective takes the subject of UFOs from a different angle than those I’ve been formerly aquainted with, and having previously watched various interviews with her on podcasts, I knew it was inevitable that I would read her two books on the subject. This one was the first, and in this book she references more than once something Carl Jung said in his 1979 book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, which is another book I own yet have yet to read cover to cover. In full, he wrote:

“Considering the notorious camera-mindedness of Americans, it is surprising how few ‘authentic’ photographs of UFOs seem to exist, especially as many of them are said to have been observed for several hours at relatively close quarters. I myself happen to know someone who saw a Ufo with hundreds of other people in Guatemala. He had his camera with him, but in the excitement he completely forgot to take a photo, although it was daytime and the Ufo remained visible for an hour. I have no reason to doubt the honesty of his report. He has merely strengthened my impression that Ufos are somehow not photogenic.”

In Jung’s defense, there are many cases from the very beginning of the modern UFO phenomenon up until modern day where witnesses who were clearly capable of capturing the incident through a photo or video fail to do so, and the fact that they didn’t often serves to utterly mystify and even embarrass them in the aftermath. Even before the rise of cell phones, this counted as a boldfaced, underlined, italicized, neon-blazing highlighted strike against witnesses in the eyes of the Discreditors. Today, when we live in an era when most of us typically have a phone on us 24/7/365 and our collective propensity for not merely snapping a photo but recording a video is damn near obsessive-compulsive, however, that lack of photographic or video evidence serves as a major red flag.

For whatever reason, in the recurring UFO dreams I’ve had since I was in my early teens (a recent example of which I provided in the opening of this post) has also consistently reflected this. Even when I struggle against the trance induced by what I’m witnessing and try to snap a photo or record a video the UFO either disappears or my phone “mysteriously” fucks up. I’m not sure I’ve ever successfully accomplished the task, even in the alleged privacy of my mind’s own vivid, involuntary, nocturnal simulations, and the frustration I feel upon awakening often stings. I can’t even hope to imagine how those who had the opportunity to capture such photographic evidence in the context of witnessing a UFO in the real world must have felt – and yet I can also understand the skepticism of those who weren’t there.

After all, it’s difficult to deny that this is suspicious. I mean, how could you witness such a truly awesome display and not consider recording it, given your capacity to do so was well within reach? Unsurprisingly, this has led some, on that basis alone, to doubt the legitimacy of the phenomenon as a whole. As an example, in relatively recent years I even remember hearing about how Stephen Spielberg’s attitude towards the phenomenon has shifted since the days of ET: The Extraterrestrial and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, where he had a sincere interest and even belief in the reality of the phenomenon. He remarked that he simply found it impossible that such events could happen and that we wouldn’t also have a wealth of photographic and video evidence for it.

That pulling out their camera somehow slipped the mind of UFO witnesses has never seemed that amazing to me, however, and if it does to anyone else, it only suggests to me that they have failed to explore the subject at sufficient depth – and specifically, the reports of the witnesses themselves.

This brings to mind a quote from Messengers of Deception, a 1979 book by Jacques Vallee. While I have yet to read the book, I’ve found myself coming back to this quote so bloody often it certainly serves as a sign that I most certainly should. In any case, Vallee explains that he has come to believe that to truly understand the UFO phenomenon as a whole one must not only engage in scientific analysis.

“Scientific analysis will undoubtedly provide part of the truth about UFOs; however,” he writes, “I no longer believe it will lead to the whole truth. I owe this realization to a man I shall call ‘Major Murphy,’ although his actual rank is much higher than that of Major.”

Over drinks after their meeting during a gathering of UFO contactees, this “retired” member of the US intelligence service suggested that, despite what Vallee believed at the time, the proper place for the study of UFOs was not in science, but rather in intelligence, which is to say counterespisonage, which was his forte, and in this context, the rules were entirely different:

“He drew a simple diagram in my notebook. ‘You are a scientist. In science there is no concept of the ‘price’ of information. Suppose I gave you 95 per cent of the data concerning a phenomenon. You’re happy because you know 95 per cent of the phenomenon. Not so in Intelligence. If I get 95 per cent of the data, I know this is the ‘cheap’ part of the information. I still need the other 5 per cent, but I will have to pay a much higher price to get it. You see, Hitler had 95 per cent of the information about the landing in Normandy. But he had the wrong 95 per cent!’”

The manner in which the intelligences behind the UFO phenomenon operate is disturbingly similar, he suggested, specifically when he suggested that “[t]hey will keep feeding you the information they want you to process. What is the only source of data about the UFO phenomenon? It is the UFOs themselves!”

As I’ve illustrated above, albeit in summation, Major Murphey’s suggestion seems to hold a great deal of water.

Consider that there have been countless cases that have displayed how during distant UFO sightings, close encounters, as well as alleged abductions the witnesses involved have felt as if they were compelled by an external force to look in a certain direction of the sky, where their sighting or encounter began, or even to drive to an area where they subsequently witnessed or encountered an object, or even experienced an abduction. Not only has their attention been drawn to a UFO seemingly telepathically in such instances, as a matter of fact, but the UFO has often gone on to respond to their desires for it to move closer or further away from them. As much as I detest Stephen Greer and his ever-irritating bullshit, this even provides a basis for his CE-5 protocols. And this aspect of the phenomenon, reported so often – and which, be it a psi ability or a technological analogue, could really only be called telepathy – would also explain how they could make witnesses “forget” to reach for the camera.

More broadly, the telepathy explained above suggests that by and large UFOs are seen when and by whom they desire to be seen. Sometimes they attract the attention of someone and move closer if that person is comfortable with them doing so, and/or move away if they start freaking out. On other occasions, it’s quite obvious they couldn’t give so much as a shit regarding how the witness feels or what the witness wants: they’ll chase a car down the road, after all, or an aircraft right back to base.

Clearly we don’t know why they select specific individuals to witness them to varying degrees, or why they behave towards such individuals in the varying ways that they do. Despite our ignorance regarding that matter, we should accept that given the telepathic component in UFO experiences they have clearly demonstrated that they can indeed control by whom they are seen, what those witnesses see, and given the episodes of missing time reported by some witnesses, how much they can remember. That they could ensure this targeted, staged experience for the witness or witness in question stays with them and is not disseminated to a wider community by means of making them forget to document the experience through photos or videos by use of the same sort of telepathy would, relatively-speaking, be a walk in the fucking park.

While most walk away from a sighting or encounter without any photographic or video evidence at all, some occasionally come away with perhaps a few photos, maybe a video or two. Strange enough.

Then there are apparently others, like Ellen Crystall, Ed Walters, Dorothy Wilkinson-Izatt, and even Justin Chernipeski, that are evidently given the clear by the intelligences behind UFOs in an absurdly broad sense. Such witnesses are not only chronic witnesses, but are permitted to capture them on camera time after time. To greater or lesser degrees, the UFOs are clearly showing off, begging for attention – on the surface seemingly constituting the equivalent of what the cool kids call a “simp” or “pick-me girl” for the witness and, through them, the camera. The witness, instinctively enamored, becomes a shameless UFO paparazzo.

To take it from another, admittedly more religious angle, it’s as if these particular witnesses become the photographic or video emmisaries of the UFO phenomenon – specifically selected, for whatever reason, by the intelligences behind the phenomenon to provide second-hand visual evidence to the masses willing to view it all, and they at least initially embrace this opportunity, and provide it to others out of a sense of responsibility.

Then idiots like me, we study the photos. Subject the videos to insanely intense analysis.

And then we have dreams.

UFOs & Spatiotemporal Anomalies (Of Spacetime, Parapsychology, & the Paranormal).

So far as my admittedly feeble mind is capable of comprehending, according to Einstein, our universe is a spacetime continuum composed of three spatial dimensions and a single temporal dimension. With respect to the spatial dimensions the three axes – which out of convenience we could call north-south, east-west, and up-down – are similar in that they’re symmetrical and bidirectional, which is to say we can move backward and forward along them.

Unlike the case with the spatial axes, the temporal axis is asymmetrical and unidirectional. And we move along it whether we like to or not. As becomes ever-clearer as you get older, we can’t stand still in the temporal dimension – to the contrary, we’re always moving away from the past and towards the future in the vessel of the omnipresent now, though at varying speeds relative to the observer. The faster one accelerates (think the Twin Paradox) or the stronger the gravitational field (think the time dilation experienced after visiting the ocean world in the 2014 movie, Interstellar), the slower time flows for them relative to those accelerating slower or in weaker gravitational fields.

In paranormal experiences and the field of parapsychology, though, things aren’t so straightforward.

Far distances in space can allegedly be perceived subjectively through extrasensory perception (ESP), in this case, clairvoyance, and can be instantaneously traveled to via the “disembodied” subtle body through the out-of-body experience (OBE). Time is also no object, as through variants of clairvoyance we can also perceive the future (through precognition) as well as the past (through what is known as retrocognition or postcongition).

While not recognized by traditional parapsychology so far as I’m aware, many have reported somewhat related paranormal experiences, though rather than variants of clairvoyance, they would appear to be variants of psychokinesis (PK). One such experience is reported cases of teleportation, which essentially constitute the physical analogue of clairvoyance. Rather than merely perceiving a distant point in space or visiting that location in subtle form, they appear to bend the space between a distant location and their physical bodies and spontaneously appear there in zero time. The physical analogues to precognition and retrocognition also occur (though they are most often an analogue of retrocognition), and they are collectively referred to as time-slips. Whereas in teleportation an individual seems to disappear from one location and reappear in another instantly, bending space while not affecting time, during time-slips people always seem to remain in the same physical location despite suddenly finding themselves in a different point in time. As I have explored recently, an experience related to the time-slip may be the time-freeze, which also seems to be bound to a specific geographical location for a limited “time” only.

As it turns out, the UFO phenomenon is replete with such spatiotemporal anomalies as well. While some may suggest that the many cases in which individuals while encountering UFOs suddenly find that far more time has passed than they can account for or find themselves in an entirely different location may represent such anomalies, I still find that in most such cases the wealth of evidence suggests that they were abducted and subjected to telepathically-induced posthypnotic amnesia (accounting for the phenomenon of “missing time”) and in some cases are simply returned to a place distant to the area where they were originally taken (accounting for the experience of suddenly finding themselves in a different locale). Not all such UFO encounters offer such a relatively (and I stress the word relatively) prosaic explanation, however. Indeed, some cases strongly suggest these non-human intelligences have gained mastery over not only space but time.

That they have gained mastery over space has been clear to me for some time, and for a swath of reasons, not least of which is the fact that I still hold to my working hypotheses that the most rational explanation for these craft and their occupants are that they represent an extraterrestrial intelligence and without the ability to manipulate space the journey from here to there would be extremely difficult. Not impossible, perhaps, but extremely difficult. Even if they came from a planet surrounding Proxima Centauri – which, at 4.2 light years away, is currently the closest star to our sun – it would take them over four years to get here if they were traveling at the speed of light. And if our current scientific understanding is accurate, they couldn’t. For starters, as an object approaches the speed of light, its mass becomes larger and larger, requiring more and more energy. To get here, they would have to be able to control gravity so that the craft would not be moving at all; instead, they would be in a bubble, warping the space around the craft, and bending the space between the craft and its destination.

In other words, the technological equivalent of teleporting.

Also, consider the seemingly impossible maneuvers they’ve been witnessed to pull within our own planet’s atmosphere. Taking off without accelerating. Descending from space to the surface of the ocean, making sharp, right-angle turns, all instantaneously and without decelerating – and all without their craft utterly disintegrating or, assuming there are occupants, without those occupants slamming against the walls and becoming fucking mush. And breaking the sound barrier all without making so much as a peep, much less a sonic boom. All this would make perfect sense if they’ve somehow mastered the ability to manipulate or generate gravity and control space around the craft.

Given I’ve accepted this for some time, perhaps it shouldn’t have taken me so long to suppose they could similarly manipulate time – in my adult life, at any rate. When I was a kid and visiting my maternal grandmother, I wrote the government a letter asking them to disclose the truth about UFOs, and within the letter explicitly asked if they could travel through time. As a kid I was also obsessed with the notion of time travel, even before seeing Back to the Future, and carried my “blueprints” for a time machine or “T.M.” around with me at school in a red binder, working on it in my free time. When I began receiving flashbacks early in my high school career, however, my interest in the paranormal and the UFO subject in particular soared, and while my interest in time travel remained, the UFO interest became a subject of obsession, overshadowing my interest in time travel, which also became dissociated from the subject.

After all, given the way I was re-experiencing memories from my past, particularly during that period, the time-machine seemed to have been hiding between my ears the entire time.

This linkage between temporal anomalies and UFOs also tied in with one of the thorns in my side regarding my favorite television show at that time. I’ve always had a sort of love-hate relationship with The X-Files, with one of those reasons being that while I felt the show served the subject of the paranormal in general and UFOs in particular well in the sense that it popularized them, it also helped associate them with errors and misconceptions. One of the misunderstandings I noted early on in the series was the whole notion of missing time, which from my research I understood to be a period of amnesia some UFO witnesses experienced during their encounters which were sometimes later found to be periods during which they were abducted. The X-Files seemed to provide confusion, I thought, in their pilot episode, where Mulder and Scully experienced a time loss of nine minutes, which seemed to be expressed as jumping forward in time rather than an episode of amnesia.

Three decades later, I found evidence to suggest this may not have been the silly misunderstanding on Chris Carter’s part that I assumed it was at the time. To the contrary, he might have actually downplayed the kind of temporal anomalies associated with some UFO sightings.

For example, in The Extratempestrial Model, a 2022 book by Dr. Michael P. Masters, he cites a 1977 UFO encounter case from Pampa Lluscuma, Chile, involving one Corporal Armando Valdes. On April 25, at about 4 in the morning, his soldiers saw two silent, bright, violet lights descend from the sky. When Valdes approached one of the objects, he vanished before the eyes of the other men for fifteen minutes, and upon reappearing, uttered the words, “You don’t know who we are or where we come from, but we will be back soon,” before collapsing. Despite having been clean-shaven before, he now had about a week’s growth of beard, and his watch read April 30, collectively suggesting that what the men had experienced as only a quarter of an hour he had experienced as five days.

There is another example that has mysteriously fallen into my lap, dropped by the hands of synchronicity.

Interestingly, within a day of beginning to write this, one of my favorite YouTube channels, Beyond Creepy, posted an episode entitled “20 Years: Strange Encounter on Yaya Beach,” which provides a more extreme example of the kind of temporal anomaly that Valdes experienced. The story involves a group of six teenage boys who had an incredibly strange experience during a weekend camping trip to Playa Yaya Beach in Peru in 1981. When their campfire had gone out, half the group had gone to bed, and the other three had remained awake, but eventually, the cold became too much. Having noticed a light about a fifth of a mile down the beach and assuming it was a campfire, they drew straws to see which one of them would walk down to ask for some matches. In the end, t’was chance that selected the 18-year-old Caesar, who grabbed his flashlight and began what was estimated to be a twenty to thirty-minute journey there and back.

As Caesar began approaching the light, its color changed into a vibrant lilac color, and he now recognized that it was no campfire he was closing in on, but rather a glowing sphere. When a door resembling a camera lens appeared at the center, he entered it, shortly after which he noticed his flashlight was no longer with him. There were several apparent human beings inside, all of whom turned to stare at him and engage with him telepathically. He recalls them warning him that if humans failed to protect the planet from pollution, we would self-destruct, after which he exited the globe and returned to his friends, bearing matches – which he never mentioned being given – but no flashlight – which, you’ll recall, seemed to have mysteriously vanished from his hands.

To make matters more perplexing, his friends had been able to see him in the distance the entire time, and they had apparently observed him speaking to individuals around what they presumed to be a campfire before heading back.

Most perplexing at all, however, was that upon his return, they didn’t believe he was Caesar. Despite insisting he was Caesar, wearing the same clothes, and bearing features that resembled Caesar, he looked to be roughly 40 years of age. Once Caesar managed to convince his friends – the others had by this time awakened – that he was who he said he was, they decided to march back down to the campfire to demand to know what the bloody hell they had done to him. As they approached the light, however, it changed from orange to a brilliant violet, rose off the ground, and shot away at an insane speed, prompting them all to jointly yell out, “It’s a flying saucer!” Once arriving at the site, they found a circular indentation in the sand and spotted the lost flashlight nearby.

Caesar, who was now somehow about 40, predictably had issues initially getting his family to accept who he was and in the process of adapting to life of being a middle aged guy in every conceivable way.

Now, can I confirm either story? No, but they at least illustrate that temporal anomalies have been reported in conjunction with UFO encounters. This has been confirmed by Lou Elizondo, former director of AATIP, in a 2021 interview by GQ magazine, which Masters also quoted in his aforementioned book, to be an aspect of military encounters with UFOs as well:

“And then you might get somebody who gets really close and says, ‘You know, Lue, it’s really bizarre. It felt like I was there for only five minutes, but when I looked at my watch 30 minutes went by, but I only used five minutes’ worth of fuel. How is that possible?’ Well, there’s a reason for that, we believe, and it probably has to do with warping of spacetime. And the closer you get to one of these vehicles, the more you may begin to experience spacetime relative to the vehicle and the environment.”

Valdes only got close to the object, after all, and Caesar got inside it, so as far as these two cases go, Elizondo’s comment here seems to make some sense.

If the field generated by the craft can generate or manipulate gravity, it can manipulate space as well as time. Its ability to manipulate space, as I said before, is clear regarding its maneuvers. As for its capacity to manipulate time, this was exemplified in the case provided by Masters, Mr. X’s most recent episode of Beyond Creepy, and confirmed by Elizondo to be a common element in military accounts as well. It seems to me that all these cases, perhaps even the account of Cesear as provided by Mr. X, might have been unintentional side effects of individuals getting too close to the field generated by the craft.

In that light, it would also seem reasonable to assume that the entities could use their technology to deliberately focus this field in an intentional, directed way as well – perhaps at least helping to explain the phenomenon of the time-freeze, as I explore in Aliens Abductions & the Selective Time-Freeze.

Alien Abductions & the Selective Time-Freeze.

“It has been said, ‘time heals all wounds.’ I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”
― Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy.

My Journey into the Heart of the Alien Time-Freeze.

I am the eldest of my parent’s three children and the only male, and however much I adore my two sisters, a part of me also wanted a brother while I was growing up. When I met Jimmy, the son of my mother’s friend and coworker at the Daycare facility, he quickly became the brother I never had.

Early on, I wanted nothing more than to spend all the time with him that I could, though this desire certainly diminished over time. It had little to do with him as a person, understand. And however strange it came to be, after I last saw him shortly after my family moved in 1988, when I was about nine or ten, and just before his family also moved, though in his case out of state, I’d somehow managed to forget about his existence entirely.

It was seven years before memories of him came flooding back, and this was after most of my UFO and alien memories did — and before my past life memories and the subsequent “astral projections,” for the record — and the bulk of it involved the absolute hell that was his home life. After a good amount of time, during which I recalled other down-to-earth memories regarding my time with him at his house, I found that, through our friendship, he had not only shared his hell with me.

No, I’d apparently shared my hell with him as well.

At least so far as I’ve recalled, we only shared three sleepovers. One was at my house, two were at his. When he had stayed over at my house, we were both excited, and I even let him borrow my beloved pajamas with the little “choo-choo trains” on them. Given I’m rather imaginative by nature, at one point in the evening I began play-acting one of my favorite scenes from my favorite movie as a kid, the 1953 film, The War of the Worlds, which starred Gene Barry and Ann Robinson. And I did it without an announcement.

I crouched behind the open door of my sister’s dark bedroom, pointing at this ugly, yellow lamp we had for the longest time. It had a yellow, saucer-like base, from the center of which extended a yellow pole, out from which a ribbed, golden, adjustable neck sprouted, at the end of which was a light bulb without a lampshade. To me it looked like the iconic alien craft from the movie, and in character, this is what I expressed to Jimmy. The eldest of my two younger sisters, who was nearby, knew how my imagination operated, so she fell right into character along with me, reinforcing the play. Jimmy, however, freaked the fuck out. He was terrified, bursting into tears, and no matter what my parents or I did, we simply couldn’t calm him down, and his parents eventually had to pick him up that night and take him home, after which my mother scolded me.

Never got those pajamas back, either.

In retrospect, when I remembered this at sixteen, the memory struck me as odd. It actually kind of pissed me off. After all, I’d hidden behind doors and beneath beds in cowardice, terrified as his insanely religious and relentlessly abusive father beat the everliving fuck out of Jimmy and his three siblings with a belt right in front of me.

“Spare the rod,” the violent cunt liked to say, “and spare the child.”

Sure, halfway through the night I spent at his house, at least on one occasion, I’d grown terrified, presumably about his father, and climbed out of his bottom bunk, where I was sleeping beside him in the room all of the kids slept and was only able to fall asleep peacefully under the bed, but I had never demanded they call my parents to come pick me up and take me home, to my domestic-abuse-free household. I endured all that and he couldn’t handle a small dose of my imagination? Really? Brother-from-another-mother or not, I couldn’t help but think to myself: what a little bitch.

Then, at the end of all my other memories of him, came the memory regarding another night I had spent at his house, however. I’m sure this was the last. After that, I connected the dots. Maybe that would help explain his reaction, despite his horrific home life.

During that sleepover, we didn’t sleep in the singular bedroom the four kids typically slept in, but in what they called the toy room. This was, incidentally, the room in which I’d first met Jimmy. It was just Jimmy’s older brother, Junior, Jimmy and I, sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor of that dark room, with the door open, and the green nightlight illuminating the hallway. We had finally gotten to sleep when I suddenly found myself wide awake, in a heightened state of consciousness, enduring what I can only describe as the most eerie, penetrating silence imaginable. While I didn’t make the connection at the time, or even when I initially remembered it, this experience was somehow familiar to me and sent off alarm bells in my mind.

I remember looking to the left, toward the bodies of my best friend and his eldest brother, who so worshiped his father and so hated me at such a deep level. I reached out my hand and shook Jimmy, who was the one right beside me, begging him to wake up. He didn’t move. Wouldn’t budge, as a matter of fact. He wasn’t snoring, and I wasn’t even confident he was breathing, and my anxiety rose to insane levels. Was he dead? Were they both dead?

Then my attention was drawn beyond them, towards the far right corner of the room. A figure slowly stepped through the wall, and despite no obvious external cues, I knew he was male. My immediate thought was that he looked like an Eskimo, though this sense came strictly through his garb. He wore this black cape or robe underlined in white that covered his entire body and seemed, at first, to wrap around his huge, bulbous head – hence the Eskimo association. Eventually, I realized that this wasn’t a hood over his head after all, but a very high collar also underlined in white that exceeded the height of his head, at least from the angle I was viewing from the ground. In any case, his black, guitar-pick head was dominated by large, slanted, glowing red eyes, also lined in white. As he slowly stepped through the wall, dozens of other beings, shorter in stature, ran out of the same area of the wall he had walked through, though they seemed to run along the walls, or at least the wall to my left and his right. At least at this point, none of the others looked at me or paid me any mind, but this guy, who I somehow knew as The Leader, was staring directly at me. As a matter of fact, our eyes were almost immediately locked.

While I could never manage to recall exactly what we spoke about, I know that I was aggressive in my communications, as I feared they intended to take my friend and his brother this time, and that we engaged in this heated conversation strictly mind-to-mind. After that heated, vaguely recalled chat, there is time missing. Things happened, I feel certain, but they’ve never surfaced in memory.

The very next thing I recall is looking in the other direction, unable to move anything but my eyes, my perspective fixed on the open doorway to the toy room and the hallway beyond, eerily lit by that nightlight with the green-colored bulb. For a seeming eternity I desperately tried to call out their mother’s name, but however much insane effort I put into it, I was utterly unable to force my stupid, ineffectual mouth to produce so much as a low-volume grunt.

There was another childhood incident that came back to me in that flood of memory when I was sixteen that’s relevant here, too, and it occurred in the field behind the first house we ever lived in, which I explained in detail elsewhere, so I’ll spare you and won’t rehash it all here. In summary, I had gone into the field behind my house one day to play in the sandbox and watched as people slowly left. Once alone, I felt as if a shadow had fallen over me, and being observed like one might observe a bug they caught and trapped in a jar. While I don’t recall having looked up, I do recall the paradoxical experience of ascending while at once remaining in the sandbox while data was being “downloaded” into my brain. I was thrust into what I’ve since determined either constituted a sort of high-speed virtual reality program, insanely vivid, telepathically-induced dream scenario, or a higher-dimensional space. I rushed through everything from the wormseyeview to the birdseyeview, soaring across infinite fractals, higher dimensions, parallel universes, alternate realities, geometric patterns, and spirals, journeying from microcosm to macrocosm, above and below, painfully yet blissfully overwhelmed, graciously yet regretfully on overload. In the end, I found myself back in that sandbox, alone in the field behind my house, noting it was clearly later than it should be and knowing I’d be in deep fucking shit once I got home.

Most relevant here, however, was something I experienced and formerly articulated in an earlier post, namely UFOs: Sightings, Encounters, & Recurring Dreams, Part II, regarding the dawn of this experience.

“Immediately, the world around me suddenly took on a rather ominous edge, an almost sinister quality,” I wrote. “It was as if someone had pressed the cosmic pause button, leaving an intense still and a penetrating silence.”

While there were no others around me, no apparently immobilized bodies to poke and prod and beg to awaken, that same ominously still, suspended sort of atmosphere permeated the experience – and there is one more childhood memory that I relived in my flashbacks at sixteen that seemed to place emphasis on this element of the experience which I feel compelled to express and explore here.

My family took many vacations when we were young, and often we’d go camping in our pop-up trailer, with one relatively frequent location being a particular campground located in Geneva, Ohio. My parents always brought our bicycles along and we’d ride around the campgrounds, along the roads and the trails, and then return to the camper to have food, sit around the campfire, and go to bed. There are a host of memories of these (and other) vacations that stick out as strange, but I’ll focus here on a particularly bizarre incident.

One summer, as I was riding by bike along the roads, I encountered this short, younger kid with curly hair, who was also riding around on his bike. Without so much as a word, he rode up to me and slammed his fist into the top of my head with considerable aggression. I’m not sure which was more intense, either – the physical pain or the confusion inspired by the unprovoked violence. I asked him what his problem was, and he only returned with a threat to kick my ass as his cold eyes drilled into my own. I vaguley recall him telling me about his father and what a badass he was. Taken aback and rather pissed off, I told him to leave me alone as I peddaled away, and he followed behind me, threatening to find me later. Eventually he seemed to get bored, turn away, and once he was out of view I returned to my campsite. I don’t recall if I told my parents about it, though I assume I didn’t, but in any case, my naturally-paranoid mind obsessed over the potentiality that this psychopathic little asshole might find our campsite and make good on his threats.

At some point early the next morning, I awoke to the distinct sound of deliberate knocking on the camper door. Judging from the light bleeding through the windows, it was early morning. The sun seemed to just be rising. No one else in the camper made so much as a peep. My sisters were in the bunk above, the parents just across from us, yet no one budged an inch. Ambient sounds were suspiciously absent. Judging from my position within the camper, and the general vibe, the entire universe had been made still — again, as if someone had pressed the pause button on the cosmic VCR.

However alone I felt, I knew I wasn’t. Not exactly. Then I heard that distinct knocking again.

Looking now to the doorway to the camper, which was made out of a bubbled sort of glass, I saw the blurred, dark silhouette of someone standing right outside on the steps. This person was short, incredibly skinny and had a big head that appeared to be entirely bald. Desperately grasping for some semblance of an explanation, I quickly concluded, in total fucking terror, that it must be the kid I had seen the previous day, here to fulfill his promise.

Despite this suspicion, it didn’t really make sense to me. Still, the figure remained, and I next recall what I can only describe as inaudible whispers, as contradictory as that sounds, after which I blacked out.

To be clear, I can’t even speculate as to the sequence of these memories, or all those other memories that came along with them when I was sixteen, only that they all came back to me between 1994 and 1995, and that these three occurred before when my family moved in 1988, when I was nearly ten. All I can assure you of is that in all these experiences – and more, though in these three memories, it was most prominent – the general “atmosphere,” so to speak, was identical, and that fact has always bothered me, always made me curious.

Even early on, in the research that was inspired by my flashbacks, I was aware that there was some sort of acknowledgment of this phenomenon, to at least some degree among UFOlogists, specifically abduction researchers, who recognized – thanks to Budd Hopkins, who I’m fairly certain was the first to identify it – what was known as the “switched off” state. This was intended to designate the immobilized state of the abductee, or others in the vicinity of the abductee who might otherwise be able to confirm their abduction. It was taken, at least early on, as suggestng that they had been placed in a state of technologically-imposed suspended animation or perhaps telepathically-induced paralysis. To some degree, particularly given I was striving to grapple with far more seemingly insane notions at the time, this seemed at least a rational take on, for instance, the apparent lack of alertness to the deliberate knocking on the camper during the Geneva experience or the disturbing lack of reponse of Jimmy during the incredibly fucked up toyroom incident. Once things calmed down, years passed, and I had time to reflect and subject those childhood experiences – and many subsequent experiences, I should add – to scrutiny and detailed analysis, however, it didn’t escape me that the “switched off” state didn’t quite cover my experiences, nor the others that I’d read by that time.

To the contrary, while I considered British paranormal researcher and UFOlogist Jenny Randles the kind of fringe researcher that I best not take seriously if I truly wished to come to a better understanding of what was happening to me and others, and furthermore what the UFO phenomena meant as a whole, I eventually found myself unable to ignore the fact that my aforementioned experiences were best described by what she referred to as the “Oz Factor.” As I’ve been able to discern thus far, she first coined this term in her 1983 book UFO Reality, then elaborated upon it in later books and articles. While I suspect I may have read a book of hers back during high school, I have not done so since, so all that I’ve managed to access so far regarding her has been through second-hand sources, though such sources have provided alleged quotations of her works, and a single article I found on the net which proved to be quite illuminating.

In this article, “Essay on the Oz Factor and the Strange Sensations of Altered Reality Reported by UFO Witnesses,” she describes having noticed certain themes when she began her UFO investigations, particularly with respect to close encounters. The first mentioned was what she referred to as a

“… zone of influence surrounding these close encounters. If you were inside of it, then you experienced the episode in all its glory and as a total reality. If you were outside of it, then the UFO sighting might as well have not happened. Even if the witness said that little aliens got out, formed a brass band, and gave a full concert before taking off again, nobody outside the zone of influence seemed to be capable of knowing a thing.”

This reminded me of a case in Budd Hopkins and Carol Rainey’s book, Sight Unseen, where both explore the experiences of those whom Hopkins calls Sam and Jenny Washburn and their two sons, John and Andy – specifically the family’s apparent 1978 abduction from a playground in Wynnum, a residential area in Greater Brisbane. Of particular interest here is the fact that the four of them were allegedly “switched off” and abducted while others were present in the playground, yet no one seemed to have noticed this occurring. Rainey, focusing on the aspect of apparent invisibility here, cites cases in which energy or light was projected from beneath a hovering UFO onto the area below, either in a beam, a cone, or a curtain, and goes on to posit (p 88) that in the Washburn case:

“… the descending UFO was radiating – outward around itself and downward – an ionized plasma of excited molecules in the infrared or near-infrared range. As we know, that is in the spectrum just outside the human visual range. Everything on the ground enveloped in this ‘umbrella’ of infrared light would have been affected. It would have been as if the craft hovering overhead had dropped an enormous drape over the scene below. Any person or object within that radiated infrared cloak would have to be unseen by other people – even those less than twenty feet away. The Washburns ‘ otherworldly drama – mother and children levitating up, father paralyzed below in a photographer’s pose – would have gone unnoticed by anyone else on the playground.”

This could perhaps help explain Randles’ “zone of influence,” and the aforementioned notion of technological or telepathically-induced suspended animation could perhaps explain their “switched off” state, true, but it would not explain other strange elements of close encounters that I’ve not only experienced myself, but have heard about elsewhere, and which Randles, in her article, went on to explain.

Later she discovered other “symptoms,” as she put it, which were again far more typical in close encounters than mere sightings. While all were interesting and relevant to understanding the phenomenon as a whole, they don’t all seem to have relevance to the matter at hand, though I feel confident that two such “symptoms” she mentioned most certainly do. For one thing, she mentioned that she “would be told that during the experience, time seemed to disappear and lose all meaning. It was as if the encounter were happening in a timeless, magical void.” For another, she took note of “claims that at the onset of the episode all ambient sounds faded away – bird song, the wind in the trees, distant train noises, et cetera. All of these clues pointed towards an isolation factor at work, as if the witness were being singled out and put into a cocoon whereby he or she could experience the UFO, whereas anyone outside of it could not.”

While I’ve often considered it, I dismissed it as too much of a leap. This notion I refer to is something like what Rainy described, but that rather than the aliens hovering their craft above an area and beaming down an umbrella or curtain that merely rendered both their craft and a selected geographical locale or “zone of influence” invisible, they were in effect somehow “freezing time” within that geographical location. After all, this would explain not only the so-called “switched off” state but the sudden absence of ambient sounds, the sense of isolation, as well as the apparent invisibility explained by Randles, Hopkins, Jacobs, and other researchers and witnesses.

I always considered it too much of a leap because it required accepting not only that the craft could generate energy that could be focused to freeze time within a selected geographical area, much as could have been the case in the aforementioned Washburn case – weird, but apparently within the limits my mind could entertain – but also that selected objects and individuals in that area could be rendered somehow immune from these effects, which somehow pushed things more than a bit too far and exceeded my boggle threshold.

Then, in my leisure time, as I’m watching a sci-fi show that somewhat relates to my intellectual interests but I simultaneously regard as a lighthearted avenue of liberation from those intellectual interests, I come across a scene in Resident Alien, Season 2, Episode 13, in which Harry suddenly experiences a “time-freeze” and encounters a Gray alien bearing the voice of fucking Sulu from the original Star Trek. I just barely saved myself from shitting my pants, and it had nothing to do with Sulu. Despite this time-freeze, Harry and the Gray Sulu alien could move about freely.

I thought to myself, “What the fuck – others have contemplated this?”

As I continued watching the show, this time-freezing ability of the Grays cropped up again and again, as well as other elements that fueled my suspicion that they had someone doing research on the general subject of UFOs and aliens, and if so, whoever he was, he was doing a damn good job. In a behind the scenes video I came across on YouTube, the guy was even called out as the one who researched this shit, and he should be commended.

In any case, the time-freeze scenes brought me back to that old suspicion, to those former flashbacks, and one day, on my drive home from work, my mind leaned heavily on the subject, which I couldn’t help but feel demanded a deeper look.

And so I looked deeper.

Reddit Anecdotes of Localized Time-Freezes.

“Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.”
― Kurt Vonnegut.

Once I finally decided to put my mind to it on March 22, 2023 and began some internet searching, it was amazing how many examples I came across in which time, in localized areas of varying sizes, seemed to have stopped. Most of these experiences I came across on Reddit, I should also mention, most specifically in the subreddit Glitch_in_the_Matrix. In the course of reading these accounts as well as the comments, which often provided similar accounts from others, I also came across some proposed prosaic explanations that I subsequently explored, and some of them made sense with respect to a small number of cases.

There was a case or two where a witness would see a singular bird seemingly frozen, hovering in mid-air, for instance, but this, it turned out, could be sufficiently explained in a perfectly mundane way. Hummingbirds can hover, after all, and are in fact the only kind of birds that can sustain such hovering – though honestly, this wouldn’t fit the descriptions in the accounts I’ve read. Other birds can seemingly hover, at least for short periods, however, utilizing what is known as intermittent flight. Here such birds fly in the conventional flapping style for a time and then glide on the headwind, seemingly hovering, as it saves energy. This could clearly explain the cases I’ve read.

In other cases, lone individual humans were seen to be frozen, however, either by a single witness or multiple ones, but it turns out that this can also be explained by well-understood phenomena – in this case not atmospheric, however, but neurological. As one response to a post I came across early on pointed out, there is a type of generalized seizure often referred to as petit mal seizures, though more often and accurately described as “absence seizures,” which typically last no longer than 30 seconds. Typically they occur in children between 4 and 12 years of age, and rarely over 20, and can be triggered by hyperventilating or strobing lights. You might observe the kid moving or talking when they abruptly stop, as if they were put on pause, only to continue what they were doing or saying shortly thereafter without any awareness of their “missing time.”

Absence seizures may also occur in conjunction with other types of seizures, and if these absence seizures occur more than once, this may suggest that one has epilepsy – a condition that usually begins between the ages of 5 and 20, but one can apparently develop this at any age. Among the potential causes, mini-strokes are mentioned, and this struck home with me, as it immediately reminded me of what my parents once told me they observed in my maternal grandfather just before he died in the mid-1980s. He would be in the middle of saying something and it would be as if he were suddenly put on “pause,” and a short while later he would resume speaking and moving as if there had been no time loss at all. They said he was later diagnosed as having had a series of mini-strokes.

Illuminating as this all is, the fact of the matter is that absence seizures become rather ridiculous as an explanation when the observed individual is frozen in such a manner that one would expect them to fall over due to the force of gravity, as in the case of being amid running – and yet such anecdotes exist, and by seemingly sincere witnesses. Other factors, such as the length of the freeze, might also make such an explanation absurd. One example, provided by a Reddit user by the name of Princessa22 in a comment, provides one suitable example, and in addition my paranoid mind suggests it may have a potential association with the broader topic at hand here:

“I was driving home one night after work (it was winter so it was already dark around 7PM). I live in a smallish suburban neighborhood, nothing out of the ordinary, mostly families. I don’t know all of my neighbors, but I know several of them and most I at least recognize from seeing them walk dogs, work in the yard, etc. Anyway, as I pulled onto my street, I look to the right a few houses down, and I noticed a streetlight blink. And underneath the streetlight is this woman (who I recognized as one of my neighbors, but have never spoken to her) completely frozen looking up towards the sky with this horrific look on her face. She looked mid-stride, like she was running.”

Unfortunately, there are few other details, as the user has subsequently deleted her comment. In any case, even accepting that one can sufficiently explain instances such as hers as a neurological or psychological issue with the observed, it would certainly be far more challenging to explain those instances when a witness reports more than one individual seemingly caught in a state of suspended animation. Take, for instance, an experience submitted by Couch-for-Sale:

“This was about a month ago and I keep thinking back on it, I hope I can find some kind of explanation for this as I’ve never experienced anything like it before or since. I (21 f) go for runs with my dog most nights when I get home from work. I’ve been at my parents house since March because campus housing kicked us out due to the virus. Its a safe and chill area, so I’ve never had anything weird or concerning happen when we run at night.

Until like a month ago in early June, we went for a run at 11:00pm. After a while we both started back at a walking pace to get a cool down, and I noticed a man walking a German Shepard dog parallel to us on the opposite side of the street.

After a moment of us walking parallel to [each other] I looked again and they had both stopped. I first thought okay, the dog probably stopped to pee. I kept walking, and my dog stopped to smell something so I looked back at them again. I don’t know how else to describe it other than they were frozen. Both the dog and the man were in the middle of taking a step, but they were completely still. As if the universe just hit pause as they were walking.

It was late at night but it was all pretty well lit with the street lights, I’m very certain that this wasn’t the darkness playing tricks on my eyes. It was well lit enough for me to easily see that the guy was wearing a blue Nike brand hoodie, jeans, and sunglasses (all weird attire for a gross 90 degree night in South Texas) and that the dog had a colorful bedazzled leash. The decently strong breeze didn’t move the [guy’s] baggy hoodie or the [dog’s] thick fur. I couldn’t see his eyes because he was wearing sunglasses (at night?) But the dogs eyes were forward and weren’t blinking. It was an extremely unsettling stillness that I’ve never seen before, the closest thing I can compare it to is character animation failing in a video game so it just ends up stuck in place. I had stood there for at least 2-3 minutes because I was able to start and finish a song in my Playlist I had going when I first paused to look back at them. Neither of them budged an inch. Eventually I was too afraid to stay and see what happens, so we started walking again. I had such an unsettled and anxious feeling and I kept looking back over my shoulder to see them still firmly in place. They didn’t move for as long as I was able to see them when I looked back. I have never experienced something like this before or since then.”

It’s safe to say that an aneurysm, mini-stroke, or stress response wouldn’t fit the bill in this case, and the notion that both the dude and his pooch could have been suffering from “absence seizures” simultaneously seems statistically unlikely, and not just due to the duration – though to be sure I’m no psychologist, neurologist, or even a statistician for that matter. Another important detail, which is an element we will explore more in-depth shortly, is that the wind didn’t move the guy’s hoodie or the hair of the dog. So all things considered, I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here when I declare that, well, this anecdote was a fucking weird one.

Other proposed prosaic explanations for some experiences focus not the observed, however, but the observer – more specifically, the observer’s time perception. When a single individual witnesses a “time-freeze,” in other words, it could potentially be explained as a stress reaction related to the experience one might have in a car accident, when time seems to slow down. In the summer following my senior year, when I was attending summer school, I had a car accident and had this experience myself, and to be sure, it was interesting. In an evolutionary context, it also makes perfect fucking sense. After all, when you’re in a potentially life-threatening situation the triggered retardation of your time perception relative to your cognition would provide you more experiential time to take in more of the vital data provided to you by your senses so as to formulate more informed decisions on your next course of action, potentially saving your life. Granted, this is only the subjective experience of time slowing down, but it’s not difficult to extrapolate from this that the more extreme case of time perception putting itself on pause might provide additional benefits, at least supposing that it paused on a vital moment. Such an experience may not necessarily have such rationale behind it, however, or be triggered due to perceived near-death stress. It turns out that time slowing down, perhaps even being suspended in one’s perception, can also be the byproduct of an aneurysm.

However rare, these things have been known to happen.

What doesn’t happen, however, is two or more people having the same “time freeze” experience at the same time, even in an apparently non-stressful situation, at least unless you’re willing to accept a simultaneous aneurysm or stroke in both individuals which also produced the same rare, neurological effects with respect to their time perceptions. In other words, one would struggle to explain what a user by the name of Caydelay reported in conventional terms. As Caydelay explained:

“… this occurred to myself and a friend during August of this year. I remember we were driving down a very familiar stretch of road while coming back from a fishing trip. I just did a google maps search and the stretch of road is 633.3 ft exactly but anyways suddenly time seemed to freeze for us both and the drive lasted for what seemed like hours. I remember everything felt weird, calm and sort of warm. After the little glitch my friend and I both looked at each other and said “Did you feel that?” I have no idea how to explain it but it was weird as all hell.”

The aforementioned conventional explanations would also seem to suggest that while an individual in the midst of such an experience, regardless of their root cause, would experience their thoughts flowing at normal speed relative to their frozen sense perceptions, their bodies would nonetheless be bound to to the speed of their extremely retarded time perception. In other words, their bodies, too, would be frozen. Nearly all the cases I’ve come across report their experiences as having been otherwise, however, as we will explore below.

For the moment it should be pointed out that for most of the cases I’ve come across, which come from witnesses to the time-freeze and not participants in them, report a geographical area of suspended temporal progression whose population far exceeds that of an individual were seen to be seemingly frozen in the midst of running while staring in terror at the sky, or even a man and his dog suspended while on a casual walk. Instead, witnesses typically observe massive groups of people within a localized area that are simultaneously “frozen,” while the rest of the world seems to go on as usual.

There was, to provide an example, the tale shared by Freakshow-Wendy:

“This happened on a fourth grade field trip. Our class was passing by a museum with a campus-like entrance (and by that I mean everyone was sitting down, writing something, talking, it just looked like a college environment). We all walked on the sidewalk in pairs of two. I didn’t really look at the museum because I was busy talking with a friend, but when I did turn around to look, a strange scene greeted me.

Everyone was just completely still. They were like statues. No one was moving, some were looking at us, some were looking at each other and doing their own thing, but everyone looked frozen in time. Everything else moved but the people in front of the museum. I distinctly remember three guys sitting on the stairs: one of them looked like he was mid-conversation, the other one looked straight at us and the third had his head back like he was laughing, but he didn’t make any movements or noise.”

She nudged her friend and tried to bring it to her attention, but by the time they both looked, they were all the people were moving again. A similar experience was shared by Rosestrella:

“I was in the car with my dad this morning (he was driving) and we were traveling on a highway (which I won’t say for safety reasons). My eyes were wandering as we were talking and I looked up and ahead at a pedestrian bridge that stretches across the highway.

The bridge is some kind of metal, with a circular metal barrier/roof. There were a few people walking across, maybe 4 or 5, one person walking their bike, and a small girl (?) stretching her hand up onto the side of the barrier. I saw the people moving across the bridge (excepting the little girl) and then suddenly they all stopped at the exact same moment?? After we passed the bridge I craned my neck around to look at it – maybe I had imagined it – but every single figure was still.”

Just as the friend hadn’t seen the time-freeze in the first example, the father didn’t notice it in this one, but he did notice his daughter’s strange reaction. In these cases, I realize, only a single individual witnessed the “time freeze” zone, which still might lead people to wonder if this was somehow a faulty perception with respect to the singular witness rather than a truly objective phenomenon, so I now submit to you cases that involve more than one witness observing the time-freeze.

In another post, a deleted user provided an experience he had with the mother of his child as they were at the register in a Target located in Tampa, Florida. As they were checking out, as he explained, “the cashier started to seem off and things felt weird”. All of a sudden, “everything froze”, he said, “everyone in sight” and “even the air you could feel it” though he and his baby-mama were still able to move. Another moment passed and everything suddenly resumed as usual, but a customer from another register exclaimed, “What was that? Why did everyone freeze?” No one answered him, not even the deleted user, who confessed that while he “didn’t see the other customer move” it nonetheless “appeared that the three of us were the only ones that noticed it.”

They finished checking out and it wasn’t until they were exiting the building that both he and the mother of his child turned towards one another, confirmed that they had both experienced the same thing, and both expressed utter confusion regarding what had just happened. He added that they “still talk about it from time to time two years later.”

There was another interesting anecdote provided by an Aussie user known as Mcginlm72 that has relevance here. During the time this occurred, as she explained, summer was bleeding in and with it the hot weather. Consequently, the deafening calls of the cicadas during the daylight hours deafened the ears. It was midday as she was in her car with her two kids, aged 10 and 12, as she explained, and:

“… we were driving along a busyish road there was two lanes going in each direction. We pulled up to the traffic lights at a crossroads junction I was a bit back from the lights as it was busy and I could see other cars on each side of the junction.

Suddenly it went completely quiet and I mean deadly quiet there was no car engine noises, no birds, no cicadas, no wind blowing through the trees nothing!! I looked at the cars in front at either side of the junction and none of them were moving! Usually if one set of lights is red another is green but despite traffic being at all sets of lights no one was moving!!! I looked at my kids they seemed to have noticed it too as they looked confused but funnily none of us spoke!!

Then maybe a minute or more later everything started again cars, moved you could hear their engines and the cicadas started as well. My 12 year old daughter who was sitting in the passenger seat beside finally broke the silence in the car by saying “Well, that was weird!” When I looked at her and nodded she said it was like the world was paused and muted!!! I agreed we talked about it the whole way home and again this morning while driving them to school my daughter commented on how she didn’t understand what had happened. I am at a loss for any explanation. I cannot stress how quiet it was it was complete and utter silence and on a side note I have tinnitus 24/7 (damage from chemo) and I noticed that it was also gone during this event.

Has anyone else had anything like this ever happen to them or possible explanation to what it was?! if my kids hadn’t of been there with me and commented on it first I would have thought it was just me and my ears playing up but they both “heard” it too and yes they have no hearing problems.”

These cases don’t seem to merely constitute an individual in a “switched off” state or collective paralysis involving countless people, either, as strange as that would be, but are in fact far stranger. There are many cases which emphasize that it’s not merely people and animals that are frozen, but time itself.

There was an account provided by Mace6789, who said he was living on the second story of a two-flat at 107 Clinton in Joliet, Illinois at the time of the incident, which had occured some twenty years previously. “Right across the street from the building was a minor league baseball park,” he explained in the comments, which was known as “the Joliet Slammers baseball stadium” that had a white flagpole visible from his building. As he wrote in his original post:

“I smoked cigarettes, but the landlord asked that I not smoke inside, which was fine. So, I would go out onto the fire escape when I smoked.

It was a bright summer day – sunshine, breezy, nice weather. I went outside for a smoke. I finished up, but kind of just stood there, enjoying being outside, taking in the sights & sounds of living in a busy city. I happened to be looking at an American flag [on the aforementioned flagpole] flapping in the breeze, when everything just stopped. The flag was frozen stiff, all sound dropped out – it was like somebody hit the pause button. It seemed to last maybe 2-3 seconds, but I couldn’t really tell. Then, every[thing] snapped back in motion, sound immediately returned. I don’t know if I was frozen as well, by the time I realized something was off, everything started going again. Never had anything like that happen before or since.”

While he accepts that he, too, maybe have been frozen, not unlike the experience reported by Caydelay, another experience placing emphasis on the fact that time had seemingly frozen was posted by a deleted user:

“I was the passenger in a car, travelling home from a day out shopping in our nearest city. It was evening, probably 6-630pm in winter, so it was dark. We were stopped at road-works on a bridge with the lights of cars and of the road-works reflected off the sea below the bridge. But the sea wasn’t moving. I could see the texture of waves but they were completely still like the water was frozen in place. I’ve never seen anything like it! Weird doesn’t begin to describe it.”

In the comments he added that so far as he could tell, “the water was the only thing that was affected. The music on the radio and my wife chatting was exactly the same.”

While most cases that I’ve come across so far seem to involve one or more witnesses perceiving what seems to be a fixed, geographical zone in which time is temporarily suspended – which is admittedly weird, but something one can eventually wrap one’s mind around as a possibility – other cases involve witness who are actually in the midst of these “time-freeze” zones who are, for whatever reason, not similarly frozen. Instead, they retain full autonomy – even, apparently, the car they are driving. These are the cases, then, that become indistinguishable from the Oz Factor. Funkpag posted the following

“This happened a little over 2 years ago and I still think about it multiple times a week.

I was on my way to my shitty minimum wage job, driving down a shortcut that goes through a neighborhood. Regardless of the time of day the streets are always active (meth will make you antsy like that), especially in the summer where this took place.

I was about halfway down the road to the stoplight and to the left of me, a car has its blinker on to make a turn, there was a lady sitting on her porch steps smoking to my right and a person walking against traffic on the other side of the street.

I was trundling down the pothole filled road, when everything just…stopped. Porch lady was frozen with the cig to her lips way longer than is typical, street man stopped mid stride and the car’s blinker STAYED ON. That’s what really made me realize some fuckery was happening.

But…my car was still moving, and I could still move my body? Somehow I ended up the sole person on that street not frozen. People here talk often about a feeling of “wrongness” that’s very hard to describe and oh boy. I sure as hell know what y’all mean now. For me it had liminal space vibes but heavier, if that makes sense. It was also disturbingly quiet, sounds were kinda muffled like when you put a pillow over your head.

I drive maybe a couple yards to the bend in the street, and then everything is back to normal, like somebody flipped a switch. People moving, the turn signal blinking, no weird auditory distortion, just normal, everyday reality.”

Other such experiences are more enduring and the individual involved can also perceive time flowing normally outside of the time-freeze zone. Zjbarden actually posted about having such an experience right after he’d had it:

“I’ve got exams coming up and have had my own share of cabin fever, but I know for a fact that for around half an hour, my room was frozen in time. My alarm clock and computer clock was stuck at 1:16 PM, my water bottle would not produce any ripples when I tapped it; I also have one of those sand-timers and the sand in it stopped flowing (as in, there was still more left to flow into the bottom part); the light on my netbook quit blinking and just stayed there, my watch (not digital) stopped moving, and my chair would not move. I tried to at least talk to myself (thinking I was completely immune to this time freeze), but could not, and could only move around in the space my chair permitted me (which blocked me into my desk) and could only talk to myself in my head. Needless to say, I sat there, freaked out, just a bit.”

In the comments, Zjbarden added that during the experience he “could hear other people and look out my window and see people outside moving”, which officially makes this anecdote, more than any I’ve read so far, strongly suggest a geogrpahical zone with clear boundaries in which time is apparently suspended despite the fact that selected individuals (or objects) can nonetheless move freely, suggesting that time still passes normally for them. Most astounding is that this lasted so long that Zjbarden was able to note multiple suggestions of the temporal suspension in the roughly half an hour in which is was sustained: there were no ripples on the surface of the water in a cup when he tapped it with his finger, an analog clock that stopped ticking, the sand in an hourglass he had stopped flowing, and he couldn’t even move his chair, which is most curious. I’m also curious about how he stated “the light on my netbook quit blinking and just stayed there” – did the poster mean to imply that the power was knocked out, which would be at least implied if it stopped in the unlit position, or that it was locked in the lit state during the course of the experience?

While all the above anecdotes provide sound reason to suspect that the temporal flow within a specific geographical area can be temporarily suspended, they fail to provide the slightest suggestion of a potential source of the anomaly in question – though, as unexpected and as disturbing as they were, upon examination, some tales I came across did indeed seem to suggest such a source.

In some cases, the witness not only observes a time-freeze zone but also sees another individual clearly unaffected by it, both in a temporal an emotional sense. In the same old obvious Subreddit, for instance, a user by the name of Sl3ann3 posted a creeply fucking experience that has relevance here. A few years prior, she had been walking with her family through Universal CityWalk in Orlando, Florida, when she had been looking for a place to eat, so decided to look through Emeril’s restaurant. “I noticed it seemed a bit odd, so I went up the stairs to get a better look,” she explained. “Everyone in the store was frozen.” She subsequently told her boyfriend:

“… to come look at how realistic the fake restaurant was inside. He didn’t care but our son walked up and was also amazed. And at this point I noticed someone staring at us from the side (outside of the restaurant ). He looked creepy and gave off an odd vibe. One of those ‘you can feel them staring at you’ moments. He literally gave me the creepiest smile and then winked. It was awkward so I looked away.”

In the comments, she added details regarding the guy she saw. “The guy really seemed so out of place,” she wrote. “Everyone there is usually dressed for walking around and he was in a suit and hat. It was a hot summer day. I really felt like he did it. If it wasn’t him He had to have seen what I saw from where he was standing. And he didn’t seem freaked out. I just wonder why he would show me that.”

In the original post, she went on to say that it was then that she “realized that everyone in the restaurant was moving. The family I had been staring at for five minutes was now enjoying their meal. I watched them for another minute trying to figure out if they were very realistic robots until the dad flared over at me and made me feel like a weirdo. In that moment I knew that they were real . When I tried to explain to my bf he didn’t believe me.”

In the comments, she added that her son confirmed what she said about the guy to his dad and her boyfriend, yet confessed “he was also 7 or 8 at the time” and as a consequence she assumes “he would’ve agreed with anything I said. So I’m not sure if he really saw what I saw or if he just agreed with me to sound like we were cool and had both witnessed something crazy.” She also opened the original post by stating that the experience “really bothered me after it happened” and that she “obsessed over it for months and questioned everything to the point of having my first anxiety attacks.” She also added that she had “searched multiple times since then to see if there was some massive joke being played that day” but was unable to find any evidence.

“I certainly feel like the creepy man had somehow controlled the situation and was enjoying watching me watch them,” she said. “I keep telling myself that it was some magic hidden camera show or something” but she has, thus far, been unable to find any such evidence.

While I am well aware that her experience wouldn’t stand up to scientific scrutiny, I certainly don’t believe she is lying, and especially in light of the other accounts we’ve explored. It also doesn’t escape my attention that the man she described, who could also perceive this apparent time-freeze zone but was clearly not only not shocked by it but was amused by the act that she saw it, and perhaps even her reaction, resonates quite closely to the more human-appearing beings described in abduction accounts and dressed in the garb typically described by UFO witnesses when encountering, subsequent to their encounters, the so-called “Men in Black.” Even the fact that his manner of dress seemed illogical given the “hot summer day” fits disturbingly nicely.

To add to the disturbing nature of this account, specifically the implication that a human or human-appearing entity either generated or was somehow involved in an apparent time freeze is another account, yet again posted in the aforementioned Subreddit, by a user going by the name of Fam5times. While this account is second hand, I nonetheless feel it is important to share:

“So this is a true experience that happened to my brother. A little background on him, he is a married man with 4 young girls and you average close knit family. He is a quite and honest person who keeps to his job and family.

This happened to him several years back. It was a Sunday morning and He was in church with his family. The time of year was December, within a week or so of Christmas. He was sitting thru the service just like any other Sunday when the experience happened. He was listening to the pastor read scriptures from the Bible when everything around him began to slow down. He describes the pastor voice, the movement of people, the ambient noise, everything starts to slow down until everything stops. He said everything had froze and he felt like he was in church with all manikins. He turns briefly to his family and they just look frozen in time. All this thought is processed in a second. He then says he turns to the pastor who was speaking and he is at the podium frozen just standing there. At this moment he sees a person walk out from the right side of the front stage. The person is behind the pastor and just slowly walking across from right to left. The person gets about halfway across the stage, when he turns his head and locks eyes with him. He never stopped just turned his head while in stride to make eye contact with my brother for a split second and turns his head back straight and continues to walk to left side until behind the curtain and out of sight. At this moment when the person walks out of sight, everything slowly comes back into reality. He turns to his wife and says did you see that man? She obviously is confused and he doesn’t have a clue what just happened! He said time literally stopped and everyone and everything froze in position while he was left to fully experience whatever just occurred.

Now about the person he seen. This is going to sound absolutely crazy and for some probably discredit this as bullshit. But the person that walked across the back the back of front stage was dressed just like Santa Claus. He tells me he had the beard as well as the red suit on??!! Idk if this is coincidence because it was nearly Christmas Day? He tells his wife about what happened and of course she laughs and he then decides this is something to keep to himself.

Does anyone, anywhere have even the tiniest clue of wtf happened and why on earth he would experience this all alone and no one else in the building? This is a 100% true account that happened to him believe it or not doesn’t matter. I am just sharing to see if anyone has ever had something similar happen to them?”

The Current Working Hypothesis.

“We have to stop and be humble enough to understand that there is something called mystery.”
— Paulo Coelho.

If the bulk of Redditors I’ve quoted above are to believed, it seems to be case that time can be stopped, paused, suspended, or frozen within a selected geographical area, a designated “time-freeze zone,” but despite this, for whatever reason, particular people can nonetheless move about normally within the zone. They can even see time flowing ordinarily outside it’s perimeter. Sometimes witnesses can even see another individual within the perimeter of this zone moving about freely, which naturally suggests to the witnesses that they are somehow involved in the time-freeze, perhaps even triggered it.

UFOs or beings that clearly constituted alien beings, however? None have been suggested in any of the Reddit posts I’ve come across, at least not as of yet.

Personally, at least at this point, I find it incredibly difficult to believe that all or even most of the above anecdotes were triggered by the aforementioned technology of the apparent ETI, specifically because absolute zero anecdotal evidence has been provided for it. Consequently, this would mean that there are either instances in which such time-freezes happen “spontaneously,” which so to say due to natural variables of which we are currently unaware in the context of modern science, or that they are somehow made to happen by individuals among the human population who have such psi abilities and either involuntarily demonstrate that ability or exploit that ability at will.

And at least with respect to the two anecdotes of this type that I’ve provided – the traditional Man in Black and, of all things, fucking Santa Claus – it would appear I thus far only have suggestions of individuals who can exploit it, or are in service of those who can, which is fucking disturbing, to say the least.

To ask whether such potential individuals are fully human or are alien, or are working on behalf of the aliens, and/or or at least in some part alien, would be remarkably weird in any other context for certain, but in the context of this particular writing project, perhaps considerably less so. After all, I myself have in the course of my real-time experiences, flashbacks, memories, or “dreams” encountered individuals that appeared to be human yet demonstrated psi abilities that, either in my own experiences or in the reports I’ve read from others, are otherwise associated with what are typically regarded as alien entities. Granted, in most such experiences of mine, regardless of the aforementioned category they fall into, they only demonstrated telepathy in some form and/or were seen in conjunction with the other aliens.

This is not always the case, however.

I had a disturbing, frustrating, and strangely vivid experience – call it a “dream” if you like; for all I know, that may very well be the case – that may have relevance here. It perhaps occurred in the late aughts or early 2010s; in any case, when I was living alone in my one and only efficiency apartment. I was standing before two mostly human-appearing individuals, save for perhaps their eyes, mind, and abilities, both of whom I sense I was quite familiar with. I associated them with two experiences, one a memory or “dream” I had as a teen in the midst of my flashbacks in which they – one blond-haired, the other black or brown-haired – guided a team of us down a dark hall, lit only by a blue glow emitting from one of it’s walls, which was lined with what reminded me of fish tanks, only my sense was that these tanks held fetuses of some type. Later, I felt they were the individuals present in the “astral projection” experience I referenced in a former post, Aliens, Auras, & the Indigo Children

“I did have an odd experience, perhaps merely a dream, on October 1st of 2009 that shed some light on the subject. I suddenly found myself in some rendition of the basement of my neighbor’s house across the street when I was young, just as I had in my initial “astral projection” in May of 1995, sitting on a couch in a rather drowsy state of consciousness. Two other individuals who I sensed to be male were standing nearby, though out of my line of sight, and they spoke to both me and with one another mind-to-mind. The conversation involved the physical body being nothing more than a sort of “post body” that served as a thin slice off the top of a body composed of a more subtle form of energy or matter. Furthermore, this body itself was just a part of a greater system of subtler bodies in which conscious beings coexist.”

In any case, in this far later encounter I was clearly angry out of my mind, trying with all my effort to swing fists at this duo, but my movements were all in slow-motion, and the two fuck-heads seemed incredibly amused at my efforts, which only fueled my rage, and so my efforts, all the more.

If humans might have, among it’s potential psi arsenal, this time-freezing ability, or if natural circumstances can, given the right conditions, produce it – and either one or the other, and more likely both, would appear to be the case, given the anecdotes I’ve collected – wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that an advanced ETI might have also experienced such things themselves? And given they are more advanced than us, which seems certain if the intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon indeed constitute ETI, would it also not make sense that they may have incorporated this understanding into their science and subsequently exploited it in their technology, and might be utilizing this time-freezing tech in the context of the abduction phenomenon?

Could they be projecting a beam, umbrella, or curtain of energy from their craft that renders the temporal status of a selected geographical area effectively time-frozen while simultaneously allowing particular objects or individuals within that “zone of influence” with the typical freedom of autonomy they would otherwise experience until they deemed such liberty antagonistic to their own, personal objectives?

Could this help explain the disturbing sense of still, the ominous silence I have often heard, or rather failed to hear, prior to their apprehension? Could this explain the apparent lifelessness of those in the immediate area, who may have otherwise constituted witnesses? Could it explain my own sense of paralysis, either prior or subsequent to an encounter with them, that left me reeling with confusion, fear, and rage, utterly incapable of expressing a single thing until morning dawned and I could conveniently – nay, fucking desperately – slip it into the comfortable category of a dream?

I can’t say for sure. Sadly, I can never say for sure. Even so, I certainly think it could be the case.

And it certainly deserves investigation.

Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens, Part III: Abduction Experiences.

In alien abduction accounts, the memories obscured by this potentially telepathically-induced posthypnotic amnesia, experienced by the abductees as “missing time,” can be resolved in several manners.

These buried or blocked memories are sometimes recovered through hypnosis, it is true, though it is often overlooked that this controversial avenue is often inspired by spontaneous flashbacks, recurring dreams, and/or debilitating phobias associated with the aforementioned period of amnesia – a period of missing time that may or may not follow an encounter with a UFO or one the occupants. Relatively famous cases such as that of Betty and Barney Hill, the Allagash Four, Travis Walton, Whitley Strieber, as well as the many abductees that found refuge in the open minds and ears of abduction researchers such as Budd Hopkins, John Mack, and David Jacobs all serve as examples.

In the instances of others, however, hypnosis wasn’t used much, if at all, and these abductions were recalled only or largely through flashbacks. This was the case with myself, for the record. And in some cases, though relatively rarely reported, such experiences were even recalled from the very moment they occurred.

Some who consider themselves to be Debunkers, but who I feel are more properly referred to as Discreditors, often dismiss abduction experiences as nothing more than vivid dreams or sleep paralysis, particularly when they take place in the bedroom during the night (though in all popular abduction cases previously mentioned, it should be noted, none but Strieber fit this profile). True skeptics may also adopt such interpretations, however, even when they rightfully belong among the population of people who have experienced such encounters themselves.

As I was looking for psychedelic trip reports relating to Mantis entities, for instance, I came across a post on Reddit entitled “Mantis People: A Mysterious Presence in DMT Experiences.” While the post itself didn’t provide any data I found useful, at least two of the responses did, though it turned out that neither of the provided experiences had any relation to DMT experiences or for that matter psychedelic experiences at all. The first such response came from a poster who went by the name of “tp420dmt,” and while he categorized it as an episode of sleep paralysis, I’m not so sure, hence its conclusion here.

TP awoke at roughly 2:45 in the morning and upon trying to sit up found that he was paralyzed and in a room with dark, metal walls. In the corner, standing in front of a door, was a being wearing a dark robe with a “crazy-looking light” above its head – and its head resembled that of a praying mantis, though also seemed somewhat reptilian, and was of a brownish-green color. They stared at each other for a seeming eternity – he couldn’t even blink – and he described how the being looked at him as if thinking, “Oh shit, he woke up.” The next thing he knew he woke up completely, immediately jolting up in bed, where he remained for some time, saturating in the experience.

Another account was provided on the same Reddit thread, though it was more of a response to TP’s response to the thread than it was to the initial post. It came through a poster that only identified himself as “GreatGhastly” (a name that, as a side note, I personally find to be rather badass). Just like the experience the reply was responding to, GG’s experience was not induced through DMT, but it was not framed as a sleep paralysis episode, either. To the contrary, he mentioned having had a lifetime of alien encounters, just never with this particular type until this point. At any rate, GG described how, as he was showering, he discovered some strange bruises on his body and suddenly experienced what seemed like a flashback – or, as he described it, he became “flooded” with “these ridiculous images and memories”.

GG next remembered being in a white room, lying in a bed. At first, he found himself looking at his feet, focusing on the smooth and white nature of the sheet draped over him, leaving only his feet visible, as well as the white “flow of everything”. Looking then to the left corner of the room, GG saw a giant, pink-colored Mantis being “working this strange orange glowing tablet” after which he looked up to the right, where he saw another Mantis of the same color who was “directly in my face” after which he “immediately felt a few things.” GG emphasized that what he felt was not terror, however, but more of an “oh shit” feeling as he locked eyes with him – which was presumably a response that derived from the Mantis, as in addition, he mentioned sensing a “strange ‘oh shit’ feeling from him” after which at least the visual aspect of the memory ends. After this, however, he explained that he felt “a weird sense of relatability and almost a sense of humor that this obviously insanely different and advanced being is feeling the same thing I’m feeling” and “this lightheartedness after feeling him go ‘oh shit’ that stuck with me very much.”

He subsequently hopped out of the shower and began Googling “giant pink praying mantis”.

In both instances, we again find the individual reporting their sense that the Mantis being was astonished at having been seen – or more specifically in these two cases, the Mantis thought, “Oh shit.”

At this point it should be clear: they just don’t like being seen: At. Fucking. All.

Other abduction experiences don’t have a chance in hell of being dismissed as an episode of sleep paralysis. Initially, I came across an account on the YouTube channel, What Lurks Beneath, in a video entitled “Hikers REVEAL Chilling Abduction Stories,” but some internet searching subsequently brought me to the original account. It was provided to UFO investigator Martin Jasek by a guy who only identified himself as “Kevin,” who wrote his account in February of 2001. Jasek provided it on the website ufobc.ca just a little over three years later. The incident itself occurred on Wednesday, September 2, 1987.

This account is a wilderness encounter and an abduction experience: proof that my categories of physical Mantis being encounters are indeed ultimately arbitrary.

Anyway, Kevin lived in Ross River, an unincorporated community in Yukon, Canada, and left on his motorbike that early morning, heading down North Canol Road. He aimed to engage in some moose hunting between Sheldon Lake and Macpass and ultimately meet up with two friends, who were planning on leaving a day later, at a small trailer at Dewhurst Creek, where they would spend some time fishing. Curiously, he would later note that he recalled feeling that “something unusual might happen” on the trip, though he certainly didn’t anticipate what ultimately unfolded. At any rate, as Kevin rode along, the temperature plummeted, followed by a frigid downpour. He eventually stopped for temporary shelter and to layer his clothes, and once accepting that the hard rain wasn’t going to give up he got back on his bike, ever the trooper, and made his way to the trailer. He arrived roughly thirty minutes before darkness fell, where he lit a fire, had some food, and then hit the sack.

Upon awakening, he was happy to find the storm had passed. Eager to begin hunting, he put on his gear, grabbed his gun, and rode toward Macpass. “A couple of miles down the road,” he said,

“I was putting along at about 10 mph looking into the trees and watching the hillsides. I decided to stop for a pee. I stopped where I could see some mountainsides and some valleys. I parked on the right side of the road. The sun was shining; the air was perfectly still and a bit cool. I was standing just in front of my bike watching the mountains to the south, when I noticed to the left out of the corner of my eye, what I first thought was an airplane. It was 400 to 500 yards away and about the size of a DC-3 plane or a full-size school bus. It was [traveling] north to south, at about 40 yards above ground and moving maybe 30 km/h. Right away I thought “boy is he low”. I blinked my eyes because I couldn’t make out any tail fin or wings. It had what looked like portholes all along the side of it. It was cigar shaped with a grey strip down the middle and a dark green on top and bottom. I thought to myself, “something’s wrong with this picture”, then I realised there was no sound! If it was an airplane, the roar would have filled the valley.

As I watched, it seemed to partially dematerialize and then return to solid form, it did this as it was moving, a couple of times. Then it dawned on me, oh, oh, I don’t think I should be seeing this; it’s a UFO and probably doesn’t want to be seen!”

Kevin had an easily accessible camera in the pocket of his jacket, as he was always looking for photo opportunities, and naturally had the impulse to snap a photo of the UFO. As quickly as the urge came to him, however, it dissipated into nothingness. He described how a sense of calm suddenly came over him and he found himself thinking that it wasn’t important to capture it on film after all – something that he later fully confessed was patently absurd, even insane behavior. Instead, he squatted down, hiding behind some grass beside the road, and watched it move behind a hill. When it didn’t emerge from behind the hill, he stood up, overjoyed about what he’d been fortunate enough to witness and that “they” hadn’t even known he’d witnessed it.

Unfortunately, as he soon discovered, he was dead fucking wrong:

“I was standing beside my bike when I heard a loud metallic clunk behind me around the corner. Right away I thought, somebody must be here and I’ve got to tell them what I saw. The noise I heard sounded like a heavy trunk lid on a car slamming shut. I quickly walked along the edge of the road to the corner to see who was there. I came face to face (about 20 yards) with 2 grey creatures in blue [jumpsuits], about 5 ft. tall with big [insect-looking] heads, pointy faces, big eyes, thin arms, body and legs. I immediately thought “they’re not little green men*, they’re grasshopper people”.”

Just then, the being on the left used his left hand to touch a device that reminded Kevin of a flashlight, after which he saw a bright flash and was instantly immobilized. “It seemed like time stood still and nothing existed but me,” he said. “like I was pulled from reality. It was the most absolute quiet ever imagined.” He tried to yell, but all that came out was something like a distorted grunt or growl. “Everything went dark and I had the sensation of hurtling skyward at a terrific speed,” he wrote. “I also felt that I was being stretched, as if my feet were on the ground and my upper body was 20 feet above. My whole body shooting skyward.”

The next thing he remembered was standing, confused and trembling at the side of the road, determined to leave before they got him again. He found his bike on the opposite side of the road than where it had been, which confused him, but hopped on it and raced to the trailer, which was about fifteen minutes away. After being there for half an hour, it was dark, which confused him. After making some coffee, he heard a soft humming that seemed to be coming from above the trailer and everything seemed to be vibrating, and it remained for ten minutes. He feared they had followed him, but didn’t look out the windows.

Later that evening, drinking his coffee and unable to sleep, he suddenly began having what he described as flashbacks regarding the period of missing time.

“I remember being in a dream-like state watching scenery flash by underneath as if I was flying. I watched mountains and rivers and forests go by at a very high rate of speed. I then became aware of other sounds and seemed to wake up. I opened my eyes and could see nothing but black, very deep and inky black. As I was looking at this, the blackness pulled back, revealing a face, I had been looking into the eyes of a grey type creature. I could hear in my mind a voice saying ‘there is nothing to worry about’. I could hear him talking in my mind.

There were 3 or 4 of these types walking around, but only one talked to me. The two I saw earlier on the road, I never saw again. I then sat up and had an idea of what might be going on and I asked, “Are you going to do experiments on me?” and the one said, “They’ve already been done.” I felt really good then because, except for a strange sensation in my hands everything felt normal. I kept rubbing my hands together but did not look at them, as there was a totally strange environment to look at instead. I experienced no discomfort.

The being nearest me asked if I would like to see my home planet and I said sure. I then walked over to the window, where there was a machine that looked like a big copy machine. He asked me not to touch it, I replied “Don’t worry, I’m not touching anything in here”. He then said, that bright white star is your home. I didn’t know anything about astronomy at the time, but I always thought earth was blue, so right away I thought he’s lying. He also explained to me about space and stars etc. but I can’t remember any of it now. I was also asked if I would like to go on a trip. I replied “Not yet”, I felt very honoured to be asked and I did want to go, but felt that the time was not right.

Then I was told I would have to forget all of this. I was disappointed at hearing this. The first part of the experience was very scary, but once I was with them, I found them to be friendly, helpful and their looks didn’t bother me. They actually seemed like old friends. They gave me a clear glass, ¾ full with a yellow liquid and said to drink it up, it would make me forget everything. I told them, I did not want to forget an experience like this. It should be remembered! I was told it was for my own good that I forget. So I took 3 little sips and put the glass down. Next thing I know, I’m on the road by my bike, scared to death and wanting to get out of there. The next day I met up with the other two guys and never said anything to them.”

After he returned home to Ross River, he had been thinking of his flashback, particularly the part regarding sitting up in the bed in the presence of the beings and feeling that strange sensation in his hands. He then looked down at his palms, presumably for the first time since the experience, and was shocked to find what he described as a “scoop mark” in each of them. “Over the next couple of years, I asked two doctors and four nurses if they knew what this was and they all said no, they had never seen anything like it before,” he writes, though a doctor in September of 2000 told him it was known as Dupuytren’s Contracture. Though the cause of this condition is unknown, it involves the abnormal thickening of the tissues in the palm that can develop into lumps, and may ultimately cause the curling of one or more fingers. Kevin accepted that it may be a coincidence, but it appears a strange one to me.

As in GG’s experience, incidents, presumably on board a craft, were remembered spontaneously by Kevin in the form of flashbacks. While Kevin’s experience involved a focus on his hands, though only a tactile sensation (which only later seemed related to a physical condition), in GG’s case the focus was visual, and on their feet. In GG’s case, there was also ocular telepathy with the Mantis, which conveyed the being’s fear or frustration over having been seen, which was present in many of the previous, non-abduction cases, In both GG’s and Kevin’s experiences, there were also suggestions of medical procedures. Both, at least during the events that occurred on the craft, felt at ease with the Mantis beings. As with many of the Wilderness and Urban Encounters, they also felt inspired, in the aftermath, to search for others who had such experiences.

Again, in the cases of TP and GG, we have what the original poster in the Musconetcong River case described as “astonishment” or an “oh shit” response, though in these two cases, it didn’t seem to be astonishment that the individual was able to see them in the sense that they were able to pierce through their cloaking abilities but rather than the individual was able to “wake up” amid an altered state during what I would interpret to be an abduction episode. For Kevin, the circumstance was similar, though in his case he sensed that he shouldn’t be seeing their craft, and that impression was, at the very least, not reported as having been received through telepathy. Even so, the similarities between TP, GG, and Kevin prove interesting.

An important aspect to consider in Kevin’s case is that he only saw the Mantis beings – or “grasshopper people,” as he put it – in the initial stages, before the abduction. The abduction experience itself, though the “experiments” were not remembered, was recalled later, and seemed to only involve the traditional Grays. This seems to fall in line with the conclusions of abduction researcher David Jacobs, who essentially describes the small Grays as the workers, the taller Grays as their managers, and the Mantis beings serving as the higher authorities. According to Jacobs, the Mantis beings step in occasionally to execute the more specialized tasks typically relegated to the taller Grays, specifically procedures involving the reproductive system and ocular telepathy during the psychological examination.

Such patterns also play out in cases explored by other researchers. As an example, there is a case that comes from MUFON and involves two women, one in her 20s, and the other in her 30s. On November 20, 1992, at around 9:30 in the evening, they were driving north on the Ventura Freeway in southern California when they saw a large, bright light come out of the sky ahead of them and descend rapidly towards their car. Then they suddenly found themselves exiting the freeway, it was nearly midnight, and they had no recollection of what had happened during the intervening time.

After struggling for months with this block in their memory, the two of them contacted MUFON, who in turn directed them to Los Angeles hypnotherapist Yvonne Smith, who subsequently put the two women under hypnosis to explore the missing time. Under trance, the two women described a brightly-lit, oblong craft the size of a football field which they ultimately found themselves aboard. While one of the women was guarded by one of the Grays, the other was stripped down and subjected to a physical examination by a team of other Grays, who communicated to her telepathically – and was then subjected to eye-gazing by a Mantis being.

Before releasing the women, they told them that they would return.

In 2019, another experience was submitted to MUFON (case 98365) by a 21-year-old anonymous man I will hereafter refer to as Anon. It happened at some point during June of 1996, when he was 21, and he fully admits to having been drunk at the time. It was roughly three in the morning and he was exiting a San Antonio strip club after it had closed when he was abducted, though he doesn’t detail this part of the narrative. Upon regaining consciousness he found himself paralyzed, unable to even move his eyes, all as a brown-colored Mantis being with “character marks in the middle of his forehead and around his face” put his black, wrap-around eyes right in front of his own. He could then hear what he described as a comforting, motherly voice in his head, telling him he would be okay. At the same time he could see in his mind’s eye as the Mantis proceeded to review his life memories at lightning speed, “[g]oing through my head super fast” and “reviewing my life like a DVR.” During the process, sensed that the Mantis was entertained or humored by some part of his life.

While he couldn’t see very clearly in his peripheral vision given his fixed eyes and the dimly lit area he was in, he could see well enough to notice there were lines of other humans to either side of him. Soon the Mantis moved to the next person in line, then the next, doing to the others what he had done to him. Once the Mantis moved, he could see down the hallway that was in his direct line of sight and had been previously obscured, and there he saw other, different types of beings. He explained one was tall with small eyes and a small, cone-shaped head. It had long legs, long, skinny arms, a long and skinny neck, and a small waist, with skin of a color that reminded him of a silver spoon.

“The only one I saw wearing clothes was wearing a white coat and carrying something in its hand,” he wrote, and while it looked to him at the time like a book, he now believes it’s more akin to some advanced form of an iPad.

The next thing he remembered, he woke up on the second floor of the hotel he had been staying at, though in the wrong room. He didn’t recall how he had gotten there and those that he had been with were on the other side of the hotel, looking for him, and we’re nearly ready to leave without him. He adds that he suspects he was only able to remember what he remembered because the fact that he was intoxicated had caused a “glitch” and that the experience left him feeling as though he were “tagged like an animal.”

Yet again we have the Mantis engaging in ocular telepathy, in this case engaging in a sort of “life review” during which the being seemed amused. We again have the elements of paralysis, as well as amnesia or missing time, all potentially telepathic, posthypnotic effects present in previous cases – though admittedly, waking up in the wrong room and being uncertain as to how he got there could also be explained by the fact that he’d been fairly fucked up.

Most interesting, however, are two elements in his tale. One is Anon’s mention of the being he saw carrying something “like a book” that he subsequently felt was more akin to “some advanced form of iPAD”, as it sounds remarkably similar to GG’s description of a “strange orange glowing tablet.” Another is his sense of a comforting feeling among them, which seems remarkably similar to both GG’s and Kevin’s experiences.

Then there was the abduction experience of the aforementioned Jim G. His next experience occurred on January 16, 2004. Relative to his formerly recalled experiences, it certainly seemed to crank things up more than a notch:

“I woke up, I don’t know where I was but I was standing in front of what looked like a 3-D hologram of the Earth. Everything was pitch black apart from this glowing globe. I could only see half the sphere, the top part of the globe; it was about a meter wide with very realistic detail, I could see the major land masses covered with wisps of clouds. It was like looking down from a satellite’s viewpoint. I couldn’t see anything else, like a room or anything, just darkness.

I heard a deep voice from behind me, it was a male voice and in slow English it started to explain how this hologram globe worked, all I had to do was touch a continent or a country and information would appear detailing anything I wanted to know about that place. I didn’t feel scared, I felt quite calm but just a little tired, [and] slightly dazed.

I put my hand forward and watched it pass through the clouds. This was incredible.”

He would think about an area of the globe, it would move so that the area was beneath his finger, and it would turn bright red, rise, and rounded boxes of varying sizes would appear, providing images and data. He would also feel the “emotional collective” of that area of the globe and a male voiceover would chastise humanity for their collective behavior. He first chose Iraq, then the US, in both cases relating to 9/11 and the subsequent war. He was then “shown a deep underground military base with seven circular levels” in a cone-like fashion, with smaller sections at the top and increasingly larger sections at the bottom, “connected by a vertical shaft” and located “somewhere in a desert.” He saw that on the seventh and largest level humans were working alongside both the Grays and Mantis beings. He also saw a figure that suggested 14,000 aliens were at the base. Concerning this, the male voice remarked:

“We have tried to communicate with them, in the past, but they lie to us and try to use us, you kill what you do not understand, you humans are still so un-evolved.”

He was shown the greed American corporations had for resources, how Capitalism was out of control, and the pain it caused the culture, and was told by the voice that “time is running out”.

“I then pressed Canada to see if I could get any information for BC, Canada. Again readouts appeared. I was shown a fragmented society. I could feel the collective culture. I was shown a UFO crash on the northern border with Alaska, northeast of the country. I was shown the Canadian government helping to ship the wreckage and aliens to America, then they were being taken to the [underground] base I was shown earlier. I then thought about British Columbia. The voice goes ‘Why do you want to reveal us? As you can see humans, destroy what they can’t understand.’ […]

I quickly pressed on China and was shown how their government perceives itself to be (as the voice described) “Divine”. Which I thought was a strange word to use. The voice behind me continued “They think that is why we are working with them”. I was shown how they’re waiting for the [W]est to fall (on its own accord) and then the Chinese will be the rightful leaders of the world. I was shown that there’s going to [be conflict] with the world just for extra food stocks to supply its population. I was shown that they’re sitting on huge resources but they’re saving them. I could also feel and see the [mega-death] potential of the nuclear missiles. I could once again feel or ‘tune in’ to the frustration of the people.”

He also got information regarding the oceans.

As this went on, the information provided and the running commentary by the voiceover seemed to convey that human beings were hell-bent on draining planetary resources and killing not only one another but the ecosystem as a whole – and that we wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left. Throughout all of this, Jim also got the sense that everything was connected and brought up the “Knock-On” Effect specifically, which is to say that actions take on indirect consequences. The last image he was provided involved the earth hologram receding while he could “see” the “energy fields” of the planetary populations “pushing against” one another “in a desire to control the planet” he was left feeling we would inevitably destroy.

It ended with the voice asking, in a commanding tone, “Now do you understand?”

He said this experience lasted at most three minutes and that, in retrospect, he suspected much of it was disinformation. In any case, the next thing he knew, he found himself wide awake in his bed at home. As he went on to explain:

“A loud buzzing sound filled my ears. I was curled up on my bed in a fetal position facing the closest wall. I felt a force push on the back of my head. I wouldn’t say it hurt exactly but it was extremely uncomfortable. Again, I heard the loud clicking sound in my head. This time it panned from my right ear to the left. I really hate that sound. I looked at my arm; it was covered in a bluish-purplish pulsating energy. My brain tried to make sense of the situation and search for a rational explanation. I couldn’t move my legs or arms. I found I could just about move my head, Some how I managed to break free and used all my effort to turn around. Standing before me in the centre of my bedroom was some kind of short humanoid creature…”

As he described it, the being was five-foot-five and wearing a black cloak at the center of which “was a golden badge” with “a design or symbol on it I just couldn’t make it out.” It had a large head relative to its body, with “extremely large, shiny, insect-like” eyes, with “two protrusions between the eyes and a mass of protrusions where a mouth would normally be.” While he could not see its arms, he did emphasize that it did “not look like the tall praying mantis beings” he had previously encountered, but rather “looked like a cross between a praying mantis and a fly.” In addition, the being “appeared to be surrounded by a bluish purplish energy.” He also noticed this

“… beam of energy was coming from the alien to me. Thousands of thoughts entered my head at the same time. […] I felt I had known this being all my life. I also felt that I’d been manipulated into feeling this. I then heard a slow deep voice, almost overwriting all my other thoughts. It seemed to be communicating telepathically. It ‘said’ in an abrupt manner “NOW, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” “YES” I found myself answering, but I’ve no idea why I said it because I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand any of this. “GOOD” It replied. I turned my head back towards the wall and shut my eyes. The buzzing sound stopped and I felt extremely tired. I collapsed and lost consciousness.”

The following day, he explained, he awoke feeling as if his “body had been through hell and back.”

He went on to have more experiences, the extent of which I will not detail here, though suffice it to say that the full extent of his experiences meshes quite well with those of others. If his accounts are to be believed, he merely has had more such experiences than most – or has a greater ability to recall such experiences (and devoid of the booze, no less), whereas those of others are often largely lost in the amnesia of missing time.

While his experience seems to indicate the Mantis beings are planetary conscious entities (as one would expect if they were ETI) who view humans as lower life forms hell-bent on self-destruction (as one would expect if one is, like, paying attention and shit), other experiences by other abductees suggest their knowledge and capabilities aren’t limited to the physical world, the material universe, the corporeal plane, or whatever one wishes to call it. To the contrary, many other accounts would suggest that these Mantis beings, and even their Gray underlings, possess knowledge and capabilities that extend beyond the nuts-and-bolts and into what we might call the paranormal, the parapsychological, even the spiritual. Even beyond that, they may have incorporated what we currently consider to be another realm into their scientific understanding and applied it in their technology in what we have called psionics.

In that spirit, if you’ll excuse the pun, I’d like to end this exploration of physical encounters human beings have had with Mantis beings with a case I last referenced over a decade ago in my strangely popular May 15, 2013 post, UFOs and Recycling Souls. It is also a case that serves as an appropriate segue into my exploration of Encounters With Mantis Aliens in Altered States. This is the case of Linda Porter.

According to Linda Moulton Howe, she received an envelope from Porterville, California, postmarked February 28, 1991, which contained a letter, drawings, and an audiocassette. The sender, 45-year-old Linda Porter, detailed events that began to happen in 1961 when she was only fifteen years of age. Howe subsequently detailed her experiences in her book, Glimpses of Reality, Volume II: High Strangeness, which I should add I have yet to read. I have read excerpts on the net, however, and listened to various podcasts in which she speaks about the case.

In 1963, when she was seventeen, she recalled an abduction in Covina, California, that has particular relevance here. While in the craft, she recalls an eight-foot-tall Mantis slowly coming around the corner and turning toward her. The Mantis stood still, as if sensing the fear his appearance triggered in her, after which she sensed a profound sadness from him that served to dampen the terror. According to Howe, Porter further sensed that he was in a position of authority and as old as our solar system – which is to say roughly 4.6 billion years – and that he was the bearer of an inconceivable amount of knowledge. He subsequently guided her into a room that had within it a large, round structure filled with sparkling light. Standing beside her, the Mantis telepathically informed her, “This is where we do translation into the light.” which Porter did not understand.

She was then escorted into another room by a “Gray scientist” who she described as “whitish, about five feet tall (maybe a little taller)” who “had huge eyes with black pupils” into what she referred to as a “room of light.” Inside were three “very tall, clear tube-like containers or cylinders on a raised platform, which seemed to be at the center of the room. Inside these tubes – standing upright, naked and appearing to be asleep – were humans, or at least they looked human to me. They looked like they were in some kind of suspended animation. I don’t think they were dead because their color was too good. They were floating in what appeared to be a purple gas. It was very thick and hard to see through, but it swirled around so much that you could see the people as it moved.” There was also a 45-year-old man in the room “who was very close to death. He was lying in a rectangular container.”

Somehow his soul, which “was about two and one-half feet long, five inches wide and was a breathtakingly beautiful, soft, iridescent yellow with a white, glowing inner core that radiated a very gentle heat” with “a pastel orange layer around the yellow”, ascended from the solar plexus of the body and drifted across the room towards “another body taken from one of the tubes. The tube body looked like the man would have appeared at about 25 years of age. The new body appeared empty. I don’t know any other way to describe it — like an empty container. The ‘old body’ was now bluish in color and obviously dead.” This body was floating outside the tube, mostly vertical yet slumping slightly forward, and the soul then “descended, entering the body at the top of the back of the head, all the way down to the area midway between the shoulder blades. It then merged into the body totally and settled in front of the spinal column in the area of the solar plexus. It then seemed to stretch itself out longer, a few inches up, a few inches down. The body at this point took on an ‘occupied’ look as if the person were merely asleep.”

The rectangular container holding the dead, bluish body subsequently “filled up with a liquid to preserve the tissues until it could be dissected. The aliens wanted to find out how some kind of poison had entered the man’s body, how it had progressed through the bodily systems, and at what point the poison (contaminant) had reached a level that the body could no longer deal with the poison.” After they had done this, she added, she “was told that the body would be discarded” as “the aliens think our concept of funerals is barbarous. To them there is no difference between an empty beer can and an empty body.”

Here again, we find the suggestion that the Mantis beings are in a position of authority over the Grays. In addition, as I more fully explored in my aforementioned post UFOs and Recycling Souls, they also appear to have a scientific understanding of consciousness or the soul and have applied that knowledge in technology. As we shall see, other anecdotal accounts suggest they, much like ourselves, also inhabit what we might call parallel universes, alternate realities, or other planes of existence, yet are far more capable than we are of navigating those apparently extradimensional spaces…

Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens, Part II: Urban Encounters.

Physical encounters with humanoid Mantis beings don’t only occur in the wilderness, however, but also take place in more urban settings such as the yard, the home, and even the bedroom, and they not only echo the patterns found in the wilderness encounters but build upon them.

While my own, relatively recent experience may constitute such an encounter, the fact of the matter is that I have yet to have a conscious recollection of seeing a Mantis face-to-face. Consequently, that encounter and the earlier ones, though only strongly implied to me, don’t justify more than a mere brief mention here. I do know two people, however – two people, I should add, who do not know one another – who have both explained to me privately that they’ve had direct encounters with them. And for what it’s worth, I don’t for a second doubt the sincerity of either of them.

One was a fascinating, higher classmate from high school who I wish I would have had the courage to get to know better, whom I’ll call Ted, though I only learned of his experience through social media nearly a decade and a half after I had graduated. He told me this in the wake of my September 9, 2011 incident, specifically after I posted on social media something vague regarding it. I don’t recall how much detail Ted provided publically, but I messaged him to glean more detail, and the experience he was gracious enough to describe to me was most interesting. It was a profound experience, he said, and he remembered it as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. Evidently, at some point in 1999, he awoke to find a 7-foot-tall Mantis being in a hooded robe holding him down as it made a sound akin to “someone running a finger down the teeth of a comb.” This is a fairly good description of the “clicking” sound described by others.

After some research, he came across similar accounts, which led him to believe it had indeed happened. Ted considered me fortunate for having had so many experiences with the aliens, though I sincerely believed he had lifelong experiences himself but was merely unable to recall them. He added that he believes that one day there will be a “mass awakening.” Though I don’t think I asked for elaboration, I certainly wish now more than ever I would have.

Just another item on an absurdly long list of regrets in my life.

The other individual is a close friend I first met when he was a coworker many years ago, and here I’ll call him Moe, as I have elsewhere. He has been sharing his strange experiences with me over the years. He began having experiences with an extremely tall and slender mantis entity in his house that seemed associated with a sort of “leaf-crunching” or “hissing” noise in July of 2016. Perhaps his most profound encounter, which I documented but to my utter fucking frustration I have been unable to find, dealt with him seeing the Mantis in his house, though it was cloaked in a manner akin, as he described it, to the alien in the movie The Predator. Much like Ted, he then began research and found disturbing associations between his encounters and those of others.

For all I know, they may have both explored many of the very anecdotes I’ve been exploring and will continue to explore now.

After the Hackettstown Mantis encounters he had previously posted (and which I detailed previously), Lon Strickler received some Mantis encounter accounts directly. These were not encounters in the woodlands, but as with the case of my two friends, occurred within the home. One such story was a bedroom encounter that could have either involved invisibility, as we’ve previously heard, or involved the phenomenon of lost or “missing time,” an experience common in UFO and alien encounters, and which seems to imply amnesia, perhaps induced through the aforementioned telepathic hypnosis.

Regardless, in April of 2016, a 65-year-old woman wrote Strickler to share an incident that occurred to her in late October or early November of 1993, when she lived in a two-story house in Seattle, Washington. She and her husband had been asleep beside one another in bed when, at around two in the morning, she had rolled over, bringing the open bedroom doorway, lit by the hallway light, clearly into view – where she saw a tall, robed figure standing. Sitting up in bed and grabbing her husband’s arm, she screamed that there was something in the doorway, and he shot up out of bed, grabbing the baseball bat he kept next to the headboard, ready to defend her, but as soon as she had screamed, she said, the figure was “gone, just gone.”

Afterward, she was understandably hysterical. After calming her down, he checked the house but found it secure and devoid of intruders. While apologetic to her husband for waking him like she had, she knew she had seen something and found it difficult to sleep, fearing the figure might return. Feeling as though she was losing her mind, she phoned her doctor and described the incident to him in tears, and the explanation he offered, at least as she explained it, sounded as if he was suggesting it was stress-induced sleep paralysis. He gave her a prescription and recommended she try and put it out of her mind, but she confessed that she never could.

Months later, she sat down and tried to let herself remember what she’d seen in clarity that night and draw it as best as she could. While some details jumped out at her, others were strangely vague, but the resulting drawing was disturbing enough that she immediately delivered it to the trash can. What she described having seen, and having subsequently drawn, however, was a robed humanoid with an insect-like head, enormous eyes, and only the vaguest impression of two slits where a nose would be. She had no recollection of a mouth.

“I remember in detail two nub-like things on its head,” she wrote, but only the vaguest sense of antennae sprouting out of them. It had similarly insect-like arms coming out of the slits on the side of the robe, which she recalled clearly enough, and while she recalled it having hands, she was unable to recall what they looked like or what they were doing. Given the vague nature of some aspects of what she recalled, she tried to convince herself that it wasn’t real, but it nonetheless continued to plague her, and she remains convinced she did indeed see something in the doorway that night.

In 2016 she read Strickler’s book, Cryptid Encounters, and found that others have described such Mantis beings, a creature she had never heard of. Reading these accounts, she confessed, “sent a volt of electricity through my body like an adrenaline rush and I got butterflies in my stomach. Everyone knows about Greys thanks to the movies – never seen one – never want to — but if other people had seen the big insect thing, maybe there really was something in my doorway that night. If other people have seen this thing, maybe they will feel better if they know I saw it too, even if only for a few seconds.”

There was a somewhat similar case provided to MUFON on August 15, 2014, which occurred on May 31, 2012, where an individual from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, also had a disturbing bedroom experience. The individual awoke amid sleep and felt an intense, painful tingling sensation that traveled down and back up his body, from his head down to his feet, though he was ultimately capable of screaming and sitting up in bed. Upon doing so, he saw an eight to nine-foot-tall entity resembling a Gray alien that had backward “legs like a grasshopper” in his bedroom, who was “walking towards my bedroom patio door but stopped and looked at me” as if he was in a hurry, “like I did something wrong“ and “almost like he was angry” or frustrated that he had been seen. He was able to calculate its height because he knew the height of the television above his fireplace. Then, as he explained it, the creature was “just gone and I snapped up again in bed sweating and heart raising.” He adds “I’m positive it was not a dream.”

In this last encounter, we again sense that the Mantis being wasn’t the least bit happy it had been seen, a familiar feature also present in many Wilderness cases. In these last two stories, however, the same issue is raised. Thanks to a variety of cases, it’s clear that these Mantis beings can both cloak themselves as well as induce a sort of amnesia, the last of which is a consistent element in abduction cases. In the two cases above, it’s difficult to determine whether the Mantis beings in question utilized their cloaking abilities or whether they induced amnesia, resulting in the experience of missing time. Other reported experiences aren’t at all ambiguous, however, as factors are present that allow them to note the temporal gap.

One such case was a bedroom encounter provided on the Phantoms and Monsters website and entitled, “Tall ‘Mantis’ Guardian Angels?” It derived from a comment on one of the videos posted my one of my favorite YouTube channels, the aforementioned Beyond Creepy, and while the specific video is not referenced, the comment came from one Win Nys.

The experience occurred in July of 2013 in central Pennsylvania, where Nys, who had been injured, emphasized that she was neither drinking nor on any medication but merely “resting, trying to heal” in her bedroom. While she doesn’t describe how the experience came about save for that “they came through the air and walls”, she reportedly found four beings in her room that she described in a general way as “tall white angels that look like bugs.” More specifically, she described them as being roughly “8 to 9.5 feet tall,” though she didn’t know their “exact height because they had to duck” to avoid hitting the ceiling. They were “extremely skinny but muscular” with off-white skin and “extremely large, protruding black eyes which wrapped around the head.” She felt an overwhelming sense of “love and compassion” from them, she wrote, akin to how a parent might feel toward their child. One of them telepathically communicated to her, as she conveyed it, in this way:

“Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. She can see us. She can see us. Don’t be scared.”

“It was telling me this in my brain,” she wrote. “I was looking (and listening) at them around my room. The whole experience only lasted a few minutes before I blacked out.”

Upon telling her mother of the experience the following morning, her mother said that she had prayed for guardian angels to be around her, and this apparently served as confirmation to her that these Mantis beings were indeed angels. When she told her husband, he warned her not to speak of it again, lest they commit her to an asylum. When she eventually told a friend of hers in confidence she learned of a girl in her town who had been committed to a hospital because she had seen aliens, and so in fear had stopped speaking about the experience for years.

She recently began searching for similar stories online, however, but it had been difficult for her to find “stories about tall bug-like entities,” she said. “And, yeah, they are telepathic. They were as real as the glass of water I was holding. Never seen a UFO and I have never been abducted. Never a believer until that night.”

While she insists she’s never been abducted, I suspect her experience of having “blacked out” strongly indicates otherwise.

Another missing time episode involving a Mantis was posted on Reddit on January 3, 2021, by a woman who only identified herself as HC, and her account was entitled “6 Ft Tall ‘Mantis’ Entity Encountered Outside of Fillmore, NY Home”. The experience described had occurred in Fillmore, New York, just before midnight on June 22, 2018, while she was in the shed to find some privacy, to escape from the children and dogs in the house and to use the WiFI through her phone. As she describes it:

“While I was watching from inside the shed I noticed something an hour after I was in there. I heard [the sound of] movement[,] of something shuffling in the tall grass. I thought it was a deer until my cat started growling and staring at the shed door. When I scanned the tree line and bushes with my big LED light I thought I saw a head pop up into the dark. I pretended I didn’t see it and spotted my light to the left and heard it quickly get closer. I flashed the light back fast and it was very close, now about 30 feet in front of me. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever but I know it was probably only 20 seconds or so. I was so scared I couldn’t move. Also[,] it didn’t move as I watched it.

I noticed its limbs and features while we stared at each other. It was greenish-grey with very big mantis eyes. The skin was smooth and had broad shoulders, but as you followed down it got skinny. The eyebrow ridge stuck out with a wide head with an upward slant. Its eyes reflected green. There were light green flecks that shown yellow and orange from my light. It was over 6 [feet] tall.

I suddenly got the feeling that it was going to grab me, so I slammed the shed door and turned and ran to my house. When I got in I told my husband about what I had seen, I noticed that a whole hour [passed] by it was now a few minutes after 1 AM. I know I didn’t look at this thing for an hour. My husband came out with me with his gun but it was gone.

I was really scared after that. I will not be out at night anymore. I always feel like I’m being watched. I started to look into UFOs and abductions. I had never read up on this before my experience and now believe I was abducted, but have no memory of it.”

Another tale of missing time is provided by Strickler and comes from “CMB,” a 42-year-old woman who described an incident that occurred in either 1976 or the following year, when she was three or four and lived in Mr. Hicums Trailer Park in Greenville, South Carolina. And the incident, she emphasizes, has been confirmed by her mother.

And for the record, this might be the most disturbing physical encounter I have yet to document here.

She was the youngest of her parent’s three children, and when she was three or four years of age, she had been playing either tag or hide-and-seek outside one warm, sunny day with her two older brothers. As she bolted around the back of the trailer to hide, she almost ran into a creature standing next to their propane tank that she simply could not, at the time, comprehend. She stood there frozen, feeling as if the breath had been taken out of her. At the time, she said, she thought it was a giant insect – more specifically, perhaps in retrospect, she described it as resembling a humanoid praying mantis that was taller than her father. In any case, she stood there staring at this creature as it stared back at her until suddenly, all was a blank.

The next thing she remembered, she came running into their trailer screaming about a burning pain between her legs, and her mother was so concerned that she pulled down her underwear and shorts, but upon inspection found that nothing seemed to be wrong. She then cried herself to sleep.

Since then, the incident has always hung with her, haunting her from the back of her mind. After the incident, she mentions having developed a fear of monsters and suffering from a great deal of nightmares, though none of it seemed directly related to what she recalled having seen. Eerily, in this context she also references the fact that she had never been able to give birth naturally, and has always had to have C-sections, strongly implying that she feels at some level that this fact may be related to her experience.

As she grew older she had always reasoned that perhaps there had been a gas leak in the trailer, which makes little sense to me, as she had had this experience outside. A few years before her letter, however, she had caught wind of a UFO sighting reported by the Highland, Illinois police department – an area to which her family had moved when she was seven, before moving back to South Carolina when she was ten. This inspired her to tell her husband about her Mantis experience, and though they both laughed about it, she nonetheless insisted to him that it did indeed happen. The conversation suddenly inspired her curiosity to such a degree that she did a Google search for “praying mantis aliens,” and the results, she explained – and in particular, the images – felt like a punch to the fucking gut. It was exactly what she remembered having seen as a child. Her husband was shocked as well. In retrospect, she seems understandably concerned about the gap in memory she had between her eye contact with the mantis creature and her subsequent sprint into the trailer.

As in previous accounts, here we find that CMB’s experience involves a sudden experiential shift upon meeting the eyes of the Mantis being, though in this case, it wasn’t invisibility, but clearly involved amnesia, producing the experience of missing time.

To reinforce the notion that these Mantis beings display both the ability to cloak themselves as well as induce amnesia, there are incidents in which both abilities are blatantly displayed within the context of the same narrative.

One such tale comes from Dan, who grew up in the Medford area of New Jersey but lived in Missouri at the time of the letter. At the time of the experience he wrote Strickler to provide, however, it was around 1971 or the following year, when he was two years old and his family had moved into the third-story of the Top of the Hill apartments in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. He recalls having been on the sidewalk outside of the building one night, uncertain as to how he had gotten there, though certainly not of his own volition. Three Manits beings stood beside him, though he wasn’t afraid at all, but rather felt comfort that he was among friends. He recalls having been asked a question, though cannot for the life of him recall what it was. While he knows more took place, as the memories he recalled were segmented, all he remembers is watching them disappear as he “felt a warm assurance of friendship.”

The next thing he remembered, his mother rushed out of the door of the apartment building in a panic and picked him up. This memory, he said, always stood out, and it always puzzled him why. When he recently read the encounter Strickler published in the post, “The Musconetcong River ‘Mantis Man’,” he said, he “was shocked to find accounts of an exact description of what I saw as a small child.”

Dan’s encounter was distinct from the first two encounters I described of the Muscenetcong Mantis Man, as he was neither bearing the “whatever” attitude nor traumatized by the experience, but the extreme opposite trauma – he felt comfort, friendship, and warmth. While Dan’s experience described the “cloaking” ability described in the first encounter with the Muscenetcong Mantis Man, his tale also includes the element of lost or “missing time” described by Nys, HC, and CMB.

While all previous individual accounts that I’ve stumbled across who’ve had encounters with these Mantis beings report a single encounter, this is not always the case. Between August and September 2003, the website UFO*BC began communicating with one Jim G, a self-employed professional sound engineer who lived in a small town on the outskirts of London. While he claimed to have had strange experiences throughout his life, such as UFO encounters and OBEs, it was his most recent experiences, which began in April of 2001, that finally inspired him to reach out – and which have the most relevance here. Some of these encounters involved other types of entities, but it is the Mantis encounters that will be focused on here.

He awoke at roughly 2:30 one morning that April to find himself paralyzed with two strange beings beside his bed. One was a seven-foot-tall mantis being with a pointed head, large eyes, and long forearms that moved in a jerking fashion, and who had to bend its neck to avoid hitting the ceiling (much as reported by Nys). The other, shorter being was closer, crouching by his bed, and had black, leathery, reflective skin. It wore a hooded cloak, and beneath that armor that included a metallic breastplate. In retrospect, he seemed to remember that they had been doing something with his legs but could remember little detail concerning that. Thinking that he must still be in the grips of some strange and vivid dream, he closed his eyes, but upon opening them again, the figures remained.

Jim deduced that the Mantis was the one in charge as the smaller one turned to the mantis as if seeking instruction. In response, the Mantis turned back to him and made – you guessed it – “a series of high-pitched clicking sounds.” The Mantis then bent its upper body so that it was positioned over where Jim lay on his bed and, from a long, needle-like object held in his hand, shot a green, laser-like light directly into his right eye, which allowed him to see the veins in his eye. It was painful and, though he attempted to scream, nothing came out. Closing his eyes, he then felt something being jabbed into his skull. In a panic, his mind racing, he heard a “whooshing sound.”

The next time he opened his eyes, they were gone, but he remained shaken and was unable to sleep. He spent the next day in bed feeling, as he put it as if he had just undergone a major operation. That day he did manage to do an internet search on “mantis-type aliens,” though nothing came up, which in turn helped him convince himself that it was indeed just a fucked up dream. Far later he came across a drawing on alley.com by artist J. Westwood which depicted a mantis being holding a needle-like object. He panicked, as this was exactly what he had seen. On the same site, he also found a drawing by Sylvia Rayner which she dubbed the dark entity, and it was the spitting image of the shorter, cloaked being.

Ever since that incident, he outlined what had become a typical scenario for him which tended to happen roughly twice a week, though there were often troughs of inactivity that might last for perhaps a month. At night, just as he was about to slip into sleep, he would begin hearing that Mantis clicking inside of his head. Within a few minutes, he would again hear the clicking, but now it was coming from inside his bedroom, and he came to recognize this as a sign that within about ten minutes he would be fast asleep. Through his heavy eyelids, he would see a red glow on his far wall and tall, shadowy figures moving out of the light and approaching him. Despite his best efforts, he would soon be out like a light. The following morning he would wake up feeling just as he did following the original incident, and in addition would often find himself covered in bruises, on at least one occasion in the shape of a large hand.

His next encounter with a Mantis being, which he believed to be the same one he encountered in his initial encounter, occurred on December 18, as he was spending the night in the spare bedroom of his brother’s house. He suddenly found himself immobilized and acutely awake with the clicking sound in his head, and in response, he screamed and cussed, though none of it was expressed verbally. Managing to look towards the bottom of the bed, he saw the Mantis, and at the sight of it felt “waves of fear” washing over him, the terror “completely overwhelming.”

Unlike the previous occasion, he was able to study it in detail. Wearing what he described as a long and dark robe, the Mantis was over seven feet tall, bony, and vaguely humanoid in appearance with skin that “was liquidly looking, like oil shimmering in the sun.” It had a triangular-shaped, gray-black head reminiscent of a skull with round, bulbous, black eyes. The head was attached to the body by a long, black, snake-like neck.

“The arms were extremely long with multiple joints extending out in a messiah pose,” he wrote, with its “forearms … bent forward longer than the rest of the arm.”

It then ran in a “jerky and fast” manner, making “a clunking sound” as it did so, and exited directly through the wall of the bedroom, leaving “a strange red glow” on the wall in the wake, and a door on the same wall rattled at high volume, apparently prompting the neighbor – adjacent to the wall – to call out in annoyance.”

While Jim G had a vast array of subsequent experiences, they fall into a category that exceeds the limitations of the wilderness and urban encounters we’ve thus far explored, though such experiences are certainly implied in many of the “blackouts,” “amnesia,” or “missing time” aspects of the formerly described urban experiences.

In other words, this involves experiences that fall into the category popularly referred to as alien abduction, which is our final category of Mantis encounters in the realm of the physical.

Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens, Part I: Wilderness Encounters.

Humanoid mantis beings – also variously referred to as Insectoids, Insectalins, Mantis aliens, Mantis entities, Mantids, and I feel confident other names I have yet to come across – have been described in a variety of physical and non-physical contexts. In general, these creatures have been described as looking remarkably akin to our earthly praying mantises in various respects, though also occasionally described as giant grasshoppers or ants as well, or as merely insect-like. If you look online or scour the available alien abduction or cryptid literature, you’ll see a great many individuals providing their summary of the appearance and abilities of Mantis entities. While some of it is interesting, particularly when it comes to researchers who have amassed a large number of first-hand encounters, I can’t help but consider such things suspect.

I want to see the source material for myself. I want to see the bulk of actual, first-hand eyewitnesses, where they describe the appearance and capabilities of these entities. So I went on a deep dive far down the rabbit hole and tried to put the puzzle pieces together for myself. And here is where I share what I’ve found so far to anyone who happens to give a ragged rat’s ass.

Of course, in so doing I feel it’s only fair that I provide just why I happen to give a ragged rat’s ass.

Since as far back as I can recall I’ve had strange experiences that would fall within the categories of what others have referred to as synchronicity, telepathy, astral projection, past live memories, and encounters with the dead but not gone. Central to all of this, however, has been a life replete with experiences that others have referred to as UFO sightings and encounters, and encounters and abductions by the occupants of UFOs.

The fact that any one of these experiences alone and by themselves would likely exceed the boggle threshold of the typical human being (whatever that constitutes) hasn’t escaped me; that all of these things would have happened to a single, hopelessly lost and irreversibly weird soul such as myself would certainly lead them to the conclusion that I’m bat-shit crazy, I assure you, has certainly not escaped me, either. In any case, for whatever reason, these things have indeed occurred to me, and continue to occur to me. I’m left with only what I am, to go with what I’ve got, and to continue to seek the ever-elusive truth in any way that I can.

Aside from telepathy, which seems to bridge both, the two recurring experiences I’ve had throughout my life, which have been largely compartmentalized in any clearly-defined sense but which I have always intuitively felt had to have something to do with one another despite a total lack of evidence (if only because they were both so weird and happening to the same person, being me) were my astral projection experiences and my alien encounters.

While these two categories of weird experiences often seemed to occur around the same time as one another, there was no other apparent relation between them. My UFO sightings or encounters and my alien encounters and apparent abductions had no apparent direct relation to my astral projections, in other words. During my astral projections, I had never encountered an alien being, though at one point, even during my initial astral projections, I even attempted to summon them into that space, nor did I consciously recall any instance where an alien triggered an out-of-body experience of any sort. In short, there was no clear connection between these two weird categories of experience.

Until September of 2001.

As I’ve written of elsewhere, I went to bed around ten in the morning on the 29th, and at some point afterward, I felt those familiar out-of-body sensations:

“As I rested on my bed, the familiar paralysis crept up on me, the volume knob on my senses seemed to turn down to zero, and I felt my subtle body drifting from the confines of my skin and sinking down into the otherworldly black void. Struggling to reattach to my body, I focused on a “whirring” noise I could hear as if from underwater, using it as the auditory equivalent as a rope by means of which I could pull myself back together, quite literally as it seemed. Once I met with success, I lifted my head, looked around, listened and discovered that the whirring had been coming from my computer, which I had left on in the midst of writing an article. I then went to sleep.

Around quarter to eight that evening is when I next awoke. I found that my computer was reading an error on the screen and my keyboard wasn’t responding. I rebooted it but had to unplug the keyboard and plug it back in to get it working again.

Heading downstairs, the quiet house suggested my mother and sisters were still out. I found my father asleep on the sofa chair, out cold, a strange movie on television. When he woke up as I came down the steps, I asked him if for any reason him or my mother had come in my room and fiddled with my computer as I was sleeping. It was a dumb question, and it didn’t surprise me when he told me they had not. The electricity had clearly not gone off, either.

Pouring myself a mug of coffee, I then put on my shoes in the mud room to go outside for a cigarette. As I began to open the front door of the house, I saw the red globe of light shimmering as it hovered just slightly above the front lawn and began to silently rise. Shaking myself free of shock, I aggressively yelled for my father, urging him to book it the short distance to the door.

The globe rose, crossed the driveway onto the other side of the yard and then ascended above the power lines and trees to the far right side of the property close to the horse barn. As my father arrived at the door frame, it had dimmed and was ducking behind some trees before it seemed to shrink or move out into the distance, glow turning an opaque milky red that then dissipated until it was entirely gone. He seemed perplexed by it, at first wondering aloud if it had been a flare, then asking if I wanted to check it out.

We hopped in his truck and drove to a nearby dirt road where it seemed to have been headed, but I was not even looking towards the sky. I knew it was gone. Soon we turned back around, and on the way back he tells me how strange it was that I had stepped out the front door at just the right moment to see it. He adds that it reminded him of the fireball my mother had talked about seeing in the sky while she was on the highway a few years back.

My mind was elsewhere. The important part of the red light sighting for me was that it established a connection I had for long suspected but had never had any real reason to believe: that the alien stuff was somehow related to the OBE stuff.”

That was the last suggestion of any connection between my astral projections and my alien encounters and abductions for almost 22 years.

Until September of 2023.

On the 14th, I had a particular form of out-of-body experience that I began having on March 2, 2021, and came to refer to as “serial OBEs.” I would awaken in an immobilized physical body, feel my subtle body drift upward, and then violently snap back into my physical body. This would happen again and again, over and over, and all the while I would have the distinct sense that someone was watching, intensely observing this as it all played out. This had never happened, not since these experiences began spontaneously happening back in May of 1995. More disturbing was the pattern that played out after the experience:

“For one thing, after I’d finally awakened into my physical body, I didn’t write the experience down. This was something that I noted at the time as being unusual, as this has been standard practice of mine for three decades. It was also strange that, despite my lack of immediate documentation, I remembered it at all. It was even stranger that once I awoke in the physical reality, I didn’t immediately roll over and go to sleep. To the contrary, I remembered remaining awake and in bed, eyes open, which is something I haven’t done since I was a kid. […] Yet that evening, after the first set of serial OBEs, I distinctly recalled having remained awake in bed, eyes open, staring high up on the wall to my left – in the area between the window beside my bed and the wall separating my bedroom from my living room. I watched as the rising sun bled through the curtains, casting shadows across my bedroom, all as I just stared and marinated in terror.

This profound terror, I felt certain, had not stemmed from the serial OBEs. Instead, it seemed somehow associated with the physical plane — specifically someone, I later felt, who had been in my room, and was likely the source of the presence I’d also felt when out of body. I’d just remained staring at the area where he’d been after his departure. Whatever had happened, whoever it had been, it brought back fears of living alone – I remember that specifically – which in turn frustrated me, as I was determined not to live with anyone ever again. I also felt what I later described as a ‘fear of fear’ – a fear of remembering something that would inspire intense terror, no matter how much I desired to recollect it.”

On September 14, 2023, specifically, there was an additional element. Rather than seeing a nocturnal red light hovering above my parent’s lawn, however, it was something that implied a more direct link between aliens and these astral projections:

“After laying back down in bed, it happened several times in succession. I’d blast into awareness, feel a head rush, hear the sound of blood rushing into my ears, making that muffled sound like I had been submerged underwater, and I would realize my body was paralyzed and I could move my subtle body to some degree. I couldn’t see, all was black, but merely felt the sense of touch and movement. I kept fearing that I was dying and didn’t want this to be permanent, and that fear drove me out of it a few times. Each time I was out of it, the process would happen all over again.

Four distinct episodes happened during this experience, though I’m not sure of the sequence. One of the first two I’ve written below came first, however.

At one point, after my focus came to the immobilization of my body, I sensed a presence nearby, so called out with my mind telepathically, ‘Who’s there?’ While there was no verbal response, I immediately received a tinted visual still image that slowly faded out of the black background of my mental space, and it certainly felt as if it had come from outside me. It was a Mantis-type Gray alien. Shortly thereafter, I snapped out of it and the process started over.”

However utterly irrational it may seem to others, I have come to sincerely believe that this Mantis entity has been visiting me since at least as early as March 2, 2021, though I now feel strong suggestions that this entity, or those like him, have been involved with me since my early childhood. For that reason, I decided to explore the personal encounters others have had with such Mantis entities. I went on a deep dive. I went as far down the rabbit hole as I could manage, and here is where I begin to share what I’ve amassed.

Encounters with these creatures have been reported in what I will categorize, for convenience – and however potentially arbitrarily – as Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens and Encounters With Mantis Aliens in Altered States. At present, I will focus on physical encounters, which I will subcategorize into three types: Wilderness Encounters, Urban Encounters, and Abduction Experiences.

First and foremost are Wilderness Encounters which I will define as those random, apparently chance encounters an individual has had with such a being in an area outside the home, typically in a forested area.

I initially came across such stories through Beyond Creepy, a YouTube channel I would highly recommend to anyone interested in UFO and paranormal tales, especially obscure ones bearing a particularly high strangeness. This YouTuber, who prefers to be referred to as Mr. Black, seems to have acquired the bulk of these Mantis tales through Fortean researcher Lon Strickler, who has published countless books and also began a blog in 2005 entitled Phantoms & Monsters. It was only recently that I began taking notes and quotes from Mr. Black’s relevant videos, however, which in turn led me to Strickler’s website to see what other cases he might have collected. What I found there was quite illuminating.

The initial post I came across on Strickler’s site was dated July 26, 2011, though whether this was the date of the report or the date of the incident is still unclear to me. In any case, the unnamed eyewitness described the incident as having occurred five years prior while he was fly fishing with his boss on the east bank of the Musconetcong River in Hackettstown, New Jersey. It was mid-afternoon, the sky was “white and heavy,” and while there had been heavy rains for several days, he described the river that day as smooth, though with an incredibly strong current. Both he and his boss were in the water, with his boss about fifty yards behind him. He was chest high in the river, leaning back, digging his heels into the gravel beneath, when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye to his left.

On this side of the river, he explained, there was a sloping bank perhaps ten feet high with a strip of trees between 10 to 20 yards thick, beyond which there were fields, though there was an occasional, roughly 20-yard gap in the trees that provided unobstructed access to the river. When he looked towards the source of movement, it was in one of these gaps, and what he saw, for what he calculated amounted to “only a couple of seconds,” was a creature some 15 to 20 yards away and several feet above him, its figure cast against the aforementioned “white and heavy” sky.

What he caught first was a strong left thigh and calf that, while reminding him of a grasshopper, was bent forward like a human. He then saw the creature in full, which he described as a tall humanoid, somewhere between six and a half and seven feet tall with a “gangly, nobby” body. While he remains uncertain as to the nature of its hands or feet, he insists its arms were typical and not akin to the literal praying mantis forelegs that earn the earthly insect its name. Its head was triangular with huge, black, slanted eyes that reminded him of a praying mantis, and he spotted it as it was moving away from the river and up the bank, presumably away from him, as it looked over its shoulder at him – and at this moment, they locked eyes.

Upon their mutual gaze, his immediate sense that the creature was astonished, and though he remains uncertain why, he suspects that the fact that he had not only been able to see the creature but had not reacted in fear may have had something to do with it. He emphasizes that he has always had paranormal experiences and has come to shrug them off, and feels that his “whatever” kind of attitude may have played a role in its reaction, and so in the creature’s reaction. At the same time, however, he is swift to insist that this was a physical, biological creature, not some apparition. In any case, he said the Mantis quickly faded into transparency. It “disappeared into thin air,” as he put it, mid-stride. He feels it had a cloaking ability and he “caught it” at just the right moment, as it found itself against a new background and was adjusting.

He also adds that he muttered not a word about this to his boss, and honestly, I can’t blame the guy.

What makes this tale more intriguing to me is that he wasn’t alone in encountering a Mantis entity in this general location. To the contrary, Strickler came across a post on the Hackettstown Life online forum describing yet another sighting of such a creature along the Musconetcong River. Though it was a second-hand story, he began corresponding with the individual who posted it and I feel it bears mentioning.

As the story goes, the poster was far into a conversation he had been having with his friend, a successful businessman, when the guy began tearing up. He confessed to having had an incredibly frightening experience roughly two years prior and explained that he hadn’t been the same since. Around dusk, he and his brother were fishing at Stephen’s State Park, and as his brother was fishing about 50 yards downstream, he suddenly felt a vibration in his right ear, and so naturally turned his head in that direction. As he did, he saw a 6-to-7-foot-tall black-and-gray-colored humanoid resembling a praying mantis. He saw the creature for perhaps three seconds, he claimed, though it frightened him so bad he wet his pants and subsequently sat down in the water so his brother would be none the wiser. After this original confession, however much the poster struggled with accepting the story, he knew his friend wasn’t lying. They then both Googled “Praying Mantis Man on Muscenetcong” only to discover that he was not alone.

Despite the similarity in their activities at the time, their locations, and the general description of the Mantis creature they witnessed, I find it interesting how their reaction to their individual experiences differed in such an extreme manner: the first, utterly fearless; the other, not only so terrified he pissed himself but was traumatized by the sighting for long thereafter.

Another Mantis encounter took place in yet another forested area, though not a river, and not in New Jersey. I believe this was the first Mantis encounter I heard of on Beyond Creepy which I believe he got from Strickler, who in any case posted it on his site, though the story originally derived from the radio show Coast to Coast AM on its September 29, 2016 broadcast. It was delivered by a caller who only identified himself as “Ricky” from San Diego, California.

As the caller explained it, his sister had taken him, a friend, and others deep into the Sequoia National Forest around 2014, and while initially everyone was having a great time, things ultimately took a turn towards the undeniably strange. Around nine in the evening, as the rest retreated to their tents to get some shut-eye, he and his friend decided to stay up and gaze at the bonfire. At some point he decided he wanted to listen to some music, so he went to his sister’s 4Runner and opened up the back door to grab his iPOD, and as he did so he heard a sound that suggested to him that something had fallen out of one of the nearby trees. It hit the ground with a loud thumping sound – and it hit the ground so hard, he said, that he could feel it. “I had a flashlight on me,” he said, and:

“I looked over at the tree I heard the fall from and I swear on my life – and I swear to God; honest to God – I saw a 6-to-7-foot-tall praying mantis. And as I laid eyes on it, I completely lost breath. I was completely taken aback. It took a step back and it became completely invisible. I could not believe what I saw.

I slammed the door and I ran back to the campfire. I alerted my friend. I woke everyone up and no one would believe me. I was really upset because I knew what I’d seen. So that happened and my friend didn’t believe me. He was laughing at me and then all of a sudden I could hear all these things surrounding us. And finally, when I brought it to my friend’s attention, he kinda put his ear to it and he heard it too. Finally, I was patrolling the campground with my flashlight and I could just hear these things surrounding us and I heard, like this clicking sound, it was like… It was really strange. I was so scared.”

All three of the above reports occurred in rural areas, with the first two in the same area, and with the first and the last both describing the apparent abilities of these Mantis beings to cloak themselves. In the first case, this seemed to occur in tandem with eye contact, and it may be the case with the last as well, though it isn’t entirely clear. This last case also added that the creature made a clicking noise, however – but, much as with the “astonishment” of the Mantis in the first case, this is by no means the only case to report this.

Another report, for instance, comes from the newsletter UFO Roundup, Volume 9, Number 32, published on August 11, 2004. It involves an experience reported by an eyewitness, A.T., who explained how he and his girlfriend were lying on the grass in Kay Rodgers Park in Fort Smith, Arkansas, on August 4th of that year, at around ten in the evening when they saw two humanoid beings walk out of the bushes about ten feet away from them. The creatures were roughly seven feet tall, he said, though the one on the left was a few inches shorter than the other.

“They wore grey or off-white tunic-style outfits,” he explained. “They had shiny bronze or gold medallions on the center of their chest or shoulder.” They had “mantis-like heads” that bore eyes that would change from “blood red to neon green” and “made strange clicking noises.” The couple and the two creatures gazed at one another for five to six minutes before “they disappeared into a white light.”

Again, the clicking. Again, the capacity to seemingly vanish upon eye-gazing – though in this case “into a white light.”

Other wilderness sightings of the Mantis beings come through another YouTube channel, What Lurks Beneath, specifically a video entitled “It Preyed Upon Me – 2 Scary Stories of Insectoids,” which I must confess I initially had profound doubts would provide any useful information. It seemed like one of those YouTube channels that serve only to provide creepy stories for entertainment purposes and remain loose on the facts. While the first story lacks satisfying detail, it bears mentioning, and the final story certainly seems interesting.

The first story was provided by a fifty-year-old fighting cancer who asked that their name and gender not be revealed, but who for the sake of convenience I’ll refer to in the feminine. She had purchased 20 acres in the Ozarks in the early 1990s and came to believe a “small family of Sasquatch” lived on the property. While she permitted close friends and family to hunt whitetail deer on the property, when they did so they were required to leave something such as a basket of fruit and chocolate. The Sasquatch always took the basket, she claimed, sometimes leaving a bundle of sticks or nuts in its place. Then, around August or September of 2018, everything changed. She no longer had wild boar destroying the property, the elk disappeared, successful deer hunts became a rarity, and the baskets were left untouched. The reason, she says, is “something in the woods” that she has seen during the daytime “that I cannot explain. It looked and moved like a six-foot praying mantis and made this clicking screech as it followed me to the woods.” She adds that “it was big, fast, loud, and it was not afraid of me. It was definitely stalking me” but she “didn’t see it or hear it after I got in my truck. I just sat there, paralyzed. I couldn’t move.” Even her pets were petrified. “My dogs were barking, snarling, whining obviously terrified,” she explained, adding, “I’m gonna sell my property. I’m not going back into the woods.”

Despite her frustrating lack of description regarding the actual incident, she writes:

“I see it almost every night of my dreams. I always go back looking for it, like it’s calling me to it, beckoning me closer. Sometimes I stumble on it and it’s consuming a fresh-killed deer or a hunter. Sometimes it is waiting for me and lashes out with its stiletto-laden arms, piercing my body before I even have a chance to defend myself, before I even have a chance to scream. And each time I see it, how do I know what it is? It looks exactly like a praying mantis. There’s just something different about its eyes like they see into my soul like no insect ever could. It knows you
fear it. I think it knows how to follow me into my dreams. I’m wondering now if it can track me here to my home in the city through my dreams. I barely sleep anymore at night and every time the dogs bark at night I jump, adrenaline racing through my heart. I need to add this even though it may cause some doubt to my story even more.”

So again, we have an encounter with a being that looked liked a Mantis and made a clicking sound, though this time described as a “clicking screech.” She also mentioned being “stalked” by the creature. We might also add the element of presumed telepathy here, as she felt that its eyes could see into her soul, and felt that it could follow her into her dreams as well.

The next tale was an account by someone who identified himself as Daniel. He described himself as someone who, though he was no hunter or adept outdoorsman, loved being in nature, taking in the beauty, and enjoyed exploring the forest, particularly the swamps of northern Florida, into which he’d been venturing for years. Then, during the pandemic, he began letting himself “kind of get lost in the swamps, to not just escape but escape reality, escape the world that we live in to find myself in a place of so much beauty.” Unfortunately, that’s when he began having experiences that left him with the feeling that he was being stalked by something that even he admits is more far-fetched than the notion of Bigfoot, which he’s not even sure he believes in.

“It all started when I began hearing this weird clicking noise. Sometimes it would appear as if it was directly behind me, then other times it would sound like it was all around me, top to bottom. Degrees. Like some sort of swarm of insects that I couldn’t swat away. It was very bizarre. The noise would just kind of come and go and sometimes would change in volume and even pitch. Over time, it began to make me more and more uncomfortable. I soon realized I wasn’t just hallucinating or having some sort of vision, I was experiencing a noise that was surrounding me that I couldn’t identify, I couldn’t pinpoint it to any specific animal…”

Then, about thirty to forty feet away and directly in front of him, he saw large, bulbous eyes, very close together, that “kind of emanated a bright yellow glow. And that’s when I was able to see the silhouette” of the “large, insect head” to which the eyes were attached. While he couldn’t see the body, which “was standing in the bog and the brush,” it seemed larger than himself, and “as I looked at it and as it looked into me the clicking sound grew louder and louder” and he was suddenly overcome with the fear that if he remained there any longer, he would perish, so be hightailed it back home.

He further explained that this had happened just a few weeks before writing his letter, which he was shaking in the process of writing, and he was writing all of it down mostly to process the experience and was uncertain who he could send it to who wouldn’t simply label it as crazy. He had sent it to this YouTube guy and a few others, however, “out of desperation” in the hopes that someone could provide him some information regarding what he saw.

And so we again have the clicking, the eye contact, an the glowing eyes – not “blood red” or “neon green” in this case, however, but yellow. As with the previous case, there is also the fact that the Mantis appeared to be stalking the individual.

While the seven encounters above may leave one assuming these beings are intelligent creatures native to the earth and merely as of yet unacknowledged by the scientific community, they are without question also associated with the UFO phenomenon.

To provide a recent case of such an encounter, we’ll now turn to an incident that occurred on Thursday, July 16, 2020, in Warwickshire, United Kingdom. At about five that morning, Paul Froggatt was riding his bicycle home after working a 12-hour shift when he suddenly saw what he described as “a glowing orange sphere just hovering on the horizon” and wondered if it might be a satellite, or perhaps Venus, though he ultimately concluded that the object seemed too close for either to serve as a suitable explanation. After some time, he stopped to take some photos of the object with his phone, adding in retrospect that it seemed larger than the photos depicted. In any case, as he continued watching, the object began to rotate. As he went on to explain:

“I could see it was circular with a part sticking out from the main body. When this started I got the chills down my back and felt like there was something wrong here, I hurried on my way home. As I kept cycling I could swear the object was moving along my course but I just told myself it must be some kind of optical illusion. I entered a wooded area and lost sight of the object through the trees. Usually at this time of morning there is a chorus of bird song and insects but the woods were dead silent.”

This is a common experience during UFO encounters, it should be mentioned, that is often referred to as The Oz Effect. It is as if time has not just slowed, but entirely stopped. As if the whole of the universe, from inception to expiration, were but a roll of film, and you are suddenly stuck in a single frame – yet paradoxically able to move around as you otherwise would. In such instances you often quickly realize you are not the only free agent in this temporal amber, however, just as Froggatt did:

“As I cycled down the path I came around a bend I saw something I will never forget. Standing a few meters ahead is what I can only describe as a humanoid praying mantis. This thing was at-least 7 foot tall, light green with triangular head and big oval black eyes. It had all the features of a mantis but stood on two legs and had a somehow human like shape about it. I was completely frozen with fear. For what felt like an age, but was probably only seconds, I stared into this creature’s eyes and it stared back. I felt like it could read my mind and I could read its. My fear was replaced with completely alien thoughts of utter hatred and evil I felt projected from this thing. I suddenly snapped out of this hypnotic kind of state and it made a step back as if it was gonna pounce on me.”

As I can find no article that references the conclusion to the encounter, I must assume that he tore ass home, just as I would have. In any case, yet again we have a humanoid Mantis-like entity roughly seven feet tall who engaged in prolonged mutual eye-gazing with the witness that left the witness feeling as if telepathy was occurring.

There are still other UFO encounters associated with such Mantis beings, and while this final account makes mention of a Mantis entity only peripherally, which is to say second hand, I feel that it is important to include nonetheless. As recently reported in “Messengers,” the first episode of the 2023 Netflix docuseries, Encounters, there was a UFO flap over Stephenville and Dublin Texas in January of 2008, one which I had passionately followed in the news at the time. Concerning eyewitnesses of the event, the docuseries focused on Steve Allen and Lee Roy Gaitan, the Constable of Erath County, both of whom witnessed the UFO on January 8, along with over 300 other eyewitnesses.

Allen first saw the UFO while around a campfire, bullshitting with some friends of his, and he equates what he saw to a religious experience. Two seconds after it disappeared, they all witnessed two F16s come flying by, and shortly thereafter he talked to the press – and subsequently was contacted by the military:

“A military Colonel called me one afternoon at my house and talked to me about an hour and forty-five minutes. Says, ‘We’ve had a lot of discussion about you and what to do with you,’ he said. ‘You’re kind of a high-profile guy. If you was to just happen to come up missing it would kind of look suspicious’…'”

Along with his young son, Gaitan saw lights in the sky outside his house, which then departed at an insane speed. A minute or two later, like Allen, he also saw jets appear, traveling in the same direction as the UFO.

Neither of their accounts or any accounts in the general area of Stephenville, for that matter, struck me as hard and with as much depth as the account of Ricky Sorrells, however – even when I initially began following the story when it broke in the papers and news stations back in 2008. He was one of the first to come forward with his UFO experience, and the sincerity and simplicity inherent in his character made the truthfulness of his account undeniable to me. Sorrells’ encounter took place in December of 2007, however, which is to say a month before the 2008 flap.

He had gone out to hunt deer on his property, dressed in the appropriate camouflage and bearing his gun. At some point, however, he got tangled in some briars, and with his head down, as he made efforts to get untangled, he suddenly realized that everything had gone dark – as if a stormcloud were looming above him. As a consequence, as he freed himself from the briars and was in the process of stepping forward, he instinctively looked up, at which time he saw the object hovering about 300 feet above him. While he raised his gun, he thought it best not to shoot, though he still stood under the object for roughly three minutes, studying it with his naked eye and often studying it through his scope as well.

He explained the object in detail through interviews as well as in William J. Birnes’ book Aliens in America: A UFO Hunter’s Guide to Extraterrestrial Hotspots Across the U.S. While he couldn’t see the edges of the object through the canopy of trees nor see passed it, he explained it as being akin to a smooth, perhaps three-football-fields-wide sheet of iron, barn gray in color with a dull, matte-like finish. There were no bolts, rivets, or seams. There were circular indentations beneath the object – each of which went perhaps four to six feet deep, cone-like in that they were bigger at the bottom and smaller at the top – that were placed about forty feet apart. It made no sound as it hovered, and made no sound and produced no wind as it took off. To his surprise, it didn’t pivot skyward and take off as an airplane would, either, but rather remained flat as it departed at a 45-degree angle – and with such an insane speed that if he had blinked, he said, he would have thought it had simply vanished. After that, he hightailed it back to the house.

Sorrells, it should be noted, was not featured in the Netflix series, however, and there may be damned good reasons for that. On Larry King, he openly confessed that he believed he’d been harassed since his encounter by what he assumed to be the military, who had flown helicopters above his property in a grid pattern. Someone claiming to be a Lieutenant Colonel had called him on the phone, he said, and requested an interview with him, which he refused, after which they had a rather heated discussion. In the midst of it, Sorrells asked him to stop flying helicopters over his airspace, upon which the guy claimed that it wasn’t Sorrells’ airspace, but his. Eventually, he said that if Sorrells quieted down he’d stop his helicopter bullshit, and Sorrells had remained quiet – until the Larry King interview, that is – and the activity above his property had indeed ceased.

Angelia Joiner, a reporter for the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, had also said on Larry King that she thought Sorrells might have been singled out because he had a detailed, daytime sighting.

There may have been another reason, however, as mentioned by both Gaiten and Allen in the Netflix series – something that, despite my interest in the flap, I had never heard before. Gaitan said one day Sorrells came to him in tears, alleging that someone was harassing him.

“Suddenly, Ricky stops talking to everybody,” he says, ominously adding, “I think Ricky saw a lot more than what the rest of us saw.”

Allen also asserts that Sorrells was “being intimidated,” as he put it, and he added details that Gaitan had not.

“Ricky has said he saw some sort of ‘something’ inside the aircraft, and it resembles some sort of insect,” he said, “or maybe even a praying mantis.”

Empathy With the Enemy (Of Elizondo & Motivations).

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War.

It has for some time seemed abundantly clear to me that there are two ways in which people experience and consequently use the word “empathy.”

The first and lesser form of empathy merely requires, as it is often expressed, that one “walks a mile in another’s shoes” within the realm of their mind, and while this can certainly help increase one’s understanding of another’s circumstances to some degree, in the end, it merely requires imagining how you, as the specific, unique individual you undoubtedly are, would react in their particular circumstances.

A far deeper form of empathy not only extends beyond your own mere personal experience, as in the first form, but your own, personal ego as well. You not only “walk a mile in their shoes,” in other words, but walk that mile devoid of your personality, psychologically immersed, to the extent to which you are able, in the skin, thoughts, emotions, and historical context of the other.

You don’t walk their mile as you would, but walk their mile as they would.

That’s a far more difficult task, especially when you’ve christened the Other as your enemy, but if your aim is truly greater understanding, you’ll inevitably rise to the challenge.

In that spirit, I now reference a clip from the Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal podcast where Lue Elizondo, former military officer and former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), provides a hypothetical scenario that could potentially help explain one of the reasons behind the UFO cover-up, but he stressed more than once that it required viewing the narrative he was offering strictly through the lens of national security.

More specifically, he asks you to imagine you are a hypothetical General from the 1950s or 1960s, where it’s your job to protect the USA at the height of the Cold War. Suddenly, UFOs enter the scene, representing a technology “that can outperform anything you have” in your arsenal, rending all of your defense capabilities in this context “rather ineffective from a national security perspective.” In other words, any demands or warnings you issue to them through radio, any attempts made at shooting them down – all of it ultimately failed, and throughout it all, their intentions remained unclear.

As Elizondo said, given these circumstances, there are only three possibilities as to the nature of their intentions, at least from the national security lens through which you’re viewing all of this UFO behavior: (1) they’re benevolent, (2) they’re malevolent, or (3) they’re just as we are, with the capacity to be both either benevolent or malevolent, yet are just here to observe us. In any case, as this hypothetical General, it seems clear to you that they are engaging in ISR, which in the typical, acronym-fetishizing military-speak stands for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance. Elizondo added that “some may look at that as what we call preparation of the battlefield,” where you gather intelligence regarding the environment and strategies of the enemy in preparation for a potential attack.

This is where I get a bit confused with the narrative Elizondo is weaving. At this point, knowing what we know, how on earth could we accept as a possibility that they’re merely here to observe us? Elizondo himself stated that, as the General, it is clear to you that the non-human intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon is engaging in ISR, or preparation for a potential battlefield. Even if one were to cough it up to being merely a precaution, nothing about that screams a motive of simple observation to me. On the contrary, it seems to suggest that in some way, shape, or form, we constitute a threat, and they want to know how to deal with that threat if it comes to pass that battle is necessary.

That they consider us potential adversaries is strongly suggested in their ISR since as early as the Second World War and continues to this day. The way they have engaged with our military aircraft, playing cat-and-mouse, chicken, hide and seek, and peekaboo: there are, so far as my feeble mind can manage to conceive, only two motivations for such behavior, and that is to ascertain our technological capabilities, which falls into military intelligence, and to demonstrate their technological superiority, which is more primal – like an “alpha” providing a show of strength as a warning to those who might elect to challenge that superiority. A high-tech version of puffing out simian chests and beating on that chest with their fists while crying out with a mighty fucking roar. For what it’s worth, I think both help explain this behavior.

It extends far beyond the engagement of UFOs with earthly, military aircraft. Like an “alpha,” they routinely enter another’s territory or personal space. As the thoroughly researched book UFOs & Nukes by Robert Hastings makes clear, a lot of this is also focused on close surveillance of and interference with our nuclear capabilities. They enter restricted airspace. They have hovered above missile silos. They have demonstrated their ability to both prevent and trigger our ability to launch nuclear missiles. In essence, they have demonstrated their ability to both prevent and instigate a global thermal nuclear war.

Again, they are either testing our capabilities, demonstrating their superiority, or both — and likely both.

So there aren’t three possibilities regarding their intentions, as Elizondo stated, but only two: they are what we would consider to be benevolent, or what we, from our perspective, would consider malevolent.

Mere observation? It’s off the table.

“And let’s just say, hypothetically, there’s a 10% chance that these things are bad, or one day they’re going to come here in force,” Elizondo went on, adding that this may perhaps occur some “fifty years from now.”

So why not disclose it all to the public?

He goes on to say that if you, as the General, were to disclose these facts to the populace, the populace would get prepared. They’d get prepared for the worst. And this frantic effort to prepare for the worst would undoubtedly become clear to the alien presence.

If they have us under surveillance, after all, we must imagine they’re monitoring our radio, our television, our internet – and those are just assumptions gleaned from our all-too-human capabilities. Realize that regardless of whether we’re talking about distant UFO sightings, close encounters, or abduction experiences – which constitute perhaps the closest of all close encounters, mind you – in all cases, there is a disturbing throughline that extends beyond current science and into what we currently regard as the paranormal and parapsychological. Specifically, I’m speaking of their clear displays of telepathy. Their ability to read (and yes, communicate and manipulate) your mind. In short, such a disclosure would become blatantly fucking obvious to them in no time at all. It would swiftly become obvious to them that we not only know that they exist but that an attack by them may be imminent.

Through Elizondo’s former experience as an Intel Officer, he tells us, he has a damn good idea as to the consequences of such a circumstance.

“I can tell you,” he said, that “in real life combat situations when we send in Long-Range Surveillance or LRS teams behind enemy lines, the moment the enemy finds out, that they know we’re there, the element of surprise? It’s over.” So while you, the General, might have had half a century to prepare countermeasures behind the veil of a cover-up and disinformation campaign – a good amount of time to reverse-engineer and replicate the recovered technology and build up an adequate defense against them – now that hope, however pie-in-the-sky it may have been given how far in advance of us they are, is utterly ruined.

“Now that the cat’s out of the bag,” he said, “that existential action will happen tomorrow.” And so “from a very real perspective, a national security perspective, the mere fact that you are acknowledging the existence of something may predicate an action or an act that you’re not prepared to have right now.”

So he asks you, the General, the looming question: “What do you do if the mere fact of talking about this could potentially cause a reaction that you’re not ready for as a country, as a civilization?”

At the opening of this monologue, he phrased it in this way: “What if there was knowledge, Kurt, that was so volatile and Earth-shattering that the mere knowledge of that getting out could predicate an action that could potentially threaten the entire species?”

You must admit, he seems to be saying, that put in the position of this hypothetical General, such a cover-up, however unethical from an outside perspective, makes a good deal of sense to you from the inside.

“Maybe that’s the reason why you decide to only brief certain presidents who have a background in intelligence,” he offered, and I feel I can’t be blamed for the fact that George Bush, Sr. pops into my head upon hearing this. “Maybe they were former directors of [the] CIA, but the other presidents, who are career politicians, will be here today, gone in four years. Maybe you can’t even risk telling them. And so maybe the reason why this has been kept secret so long is actually, in a weird sense, some sort of sense of patriotism by people. Maybe that’s how they justify it.”

I don’t think there was any sole reason for the cover-up. Though the circumstances this hypothetical General you are asked to truly empathize with may certainly have constituted one such reason, I think other motivations came into play – including but not limited to Victor Marchetti’s “hypothesis” that those in power (the CIA, probably) believe that public knowledge of an ETI in our midst would inspire social unrest and strip them of their power – a hypothesis that was likely in the minds of the Powers That Be from the beginning but which was undoubtedly reinforced by the 1960 Brooking Report, which suggested as much.

Even so, Elizondo offers a damn likely additional reason.

Consider this, though: Might it be the case that the NHI have demonstrated the behavior they have towards the world militaries because they knew those militaries would react in the way they have and try to cover up their existence and spread disinformation, thereby driving a wedge between the militaries and the people they’re meant to serve?

Might their displays to the public in part be done to reinforce the fears of Those in the Know?

Might the NHI have strategically planted crashed craft, even sacrificed some bodies in the process, to instigate the secret cold war — knowing full well that we hadn’t the knowledge to successfully reverse engineer and replicate their technology, but that the militaries of the world would have to try nonetheless in fear that there was just a chance it could be done and that a rival earthly foreign power might do it first — thereby driving a wedge between the militaries of the world?

Could this be a form of divide and conquer?

A strategy meant to avoid a global effort against the NHI in the style of Independence Day or Ronald Reagan’s infamous remarks? A strategy that serves to breaks us up into isolated units of power easier fir them to deal with — isolated units of power too busy fighting with one another to join forces against the real threat?

If so, maybe you, General, should stop postponing the inevitable.

Perhaps you should take the risk, lead by example, disclose the truth, and if that inspires retaliation from the potentially malevolent NHI because they know the jig is up, so be it. At the very least it would open up the possibility that the walls between might collapse, that the aforementioned wedges might evaporate, and we might all join forces globally, as a species, against a common enemy.

That we might not only have a chance at surviving ourselves, but them.

UFOs, Aliens, and Government Secrecy: Of Controlled or Catastrophic Disclosure.

“We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”
– Robert Frost, The Secret Sits.

“With a secret like that, at some point the secret itself becomes irrelevant. The fact that you kept it does not.”
– Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants.

The Sol Foundation is a California-based nonprofit organization that was established on August 15th of this year. On its website, the Foundation is described as “a new think tank that has been established to research the philosophical, policy, and scientific implications of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)” and aims “to be a leading source of research on the issue, while providing the most informed and insightful policy recommendations to governments. The Foundation will encourage greater government transparency, drive collaborative sharing and review of academic insight, and champion methodical, scientifically robust assessment and analysis.”

The two co-founders are Dr. Garry Nolan, a Professor at the Department of Pathology at Stanford University School of Medicine, who also serves as the Executive Director, and Dr. Peter Skafish, a sociocultural anthropologist who also serves as the Director of Research. At present (which is to say towards the end of December 2023), the other board members include Timothy Gallaudet (Natural Sciences Advisory Board, US Government Advisory Board), Dr. Diana Walsh Pasulka (Social Sciences Advisory Board), Avi Loeb (Natural Sciences Advisory Board), and Jonathan Berte (Board of Directors, European Union and Technology and Investment Advisory Boards).

The Foundation’s first, invite-only conference occurred at Stanford University – and sponsored by their School of Medicine, largely due to Nolan’s efforts – between November 17 and 18 of this year. Here select reporters, activists, former government officials, physicists, other academic researchers, and evidently, even abductees or “experiencers” such as Whitley Strieber were in attendance. The speakers included former intel officer and UFO whistleblower David Grush, Belgian AI entrepreneur Jonathan Berte, former Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Chris Mellon, retired US Army Colonel Karl E. Nell, former Inspector General of the Intelligence Community Charles McCullough III, and Dr. Hal Puthoff.

At the conference, Puthoff revealed that in 2004, in Washington DC, a think tank brought together present and former officials from the CIA, DIA, Pentagon “and elsewhere” to discuss, weigh, and debate the potential positive and negative consequences of lifting the decades-old veil of secrecy surrounding what Those in the Know knew about the UFO phenomenon. In the end, the apparently unanimous assessment was that the societal risks were simply too grand in scale and so the coverup should continue. Evidently, those fears were echoed by many of the speakers at the Sol conference, too – some of whom, such as Mellon, paradoxically pushed for disclosure. Another speaker, a retired US Army Colonel by the name of Karl E. Nell, issued a dire warning, however, and he was apparently less contradictory in his position. If this coverup continues, he cautioned, it could result in catastrophic consequences for the US, or what he called a “catastrophic disclosure.”

In fact, ever since the conference, the term “catastrophic disclosure” has repeatedly emerged in podcasts and news reports regarding the UFO issue, and most certainly in the online UFO community, though little time has been dedicated to actually nailing down what is meant by the term. As far as I’ve been able to ascertain, it refers to a hypothetical state of affairs in which these truly “earth-shattering revelations” – the existence of these secret UFO programs, the information they’ve amassed, and no doubt the activities they have engaged in since the cover-up began – were released to the public, either by whistleblowers or US foreign rivals, and consequently generated panic and chaos among the American populace.

These fears, I should add, are by no means anything new. As I’ve written elsewhere, there was a NASA-commissioned study by the Brookings Institution released in 1961 that was entitled Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs. In the UFO community, however, it is most often referred to as The Brooking Report. In a relatively small section of the report, entitled “The implications of a discovery of extraterrestrial life” it is written that:

“Since leadership itself might have great need to gauge the direction and intensity of public attitudes, to strengthen its own morale and for decision making purposes, it would be most advantageous to have more to go on than personal opinions about the opinions of the public and other leadership groups.

The knowledge that life existed in other parts of the universe might lead to a greater unity of men on Earth, based on the ‘oneness’ of man or on the age-old assumption that any stranger is threatening. Much would depend on what, if anything, was communicated between man and the other beings […]

Anthropological files contain many examples of societies, sure of their place in the universe, which have disintegrated when they have had to associate with previously unfamiliar societies espousing different ideas and different life ways; others that survived such an experience usually did so by paying the price of changes in values and attitudes and behavior.

Since intelligent life might be discovered at any time via the radio telescope research presently under way, and since the consequences of such a discovery are presently unpredictable because of our limited knowledge of behavior under even an approximation of such dramatic circumstances, two research areas can be recommended:

Continuing studies to determine emotional and intellectual understanding and attitudes — and successive alterations of them if any — regarding the possibility and consequences of discovering intelligent extraterrestrial life.

Historical and empirical studies of the behavior of peoples and their leaders when confronted with dramatic and unfamiliar events or social pressures. Such studies might help to provide programs for meeting and adjusting to the implications of such a discovery. Questions one might wish to answer by such studies would include: How might such information, under what circumstances, be presented to or withheld from the public for what ends? What might be the role of the discovering scientists and other decision makers regarding release of the fact of discovery?”

While this section of the Brooking Report largely focuses on receiving radio signals from extraterrestrial intelligence, it would have undoubtedly served as a justification for a continuation of any coverup that was already taking place in the 1960s. Such notions were even echoed in a 2010 documentary television mini-series for the Discovery Channel written by Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and cosmologist, and largely voiced by actor Benedict Cumberbatch. In the US, it premiered on April 25, where it was called Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking. It subsequently premiered in the UK on May 9th, where it was called Stephen Hawking’s Universe. In any case, Hawkings “said,” in the first episode, entitled, “Aliens”:

“We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach. If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn’t turn out very well for the Native Americans.”

If the conclusions of the Brooking Report or Hawkings strikes you as unnecessarily paranoid, or at least prematurely paranoid, you are by no means alone. For some time I’ve felt that the true nature of the circumstances was more adequately encapsulated by something Victor Marchetti, former Executive Assistant to the deputy director of the CIA, wrote in an article in the May 1979 issue of Second Look entitled “How the CIA Views the UFO Phenomenon.” While he claimed to have no evidence or first-hand experience that might imply the UFO phenomenon was real (as I suspect he would have to claim, whether or not that statement was true, given the clearance he must have had), his thoughts on the matter, I feel, are rather revealing:

“My theory is that we have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and that the U.S. Government, in collusion with other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public. The purpose of the international conspiracy is to maintain a workable stability among the nations of the world and for them, in turn, to retain institutional control over their respective populations. Thus, for these governments to admit there are beings from outer space attempting to contact us, beings with mentalities and technological capabilities obviously far superior to ours, could, once fully perceived by the average person, erode the foundations of the Earth’s traditional power structure. Political and legal systems, religions, economic and social institutions could all soon become meaningless in the mind of the public. The national oligarchical establishments, even civilization as we know it, could collapse into anarchy. Such extreme conclusions are not necessarily valid, but they probably accurately reflect the fears of the ‘ruling class’ of the major nations, whose leaders (particularly those in the intelligence business) have always advocated excessive governmental secrecy as being necessary to preserve ‘national security.’ The real reason for such secrecy is, of course, to keep the public uninformed, misinformed, and, therefore, malleable.”

Marchetti’s belief that the kind of chaos he described likely reflected the fears of the ruling class (though not necessarily reflecting actuality) seems to be reinforced by Putoff’s description of that 2004 meeting and its unanimous conclusions and seems to suggest that these fears of the elite (and others, given that other speakers at the Sol conference seemed to echo these fears) have not diminished over time. Even so, it seems strange to me that while Those in the Know harbor these secrets and have somehow managed to go on with their lives, they nonetheless feel that if the general population knew these secrets they would not only be utterly incapable of handling it, but that society itself would inevitably crumble as a consequence.

To my mind, this reeks of elitism and arrogance.

Yes, exposure of these secrets would result in what has been called in this context, as early as John Mack’s 1994 book Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens, “ontological shock” – which is the often intensely anxious and disorienting state of consciousness, state of being, that one typically endures when forced to question their former worldview in the presence of new, undeniable revelations. As I’m sure those In the Know are entirely aware of, though, however difficult it may be, one can learn to adapt to this over time, even if they are dealing with it alone – though in this case, their experience may echo an escaped prisoner in Plato’s Allegory of the Cave in his work, Republic, returning to the cave and striving to illuminate the other prisoners with his revelations. In such an experience, the others would (perhaps understandably) scoff at him, as they had not experienced the real world themselves. Even so, the escapee can adapt – and I know this from experience.

If the entire world was let in on the truth, however – if only intellectually, and not through direct experience – they would be bonded through this conceptual trauma, this ontological shock. It would strengthen the ties between us all, as we would all share the experience of this revelation’s shockwaves, and we would all have each other to share our thoughts and emotions with. And those of us who had been given a “heads up,” so to speak, through direct experience? We would be there to help guide the masses to some perhaps small but hopefully detectable degree, as we had been there, done that.

And really, the truth regarding this cannot be concealed forever, so the efforts to maintain it will ultimately prove to be in vain. To my surprise and relief, this was precisely what Nell seemed to be suggesting during The Sol Foundation’s first symposium this November. His perspective was that disclosure in some form is at this point inevitable, and the best means of avoiding potential “catastrophic disclosure” is to engage in a strategic campaign of “controlled disclosure” that would slowly and carefully reveal the formerly concealed truths in the least damaging manner conceivable. This would ultimately shine the proverbial disinfecting sunlight upon the rogue UFO programs, providing proper public transparency, restoring Congressional oversight, and advancing scientific understanding. Though confessing that the target may not be met, and that the goal may be delayed, he also stated that he projected that disclosure could be met in six years, specifically by the first of October, 2030.

Just hearing that gave me hope, but I reiterate: I am not faithful in the least, but merely strive to sustain cautious optimism. Given the recent gutting of The Schumer Amendment, I must confess I feel rather vindicated in my adopted attitude.

Let me try to explain.

One must consider this conference took place in mid-November, when hopes for official, controlled disclosure were still as high as the saucers littering our skies, as this was all due to the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which determines the budget of the US Department of Defense for the year and as a consequence inevitably gets passed in some form of another. The upcoming year’s rendition, however, had within it a bipartisan amendment officially referred to as The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 (UAPDA), though informally – at least in the circles I tend to spin in – it’s been most often referred to as The Schumer Amendment. As I explained in that previous post:

“The meat of the act, according to Grusch, deals with where it demands that the president establish a 9-person Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Review Board within 90 days of FY24 NDAA’s enactment. It states that it must include at least one of each of the following: a current or former national security official, a current or former foreign service official, a scientist or engineer, an economist, a professional historian, and a sociologist and that all members must be granted necessary clearances and accesses. Government agencies and contractors would have 300 days to turn over any NHI data or recovered samples and technology to the board, which would be subject to the power of eminent domain – though, as NewsNation noted, it’s unclear how the legislation would compel them to do so if they showed reluctance. In my eye, it would be similar to how the Pentagon has recently failed its sixth audit in a row without penalty.

At any rate, once the board has received the data, samples, and tech, it would then have 180 days to investigate and then 14 days to publish its findings. The president would have the power to delay the disclosure of certain data if he judged that it posed a risk to national security, but any such postponement would require an unclassified, publicly available reason, and the delayed data would have to be periodically reviewed to assess whether or not conditions had changed and they could now be declassified and released.”

It passed the Senate this summer, yet ultimately got constipated in the House of Representatives by five key Republicans: Mike Turner, Mike Rogers, Mike Johnson, Roger Wicker, and the chinless, shell-less, consistently buffering turtle with a foot and four goddamn toes in the grave, Mitch Motherfucking McConnel. As it turned out, when the NDAA was passed on December 14th, the combined efforts of these five Agents of Epic Asshattery succeeded in removing two incredibly important aspects of the amendment – the presidential panel and the power of eminent domain. The presidential panel would have been cleared and have had the authority to review all data relating to Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) and decide whether and how that data should be disclosed, and their powers of eminent domain would have allowed them to acquire all NHI technology in the possession of government contractors. Now that those two provisions were gone, the UAPDA has essentially had its teeth and claws removed.

And why?

Really consider that question: why the effort to remove these two elements of the amendment specifically? After all, if it turned out what the Discreditors say is true, and there’s nothing of note here to disclose, what would have the harm been in merely passing the amendment in it’s original form? Doesn’t the fact that they defanged and declawed the amendment constitute a form of disclosure in and of itself, revealing with crystalline clarity that they do indeed have something to hide? I’ve yet to hear another suitable explanation.

Had it passed the House, the UAPDA would have surely been a long-overdue, beautifully bipartisan, and truly historic piece of legislation that would have served as the most ethical, rational, and national security-conscious manner through which the truths that certain aspects of the US Government have long held regarding the UFO or UAP phenomenon could have been disclosed to the public. Had the amendment passed without disembowelment, the fully cleared presidential panel with subpoena powers and the power of eminent domain could have collected and reviewed data from the compartmentalized programs in question and then slowly revealed all but the most sensitive data to the public in a carefully controlled fashion over the next six years. It was a fair compromise, methinks: the public slowly learns the truth and the concealers would be exposed, but in the best possible way, given the circumstances.

Now that it’s been defanged and declawed? Well, there have been mixed reactions.

There are those who, while disappointed and frustrated, nonetheless remain upbeat and show determination to keep up the fight that such legislation can eventually be passed – among them Schumer and Rounds, who held a colloquy on December 13, where Schumer said, part:

“… Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena are of immense interest and curiosity to the American people, but with that curiosity comes the risk for confusion, misinformation, and mistrust, especially if the government isn’t prepared to be transparent. The United States government has gathered a great deal of information about UAPs over many decades but has refused to share it with the American people. That is wrong and additionally breeds mistrust. We have also been notified by multiple credible sources that information on UAPs has also been withheld from Congress, which if true is a violation of laws requiring full notification to the legislative branch – especially as it relates to the four congressional leaders, the defense committees, and the intelligence committee.”

He went on to add that:

“… it’s beyond disappointing that the House has refused to work with us on all the important elements of the UAP Disclosure Act during the NDAA conference, but nevertheless, we did make important progress. First, for the first time, the National Archives will gather records from across the federal government on UAPs, and have a legal mandate to release those records to the public if appropriate. This is a major, major win for government transparency on UAPs and it gives us a strong foundation for more action in the future.”

In response, Rounds said:

“I would agree, sir, and I think probably the most significant shortcomings that I think we need to visit about as well, shortcomings of the conference committee agreement that are now being voted on were the rejection, first of all, of a government-wide review board composed of expert citizens, presidentially appointed and Senate confirmed, to control the process of reviewing the records and recommending to the President what records should be released immediately or postponed, and a requirement as a transparency measure for the government to obtain any recovered UAP material or biological remains that may have been provided to private entities in the past and thereby hidden from Congress and the American people. We are lacking oversight opportunities, and we are not fulfilling our responsibilities.”

Hearing two congressmen from both sides of the isle reference not only a UFO coverup but UFO crashes and biological remains is amazing to me, and that helped to temporarily quell my anger and frustration over the gutting of the amendment, as did their commitment to pushing for that presidential panel in the future. It gave me some hope that Controlled Disclosure could still happen – which is to say that it could still unfold through legal means. That the presidential panel, perhaps under the guidance of The Sol Foundation, might reveal the truth to the American public and the world at large through a process least likely to inspire the gravest states of ontological shock.

Unlike Schumer and Rounds, however, some were not only disappointed and frustrated, but downright pissed, and any optimism they might have had with Congress has clearly evaporated, as they’re now calling on the president to circumvent the Congressional avenue and utilize his executive powers to formulate the presidential panel that the House shot down on his own.

In either case, in other words, there is still hope that Controlled Disclosure could still happen.

Others, while clearly just as pissed off, are calling on the powers of bottom-up. At least one person, anyway, and that would be David Grusch himself. His change in demeanor was quite evident in the interview Elizabeth Vargas had with him on NewsNation, and which was posted on December 12. Here Grusch displayed nonverbals that those such as myself, who have paid attention to him since his initial interview by Coulthart in early June, had thus far not been privy to. Removing the amendment’s teeth and claws apparently only sharpened his own teeth and claws.

“What we’re witnessing now is, quite frankly,” he said, “the greatest legislative failure in American history.” He called on the American people to vote out those in Congress, such as Mike Turner, who killed the amendment, and went on to describe how:

“… we have a severe constitutional crisis right now. This is not a laughing matter. We have a severe oversight issue where there’s a caste system of individuals. Previous presidents most likely were abusing their authority under the unitary executive theory, which is a theory that the president, the chief executive, has ultimate power and with the stroke of the pen can decide certain things. So I think we have a severe truth and reconciliation process that we need to start in this country…”

Personally, I advocate all avenues that could lead to disclosure: continue to push Congress to initiate it through legislation, vote out the asshats who gutted the Schumer Amendment, and even push the president to use his executive powers to create the perfectly reasonable panel they poo-pooed. I have the feeling that in the meantime, however, what Nell called Catastrophic Disclosure may unfold, slowly but surely, though it’s unlikely to be given the spotlight by the mainstream media, at least until it cannot possibly be ignored any longer.

Why do I think this?

One should keep in mind that the revelations of David Grusch back in June of this year inspired this modern movement, and I think a lot of Those in the Know with first-hand experience and the journalists they spoke to were following Grusch’s lead, at least up until this point. Rather than blow the whistle on illicit programs through illicit means, as Snowden had, Grusch did it all by the book, above board, under the law, and through appropriate channels. For all the corrupt bullshit he saw, Grusch nonetheless retained his faith his the system, held fast to his patriotism, and truly believed that adhering to this code would ultimately lead to the public knowing the truth. He was relying on the Schumer Amendment to pass, however, and while I imagine he still clings to strands of hope that he can help push for disclosure through legal means, I do wonder if he’ll ultimately reach a breaking point if these efforts continue to be thwarted. After all, regardless of the degree of faith one might have in their social system, ultimately the deep-seated need one feels to do the right thing and fight to expose the truth overcomes the need to adhere to those social conventions, traditional avenues, and established laws that obstruct the pathway to that noble goal.

Now that the amendment has been effectively castrated, no matter how much Grusch may be determined to stick to his guns, those who have been following his lead – those 40-plus individuals who confided in Grush and those who spoke with Coulthart, Shellenberger, and other journalists – may no longer have the confidence or patience in the legal avenue that he’s struggling to hold onto himself. They may become increasingly willing to provide more information on their own, through media or more illicit channels.

So assuming that The Powers That Be were the forces behind the scenes, which I strongly suspect, their act of gutting the Schumer Amendment may have very well have been a goddamn death sentence, as those who wish to pull back the veil and expose these secrets to the world may decide that catastrophic disclosure is the only sure route available to them now. Ultimately, however much chaos it may cause, their growing attitude may become that “that which can be destroyed by the truth, should be.”


The Sol Foundation website.

The Sol Foundation: How a New Think Tank of Academics is Applying ‘Cutting-Edge Research’ to the UAP Mystery, by Micah Hanks, 9/12/23.

“Retired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 – to beat America’s rivals and get ahead of a ‘catastrophic’ leak,” by Matthew Phelan, 11/21/23.

The Sol Foundation Conference: A Great Success and a Greater Issue to Face, by Whitley Strieber, 12/6/23.

“Schumer’s Amendment, Three Mikes, and a Mitch: Constipations in UFO Disclosure,” by Benjamin Anderson, 11/28/03.

Majority Leader Schumer And Republican Senator Mike Rounds Floor Colloquy On Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Provisions In The NDAA And Future Legislation On UAPs.

David Grusch calls on Americans to make UAPs an election issue.

UFOs, the Office of Global Access, and the Spirit of the 4602nd AISS.

On November 28th, 2023, Josh Boswell, Chris Sharp, and Matt Ford published “CIA’s secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistle-blowers reveal,” an article for The Daily Mail that reported on the role that the CIA’s Office of Global Access (OGA) allegedly played in UFO recoveries.

According to the article, among the 56 offices in the CIA, and the nine offices in its Science and Technology wing specifically, the OGA was established in 2003 to “integrate analysis, technology, and tradecraft to attack the most difficult targets, and to provide worldwide collection capability.” The OGA specializes in facilitating covert entry into and exit from anywhere globally where individuals would ordinarily be denied access, such as behind enemy lines. According to multiple sources, the article says, while the majority of missions conducted by the OGA deal with mundane and conventional retrieval operations – snatching up the downed tech of our earthly adversaries; that sort of thing – three sources to The Daily Mail, all of whom feared reprisals and so wished to remain anonymous, informed them that since it’s inception the OGA has also been coordinating UFO retrievals for the US from around the world. The office works in concert with Special Forces Operations – Delta Force, SEAL teams – to retrieve craft, be they landed or crashed. After the OGA acquires these UFOs or associated materials, they pass them to private aerospace government contractors. Here, the collected material can be subject to analysis while simultaneously being shielded from audits and oversights, and given the strict compartmentalization, many if not most involved in the analysis may not even realize the nature of what they are studying.

Reading the article, I was suddenly struck by the similarity between the activities of the OGA and the activities initially ascribed to the US Air Force’s 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS). Created in 1952, the 4602nd was tasked with collecting downed foreign documents, crews, and hardware, and had over a dozen field units spread out all across the US. By the end of 1953 – and perhaps not coincidentally, just after the January 1953 Robertson Panel – the 4602nd was also assigned to investigate UFOs. As far as the public knew at the time, this was Blue Book’s job, but the 4602nd would now be the first to receive UFO reports, deal with those reports that concerned national security issues, and hand down the rest to Blue Book. In July of 1957, the unit changed names. No longer the 4602nd, it was reborn as the 1006th. It again died in April of 1960, now reincarnated as the 1127th USAF Activities Group. And as journalist Ross Coulthart wrote in his 2021 book, In Plain Sight, the efforts went on over time, under different titles:

“In 1961, an AISS operation named Project Moon Dust was tasked in a letter known as the ‘Betz Memo’ to ‘locate, recover and deliver descended foreign space vehicles.’ Another project, Operation Blue Fly, was proposed to deliver the recovered objects to the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. In his 1990 book, Out There, the New York Times journalist Howard Blum asserted that the ‘foreign space vehicles’ the US Air Force sought included craft of extra-terrestrial origin and that Moon Dust was a kind of ‘UFO SWAT team’. The book described the secret team’s role as ‘field exploitation of unidentified flying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aerospace vehicles, weapons systems, and/or residual components of such equipment.’ Surprisingly, declassified Project Blue Book and US Defense Intelligence Agency files do show the US was involved in a covert worldwide ‘UFO’ investigation and recovery program. Operation Moon Dust definitely involved retrieval of ‘foreign technology’ from other countries, but it also specifically sought ‘Unidentified Flying Objects’ and ‘flying saucers’.”

At the request of the Air Force, a committee was established in 1966 to review the best of Blue Book. Based out of the University of Colorado, it comprised four psychologists, one astrogeologist, one assistant dean of a graduate school, and one physicist – the chairman, Edward Condon, which is why it is often referred to in UFO circles as The Condon Committee. Two years later, in 1968, after studying 59 UFO reports, the Condon Committee released their results, officially entitled, “Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects,” though it has since been far more popularly referred to as the Condon Report. In it’s summary, it states that “[n]o UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security”, though given that since 1953 UFO reports that were judged by the 4602nd and its reincarnations to be matters of national security never even fell into the hands of Blue Book, this conclusion is clearly bullshit. And if one needs further evidence that this is the case, there is the “Trick Memo” found by staff member Ray Craig, handed down to research associate Norman Levine, who in turn provided it to David Sanders, the principal investigator. This memo makes it clear that the whole thing was a ruse from the start.

Nonetheless, based on the recommendations of the Condon Report, Blue Book was terminated in 1969, which for years the US Government as a whole insisted was the end of its interest in the UFO topic. Despite this allegation, we have what is popularly known in UFO circles as “The Bolander Memo,” received through FOIA. Dated October 20, 1969 and signed by Brigadier General C.H. Bolander, it makes clear that, regardless of Blue Book’s closure, UFO reports would “continue to be handled through the standard Air Force procedure designed for this purpose” and “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security […] are not part of the Blue Book system.”

In other words, despite the fact that the Air Force’s public relations front was gone, behind the scenes the spirit of the 4602nd remained as embodied and active as ever – at least at that point. While this is the extent of my limited knowledge regarding the incarnations of these efforts, there are strong suggestions of its survival, if only in spirit, beyond 1969. And if there is any reason to think that spirit continued its clear tendency to reincarnate, there are these recent allegations regarding the CIA’s OGA, which seems to be tasked with executing the same damned activities, though they’ve evidently gotten better at it over the decades. According to The Daily Mail article, after all, one source claimed that the CIA has some sort of “system in place” that can detect cloaked UFOs, and regardless as to whether the “’non-human’ craft land, crash or are brought down to earth, special military units are sent to try to salvage the wreckage” and that at least nine such craft have been recovered, two of them entirely intact, the rest damaged.

There has been a little pushback here, however, and from one I’ve come to consider in-the-know. In a clip from Cuomo’s show on NewsNation on November 29th, in an interview he had with Representative Tim Burchett and Coulthart, Coulthart said:

“What I can tell you is the Office of Global Access is the office in the CIA that has been coordinating this. They have been doing crash-retrievals for many years. One of the things I do take issue with in The Daily Mail’s story today is that they say there’s just nine craft that have been recovered. My understanding is that there are considerably more. And as the article accurately reports, this is done in collaboration with JSOC, the Joint Operations Special Command, notably with special forces drawn primarily from the US Air Force. So yes, the article is accurate, and I’ve got it also confirmed independently by multiple senior intelligence sources.”

Concerning the number of UFO retrievals, he’s not alone in pointing out this discrepancy. In his recent Joe Rogan interview, David Grusch has stated the number of UFO retrievals are in the double-digits, and in his June 7th Substack article, “US Has 12 or More Alien Spacecraft, Say Military And Intelligence Contractors,” a title that I feel speaks for itself, journalist Micheal Shellenberger made the same claim.

This article in The Daily Mail curiously emerges just as the Schumer Amendment (officially known as The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023) to the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY24 NDAA) has passed in the Senate, but is currently receiving pushback in the House of Representatives. If passed, it will set up a means by which the US Government could, at the presidential level, collect, evaluate, and systematically disseminate over time a disclosure of what the government knows regarding NHIs and their technology to the American people. If the amendment does not pass, many attest, the government will be unable to control the narrative and disclosures through the media, private efforts, and potentially through global adversaries will be the means by which the truth will be delivered to the public.

If the amendment fails to pass, in other words, those in the know who have already spoken to the likes of David Grusch, Ross Coulthart, Micheal Shellenberger, and Congress will have no choice but to enlighten the public through other means, which means that regardless as to whether it’s a global adversary or efforts within the US that spill the beans, such an uncontrolled disclosure may be catastrophic – if not to the populace, at the very least to those Gatekeepers of the Big Secret that sit atop the compartmentalized silos, given safety only by the shadows they have thus far been capable of hiding in.

Schumer’s Amendment, Three Mikes, and a Mitch (Constipations in UFO Disclosure).

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) is an annual act that specifies the annual budget of the US Department of Defense – in short, it funds the military. As a consequence, as I’m sure you can imagine, it’s an act that inevitably passes in some form or another every fucking year. Well, this upcoming year’s version – known as the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY24 NDAA) – has an amendment officially known as The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. However, it’s been frequently referred to as The Schumer Amendment. As with the recent, historical UFO hearing, the act is bipartisan, sponsored by Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Mike Rounds (R-SD), as well as Rubio, Gillibran, Young, and Heinrich.

At roughly forty-six minutes into a recent The Joe Rogan Experience podcast (#2065), whistleblower David Grusch revealed that a few months before he went public he learned about The Schumer Amendment, and this served as just another reason he blew the whistle. Given the data he’d gathered from his duties, he felt he was the only one who had the opportunity to do so, and he also felt those behind the amendment would be hesitant to go forward with it all unless they had something to point to publically.

The meat of the act, according to Grusch, deals with where it demands that the president establish a 9-person Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Review Board within 90 days of FY24 NDAA’s enactment. It states that it must include at least one of each of the following: a current or former national security official, a current or former foreign service official, a scientist or engineer, an economist, a professional historian, and a sociologist and that all members must be granted necessary clearances and accesses. Government agencies and contractors would have 300 days to turn over any NHI data or recovered samples and technology to the board, which would be subject to the power of eminent domain – though, as NewsNation noted, it’s unclear how the legislation would compel them to do so if they showed reluctance. In my eye, it would be similar to how the Pentagon has recently failed its sixth audit in a row without penalty.

At any rate, once the board has received the data, samples, and tech, it would then have 180 days to investigate and then 14 days to publish its findings. The president would have the power to delay the disclosure of certain data if he judged that it posed a risk to national security, but any such postponement would require an unclassified, publicly available reason, and the delayed data would have to be periodically reviewed to assess whether or not conditions had changed and they could now be declassified and released.

Though I have thus far been unable to find it in the act myself, according to Grusch, it also outlines a controlled UAP disclosure plan that is six years in length, conceivably from 2024 to 2030.

During his Rogan interview, or conversation, or whatever, he mentioned how it passed the Senate with flying colors, but – as he was told by his connections on The Hill – it was receiving pushback in the House. He mentioned only two individuals during the podcast: Mike Turner and Mike Rodgers.

Representative Mike Turner (R-OH) is the Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Grusch went to Turner’s committee in December of 2022 to give them a classified briefing, and while Turner himself wasn’t there, his staff and lawyers were. Despite providing all the data he could in the time he was given, after the UFO hearing in late July, Turner went on Fox Business and, though only calling him a “whistleblower” and not calling him out by name, essentially claimed Grusch didn’t know what he was talking about.

Not coincidentally, I strongly suspect, he’s from Dayton, Ohio, where he once served as mayor. Dayton, of course, is the home of Wright Patterson Air Force Base, the former location of Projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book, which collectively studied UFO sightings from 1948 to 1969, and is also where Roswell wreckage is allegedly stored, home of the mythical Blue Room – and so on, and so on. As Grusch himself stated, that’s, well, more than slightly suspicious. It also doesn’t help that – as Grusch made mention of and I subsequently confirmed for myself – Turner was listed in 2010 by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington as one of the 26 most corrupt members of Congress. Among his top donors are Lockheed and Boeing.

Aside from blocking the bill, according to staffers Grusch says he’s talked to in the past two weeks Turner is also looking to fund an opposition candidate for Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN 2nd District) in 2024. I immediately saw the relevance here. While I no longer pledge allegiance to either of the political parties, by nature I lean to the left, and though I know nothing of Burchett’s values and ideals beyond his determination to overcome the political polarization in this country and his outspoken stance on the UFO issue, I’ve come to deeply respect the guy since Grusch came on the scene – and yes, despite the fact that he’s a Republican. He comes across as a nice guy, constantly calling his interviewers “brother” and frequently spouting the phrase “dadgummit,” much to my amusement. He has spoken on numerous news programs and podcasts in support of UFO disclosure, and it doesn’t surprise me in the least that those like Turner who clearly desire to sustain the government secrecy and cultural stigma surrounding the UFO subject would want to kick Burchett off the Congressional podium and slap the megaphone from his hands.

So, yeah: fuck Turner.

Mike Rogers (R-AL, 3rd District), is the Chair for the House Committee on Armed Services, and Grusch seemed confused by his participation in this, though he didn’t go into any detail as to why.

According to Grusch, the alleged reason for the pushback was essentially that the proposed UAP Review Board demanded by the Schumer Amendment allegedly echoed the duties already ascribed to the DOD’s ARRO office which, as Grusch described it, is a load of horse shit. ARRO is within the DOD and the Intelligence Community (IC), he explained, not above it, at the presidential level, where the board would be – where it would have presidential authority over all other agencies, capable of extracting the aforementioned data, samples, and technology and having the authority to declassify them and provide them to the public.

The efforts of the two Mikes were bothersome enough, but more dire bullshit was to follow.

Subsequently, via Reddit, I came upon more fuel for my pessimism. This is where I learned of an article published in the Liberation Times, written by one Christopher Sharp on November 24th entitled, Black Friday: Republican Leadership Takes Axe To UFO Transparency Legislation,” and, given my clearly masochistic bent, I proceeded to read it. To no surprise, this article confirmed what Grusch had already announced three days earlier, namely that Rogers and Turner have sought to squash the Schumer Amendment. They added, however, that the disclosure-phobic Mikes had also recruited to their cause the new Speaker of the House, Representative Mike Johnson, thereby completing a trinity of Mikes that I passionately want to slap the everliving shit out of. In addition, they recruited the chinless, perpetually buffering, turtle-devoid-of-a-shell, and presumably sociopathic Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel.

I should add that I wasn’t exactly a fan of McConnel before all of this, but now, now that he’s joined the Disclosure Resistance Campaign? Now? Now the only two things preventing me from supporting his lynching by a mob are my fundamental ethics (rooted in my empathy, reason, and respect for due process) and the fact that it would be far, far too difficult to ascertain where his face ends and his neck begins.

And yes, this is a joke, not an authentic death threat. I’m not serious. It’s a dark joke, but a joke nonetheless. Don’t, like, cancel me and shit.

To go on, however, on the same day the article was published, Ross Coulthart tweeted on X, or whatever it is you now call posting something on what was formerly known as Twitter, regarding the Liberation Times article:

“This story is 100% accurate. An extremely powerful Defense Aerospace lobby is pushing key politicians in Congress to block the Schumer Amendment to the NDAA.”

Count me among the utterly unsurprised.

And wait, dear readers: there is even more disturbing news.

“It is understood that the four powerful Republicans are prepared to ‘compromise’ by amending language contained in the Act,” so The Liberation Times article went on to say, “although that would involve stripping it of its key provisions and crippling the Act of any meaningful power.”

Of course, I couldn’t help to think to myself. Of course, that’s the case. Why would I expect any different? Please, please tell me there’s still hope…

“One source familiar with the current NDAA conference process, which reconciles differences between House and Senate versions through negotiation,” the article went on, “told Liberation Times,” and I quote:

“It’s a shame that such monumental legislation is the victim of political brinkmanship. Neither of the detractors gives a hoot about serving the public interest and instead wants to use this amendment as leverage to get their own political interests codified.

When supposed “leaders” like this use the American people’s interests as their fodder, we should be reminded of what sparked the American Revolution in the first place. These individuals would be wise to remember that.”

The article goes on to emphasize, however, that bipartisan members within the Senate, House, and White House are determined to resist any attempts to soften or terminate the language of the act – and specifically mention, among this joint effort, Biden’s National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, as well as long-standing disclosure proponent John Podesta, as well as members of Congress that include Rubio, Luna, Gallagher, and – of course, dadgummit – that outspoken motherfucker Burchett as well.

Here’s the thing: if the true motivation behind the effort to maintain the secrecy and prevent disclosure isn’t just for a minority to sustain power over the majority (as knowledge is power, after all), then it has to be the fear of how the populace will react or respond to these revelations or how the NHI will respond to the disclosure to the populace. And if that’s the case, the true, underlying motivation is to kick the can down the road, to pass the buck, to postpone the inevitable.

The inevitable, however, is the inevitable, and the act – or rather, inaction – inherent in not disclosing it yourself does not prevent its disclosure, it merely prevents you from disclosing it, and if someone else discloses it before you, they have the power, they have the greatest conceivable amount of control over the narrative, and in the aftermath you’re left in the dark, dethroned. Silence and lies: they can serve you for a time, but never forever. Best to get ahead of it. Best to do so before someone else steals your thunder.

Do you feel it? Do you sense the penetrating silence? That’s the experience one has before a storm. And make no mistake, that thunderous monster is rolling in.

The three Mikes and a Mitch? They signify nothing less, nothing more than the death rattle of the biggest secret.

In the article mentioned above, The Liberation Times provided a quote from an unnamed source who they claimed had “knowledge of the current situation regarding the NDAA negotiations,” and this source had a damned good point:

“We’ve got a problem. Russia or China may beat the United States to disclosing the facts around a non-human intelligence if we don’t get our act together fast. This should be motivation enough for Republican leadership to fight for the UAP Disclosure Act.

They should be doing everything in their power to get it passed expeditiously. I’m baffled.”

As am I, anonymous source to Liberation Times. As am I.