
My name is Benjamin Anderson, and I have three blogs.

Transmissions to Earth
[from the province of constructive disillusionment] began as a dumping ground for writings of mine that took on every form and flavor, but has now evolved into a blog mostly featuring researched articles that may include but extend beyond my personal experience.

Transmissions from Earth
[a diary of seemingly paranormal experiences] serves as a diary of personal experiences that are either paranormal or the products of my insanity and my exploration of those experiences.

Flush of the Mindpot [catharsis for a spinning mind] is a blog dedicated to my poetry, most of which is produced while in an altered state of consciousness.

Chronicles of a Madman [notes from the cosmic circus] is a blog dedicated to my dreams and the more mundane aspects of my life.

All names in my personal life have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty alike.

4 responses to “Greetings.

  1. Hi Benjamin! I nominated you for The Creative Blogger Award. If you’re interested please accept this award, and if you’re unable to for whatever reason, please accept the recognition and my sincere thanks.
    Here is the link:

  2. You set it out on the table well! And your post prove it. Thank you for your writing. You’re a kindred spirit, and I appreciate!

  3. Your posts prove it. Amazing.

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