Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens, Part II: Urban Encounters.

Physical encounters with humanoid Mantis beings don’t only occur in the wilderness, however, but also take place in more urban settings such as the yard, the home, and even the bedroom, and they not only echo the patterns found in the wilderness encounters but build upon them.

While my own, relatively recent experience may constitute such an encounter, the fact of the matter is that I have yet to have a conscious recollection of seeing a Mantis face-to-face. Consequently, that encounter and the earlier ones, though only strongly implied to me, don’t justify more than a mere brief mention here. I do know two people, however – two people, I should add, who do not know one another – who have both explained to me privately that they’ve had direct encounters with them. And for what it’s worth, I don’t for a second doubt the sincerity of either of them.

One was a fascinating, higher classmate from high school who I wish I would have had the courage to get to know better, whom I’ll call Ted, though I only learned of his experience through social media nearly a decade and a half after I had graduated. He told me this in the wake of my September 9, 2011 incident, specifically after I posted on social media something vague regarding it. I don’t recall how much detail Ted provided publically, but I messaged him to glean more detail, and the experience he was gracious enough to describe to me was most interesting. It was a profound experience, he said, and he remembered it as clearly as if it had happened yesterday. Evidently, at some point in 1999, he awoke to find a 7-foot-tall Mantis being in a hooded robe holding him down as it made a sound akin to “someone running a finger down the teeth of a comb.” This is a fairly good description of the “clicking” sound described by others.

After some research, he came across similar accounts, which led him to believe it had indeed happened. Ted considered me fortunate for having had so many experiences with the aliens, though I sincerely believed he had lifelong experiences himself but was merely unable to recall them. He added that he believes that one day there will be a “mass awakening.” Though I don’t think I asked for elaboration, I certainly wish now more than ever I would have.

Just another item on an absurdly long list of regrets in my life.

The other individual is a close friend I first met when he was a coworker many years ago, and here I’ll call him Moe, as I have elsewhere. He has been sharing his strange experiences with me over the years. He began having experiences with an extremely tall and slender mantis entity in his house that seemed associated with a sort of “leaf-crunching” or “hissing” noise in July of 2016. Perhaps his most profound encounter, which I documented but to my utter fucking frustration I have been unable to find, dealt with him seeing the Mantis in his house, though it was cloaked in a manner akin, as he described it, to the alien in the movie The Predator. Much like Ted, he then began research and found disturbing associations between his encounters and those of others.

For all I know, they may have both explored many of the very anecdotes I’ve been exploring and will continue to explore now.

After the Hackettstown Mantis encounters he had previously posted (and which I detailed previously), Lon Strickler received some Mantis encounter accounts directly. These were not encounters in the woodlands, but as with the case of my two friends, occurred within the home. One such story was a bedroom encounter that could have either involved invisibility, as we’ve previously heard, or involved the phenomenon of lost or “missing time,” an experience common in UFO and alien encounters, and which seems to imply amnesia, perhaps induced through the aforementioned telepathic hypnosis.

Regardless, in April of 2016, a 65-year-old woman wrote Strickler to share an incident that occurred to her in late October or early November of 1993, when she lived in a two-story house in Seattle, Washington. She and her husband had been asleep beside one another in bed when, at around two in the morning, she had rolled over, bringing the open bedroom doorway, lit by the hallway light, clearly into view – where she saw a tall, robed figure standing. Sitting up in bed and grabbing her husband’s arm, she screamed that there was something in the doorway, and he shot up out of bed, grabbing the baseball bat he kept next to the headboard, ready to defend her, but as soon as she had screamed, she said, the figure was “gone, just gone.”

Afterward, she was understandably hysterical. After calming her down, he checked the house but found it secure and devoid of intruders. While apologetic to her husband for waking him like she had, she knew she had seen something and found it difficult to sleep, fearing the figure might return. Feeling as though she was losing her mind, she phoned her doctor and described the incident to him in tears, and the explanation he offered, at least as she explained it, sounded as if he was suggesting it was stress-induced sleep paralysis. He gave her a prescription and recommended she try and put it out of her mind, but she confessed that she never could.

Months later, she sat down and tried to let herself remember what she’d seen in clarity that night and draw it as best as she could. While some details jumped out at her, others were strangely vague, but the resulting drawing was disturbing enough that she immediately delivered it to the trash can. What she described having seen, and having subsequently drawn, however, was a robed humanoid with an insect-like head, enormous eyes, and only the vaguest impression of two slits where a nose would be. She had no recollection of a mouth.

“I remember in detail two nub-like things on its head,” she wrote, but only the vaguest sense of antennae sprouting out of them. It had similarly insect-like arms coming out of the slits on the side of the robe, which she recalled clearly enough, and while she recalled it having hands, she was unable to recall what they looked like or what they were doing. Given the vague nature of some aspects of what she recalled, she tried to convince herself that it wasn’t real, but it nonetheless continued to plague her, and she remains convinced she did indeed see something in the doorway that night.

In 2016 she read Strickler’s book, Cryptid Encounters, and found that others have described such Mantis beings, a creature she had never heard of. Reading these accounts, she confessed, “sent a volt of electricity through my body like an adrenaline rush and I got butterflies in my stomach. Everyone knows about Greys thanks to the movies – never seen one – never want to — but if other people had seen the big insect thing, maybe there really was something in my doorway that night. If other people have seen this thing, maybe they will feel better if they know I saw it too, even if only for a few seconds.”

There was a somewhat similar case provided to MUFON on August 15, 2014, which occurred on May 31, 2012, where an individual from Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada, also had a disturbing bedroom experience. The individual awoke amid sleep and felt an intense, painful tingling sensation that traveled down and back up his body, from his head down to his feet, though he was ultimately capable of screaming and sitting up in bed. Upon doing so, he saw an eight to nine-foot-tall entity resembling a Gray alien that had backward “legs like a grasshopper” in his bedroom, who was “walking towards my bedroom patio door but stopped and looked at me” as if he was in a hurry, “like I did something wrong“ and “almost like he was angry” or frustrated that he had been seen. He was able to calculate its height because he knew the height of the television above his fireplace. Then, as he explained it, the creature was “just gone and I snapped up again in bed sweating and heart raising.” He adds “I’m positive it was not a dream.”

In this last encounter, we again sense that the Mantis being wasn’t the least bit happy it had been seen, a familiar feature also present in many Wilderness cases. In these last two stories, however, the same issue is raised. Thanks to a variety of cases, it’s clear that these Mantis beings can both cloak themselves as well as induce a sort of amnesia, the last of which is a consistent element in abduction cases. In the two cases above, it’s difficult to determine whether the Mantis beings in question utilized their cloaking abilities or whether they induced amnesia, resulting in the experience of missing time. Other reported experiences aren’t at all ambiguous, however, as factors are present that allow them to note the temporal gap.

One such case was a bedroom encounter provided on the Phantoms and Monsters website and entitled, “Tall ‘Mantis’ Guardian Angels?” It derived from a comment on one of the videos posted my one of my favorite YouTube channels, the aforementioned Beyond Creepy, and while the specific video is not referenced, the comment came from one Win Nys.

The experience occurred in July of 2013 in central Pennsylvania, where Nys, who had been injured, emphasized that she was neither drinking nor on any medication but merely “resting, trying to heal” in her bedroom. While she doesn’t describe how the experience came about save for that “they came through the air and walls”, she reportedly found four beings in her room that she described in a general way as “tall white angels that look like bugs.” More specifically, she described them as being roughly “8 to 9.5 feet tall,” though she didn’t know their “exact height because they had to duck” to avoid hitting the ceiling. They were “extremely skinny but muscular” with off-white skin and “extremely large, protruding black eyes which wrapped around the head.” She felt an overwhelming sense of “love and compassion” from them, she wrote, akin to how a parent might feel toward their child. One of them telepathically communicated to her, as she conveyed it, in this way:

“Don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. She can see us. She can see us. Don’t be scared.”

“It was telling me this in my brain,” she wrote. “I was looking (and listening) at them around my room. The whole experience only lasted a few minutes before I blacked out.”

Upon telling her mother of the experience the following morning, her mother said that she had prayed for guardian angels to be around her, and this apparently served as confirmation to her that these Mantis beings were indeed angels. When she told her husband, he warned her not to speak of it again, lest they commit her to an asylum. When she eventually told a friend of hers in confidence she learned of a girl in her town who had been committed to a hospital because she had seen aliens, and so in fear had stopped speaking about the experience for years.

She recently began searching for similar stories online, however, but it had been difficult for her to find “stories about tall bug-like entities,” she said. “And, yeah, they are telepathic. They were as real as the glass of water I was holding. Never seen a UFO and I have never been abducted. Never a believer until that night.”

While she insists she’s never been abducted, I suspect her experience of having “blacked out” strongly indicates otherwise.

Another missing time episode involving a Mantis was posted on Reddit on January 3, 2021, by a woman who only identified herself as HC, and her account was entitled “6 Ft Tall ‘Mantis’ Entity Encountered Outside of Fillmore, NY Home”. The experience described had occurred in Fillmore, New York, just before midnight on June 22, 2018, while she was in the shed to find some privacy, to escape from the children and dogs in the house and to use the WiFI through her phone. As she describes it:

“While I was watching from inside the shed I noticed something an hour after I was in there. I heard [the sound of] movement[,] of something shuffling in the tall grass. I thought it was a deer until my cat started growling and staring at the shed door. When I scanned the tree line and bushes with my big LED light I thought I saw a head pop up into the dark. I pretended I didn’t see it and spotted my light to the left and heard it quickly get closer. I flashed the light back fast and it was very close, now about 30 feet in front of me. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever but I know it was probably only 20 seconds or so. I was so scared I couldn’t move. Also[,] it didn’t move as I watched it.

I noticed its limbs and features while we stared at each other. It was greenish-grey with very big mantis eyes. The skin was smooth and had broad shoulders, but as you followed down it got skinny. The eyebrow ridge stuck out with a wide head with an upward slant. Its eyes reflected green. There were light green flecks that shown yellow and orange from my light. It was over 6 [feet] tall.

I suddenly got the feeling that it was going to grab me, so I slammed the shed door and turned and ran to my house. When I got in I told my husband about what I had seen, I noticed that a whole hour [passed] by it was now a few minutes after 1 AM. I know I didn’t look at this thing for an hour. My husband came out with me with his gun but it was gone.

I was really scared after that. I will not be out at night anymore. I always feel like I’m being watched. I started to look into UFOs and abductions. I had never read up on this before my experience and now believe I was abducted, but have no memory of it.”

Another tale of missing time is provided by Strickler and comes from “CMB,” a 42-year-old woman who described an incident that occurred in either 1976 or the following year, when she was three or four and lived in Mr. Hicums Trailer Park in Greenville, South Carolina. And the incident, she emphasizes, has been confirmed by her mother.

And for the record, this might be the most disturbing physical encounter I have yet to document here.

She was the youngest of her parent’s three children, and when she was three or four years of age, she had been playing either tag or hide-and-seek outside one warm, sunny day with her two older brothers. As she bolted around the back of the trailer to hide, she almost ran into a creature standing next to their propane tank that she simply could not, at the time, comprehend. She stood there frozen, feeling as if the breath had been taken out of her. At the time, she said, she thought it was a giant insect – more specifically, perhaps in retrospect, she described it as resembling a humanoid praying mantis that was taller than her father. In any case, she stood there staring at this creature as it stared back at her until suddenly, all was a blank.

The next thing she remembered, she came running into their trailer screaming about a burning pain between her legs, and her mother was so concerned that she pulled down her underwear and shorts, but upon inspection found that nothing seemed to be wrong. She then cried herself to sleep.

Since then, the incident has always hung with her, haunting her from the back of her mind. After the incident, she mentions having developed a fear of monsters and suffering from a great deal of nightmares, though none of it seemed directly related to what she recalled having seen. Eerily, in this context she also references the fact that she had never been able to give birth naturally, and has always had to have C-sections, strongly implying that she feels at some level that this fact may be related to her experience.

As she grew older she had always reasoned that perhaps there had been a gas leak in the trailer, which makes little sense to me, as she had had this experience outside. A few years before her letter, however, she had caught wind of a UFO sighting reported by the Highland, Illinois police department – an area to which her family had moved when she was seven, before moving back to South Carolina when she was ten. This inspired her to tell her husband about her Mantis experience, and though they both laughed about it, she nonetheless insisted to him that it did indeed happen. The conversation suddenly inspired her curiosity to such a degree that she did a Google search for “praying mantis aliens,” and the results, she explained – and in particular, the images – felt like a punch to the fucking gut. It was exactly what she remembered having seen as a child. Her husband was shocked as well. In retrospect, she seems understandably concerned about the gap in memory she had between her eye contact with the mantis creature and her subsequent sprint into the trailer.

As in previous accounts, here we find that CMB’s experience involves a sudden experiential shift upon meeting the eyes of the Mantis being, though in this case, it wasn’t invisibility, but clearly involved amnesia, producing the experience of missing time.

To reinforce the notion that these Mantis beings display both the ability to cloak themselves as well as induce amnesia, there are incidents in which both abilities are blatantly displayed within the context of the same narrative.

One such tale comes from Dan, who grew up in the Medford area of New Jersey but lived in Missouri at the time of the letter. At the time of the experience he wrote Strickler to provide, however, it was around 1971 or the following year, when he was two years old and his family had moved into the third-story of the Top of the Hill apartments in Feasterville, Pennsylvania. He recalls having been on the sidewalk outside of the building one night, uncertain as to how he had gotten there, though certainly not of his own volition. Three Manits beings stood beside him, though he wasn’t afraid at all, but rather felt comfort that he was among friends. He recalls having been asked a question, though cannot for the life of him recall what it was. While he knows more took place, as the memories he recalled were segmented, all he remembers is watching them disappear as he “felt a warm assurance of friendship.”

The next thing he remembered, his mother rushed out of the door of the apartment building in a panic and picked him up. This memory, he said, always stood out, and it always puzzled him why. When he recently read the encounter Strickler published in the post, “The Musconetcong River ‘Mantis Man’,” he said, he “was shocked to find accounts of an exact description of what I saw as a small child.”

Dan’s encounter was distinct from the first two encounters I described of the Muscenetcong Mantis Man, as he was neither bearing the “whatever” attitude nor traumatized by the experience, but the extreme opposite trauma – he felt comfort, friendship, and warmth. While Dan’s experience described the “cloaking” ability described in the first encounter with the Muscenetcong Mantis Man, his tale also includes the element of lost or “missing time” described by Nys, HC, and CMB.

While all previous individual accounts that I’ve stumbled across who’ve had encounters with these Mantis beings report a single encounter, this is not always the case. Between August and September 2003, the website UFO*BC began communicating with one Jim G, a self-employed professional sound engineer who lived in a small town on the outskirts of London. While he claimed to have had strange experiences throughout his life, such as UFO encounters and OBEs, it was his most recent experiences, which began in April of 2001, that finally inspired him to reach out – and which have the most relevance here. Some of these encounters involved other types of entities, but it is the Mantis encounters that will be focused on here.

He awoke at roughly 2:30 one morning that April to find himself paralyzed with two strange beings beside his bed. One was a seven-foot-tall mantis being with a pointed head, large eyes, and long forearms that moved in a jerking fashion, and who had to bend its neck to avoid hitting the ceiling (much as reported by Nys). The other, shorter being was closer, crouching by his bed, and had black, leathery, reflective skin. It wore a hooded cloak, and beneath that armor that included a metallic breastplate. In retrospect, he seemed to remember that they had been doing something with his legs but could remember little detail concerning that. Thinking that he must still be in the grips of some strange and vivid dream, he closed his eyes, but upon opening them again, the figures remained.

Jim deduced that the Mantis was the one in charge as the smaller one turned to the mantis as if seeking instruction. In response, the Mantis turned back to him and made – you guessed it – “a series of high-pitched clicking sounds.” The Mantis then bent its upper body so that it was positioned over where Jim lay on his bed and, from a long, needle-like object held in his hand, shot a green, laser-like light directly into his right eye, which allowed him to see the veins in his eye. It was painful and, though he attempted to scream, nothing came out. Closing his eyes, he then felt something being jabbed into his skull. In a panic, his mind racing, he heard a “whooshing sound.”

The next time he opened his eyes, they were gone, but he remained shaken and was unable to sleep. He spent the next day in bed feeling, as he put it as if he had just undergone a major operation. That day he did manage to do an internet search on “mantis-type aliens,” though nothing came up, which in turn helped him convince himself that it was indeed just a fucked up dream. Far later he came across a drawing on by artist J. Westwood which depicted a mantis being holding a needle-like object. He panicked, as this was exactly what he had seen. On the same site, he also found a drawing by Sylvia Rayner which she dubbed the dark entity, and it was the spitting image of the shorter, cloaked being.

Ever since that incident, he outlined what had become a typical scenario for him which tended to happen roughly twice a week, though there were often troughs of inactivity that might last for perhaps a month. At night, just as he was about to slip into sleep, he would begin hearing that Mantis clicking inside of his head. Within a few minutes, he would again hear the clicking, but now it was coming from inside his bedroom, and he came to recognize this as a sign that within about ten minutes he would be fast asleep. Through his heavy eyelids, he would see a red glow on his far wall and tall, shadowy figures moving out of the light and approaching him. Despite his best efforts, he would soon be out like a light. The following morning he would wake up feeling just as he did following the original incident, and in addition would often find himself covered in bruises, on at least one occasion in the shape of a large hand.

His next encounter with a Mantis being, which he believed to be the same one he encountered in his initial encounter, occurred on December 18, as he was spending the night in the spare bedroom of his brother’s house. He suddenly found himself immobilized and acutely awake with the clicking sound in his head, and in response, he screamed and cussed, though none of it was expressed verbally. Managing to look towards the bottom of the bed, he saw the Mantis, and at the sight of it felt “waves of fear” washing over him, the terror “completely overwhelming.”

Unlike the previous occasion, he was able to study it in detail. Wearing what he described as a long and dark robe, the Mantis was over seven feet tall, bony, and vaguely humanoid in appearance with skin that “was liquidly looking, like oil shimmering in the sun.” It had a triangular-shaped, gray-black head reminiscent of a skull with round, bulbous, black eyes. The head was attached to the body by a long, black, snake-like neck.

“The arms were extremely long with multiple joints extending out in a messiah pose,” he wrote, with its “forearms … bent forward longer than the rest of the arm.”

It then ran in a “jerky and fast” manner, making “a clunking sound” as it did so, and exited directly through the wall of the bedroom, leaving “a strange red glow” on the wall in the wake, and a door on the same wall rattled at high volume, apparently prompting the neighbor – adjacent to the wall – to call out in annoyance.”

While Jim G had a vast array of subsequent experiences, they fall into a category that exceeds the limitations of the wilderness and urban encounters we’ve thus far explored, though such experiences are certainly implied in many of the “blackouts,” “amnesia,” or “missing time” aspects of the formerly described urban experiences.

In other words, this involves experiences that fall into the category popularly referred to as alien abduction, which is our final category of Mantis encounters in the realm of the physical.

Turner’s Explosive Valentine, Elizondo’s Briefing, and the Edging of UFO Disclosure.

On Valentine’s Day, 2024, Representative Mike Turner (R-AL, 3rd District), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence, delivered what constituted a collective heart attack with a public statement issued through the committee – a statement that many media recipients considered cryptic, vague, and utterly bizarre. It read, in full:

“Today, the House Select Committee on Intelligence has made available to all Members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat. I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.”

The sounding of an alarm coupled with such ambiguity made this announcement rather pants-shitting, of course, and unsurprisingly, the default assumption of some of those in UFO circles was that the threat in question might have to do with UFOs — which I’m sorry, was a crazy notion.

After all, Turner is the same crooked asshat who – along with two other Mikes, namely Representatives Rogers and Johnson, as well as the shellless, potentially soulless, bipedal and sociopathic turtle-being with abrupt and unpredictable psychophysical commercial breaks, Mitch McConnel – pinned down and ruthlessly gutted the Schumer Amendment, which would have paved the most ethical and reasonable path towards controlled disclosure of what the US government knows regarding the UFO phenomenon. That he would have suddenly pulled a 180 and decided that The People had a right to know is absurd.

I mean, there is optimism and there is insanity.

After being briefed in a Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility (SCIF) on the nature of this threat, many members of Congress – on both sides of the aisle, it should be emphasized – seemed to convey that it was all blown out of proportion. They came forward to assure the public that while the threat was certainly serious, as many threats in our modern world unfortunately are, there was certainly no immediate call for alarm. They couldn’t offer details or even generalities, of course, as they were legally bound to zipped lips, but leaks to the press swiftly sprouted.

As journalist Tom Rogan pointed out, Turner knew full well that there would be leaks once the House was briefed, too.

In any case, it came out that Turner’s statement referenced a Russian, nuclear-capable anti-satellite weapon with the ability to disrupt US communications – but that this weapon not only had yet to be deployed but was still under fucking development.

So why the bloody hell would Turner sound the alarm? Fellow Republican Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN, 5th District) had a good idea. In response to Turner’s announcement, he wrote to aforementioned House Speaker Mike Johnson:

“This revelation by the Chairman was done with a reckless disregard of the implications and consequences said information would have on geopolitics, domestic and foreign markets, or the well-being and psyche of the American people. In hindsight, it has become clear that the intent was not to ensure the safety of our homeland and the American people, but rather to ensure additional funding for Ukraine and passage of an unreformed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).”

As Tom Rogan explains in greater detail:

“… the Washington Post reports that intelligence on the Russian system was gathered via Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act — I understand from sources that other collection methods were also involved — which allows for warrantless surveillance of foreigners outside the U.S. While government agencies have reformed their use of FISA 702 in response to controversy over their prior use of it to surveil Americans, many in Congress oppose reauthorizing it. Turner, however, strongly supports the program’s reauthorization, which faces a House vote in the near future. Turner likely sees his disclosure of the Russian anti-satellite system as a means of bolstering support for FISA 702 in Congress.

Yet Turner had another possible reason to disclose the Russian program: securing new funding for defense industry interests in Ohio’s 10th Congressional District.

Turner is renowned in Congress and by Washington lobbyists — the CGCN Group is one of his top donors in the 2024 election cycle — for his securing of patronage for business interests in his district. And these interests would appear to be well-placed to benefit from Turner’s disclosure of the new Russian system. The defense firms Leidos, Lockheed Martin, L3 Harris, and Northrop Grumman are all top donors to Turner in the 2024 election cycle.”

As absurd as the assumptions of some of those in the aforementioned UFO circles might have been, there may have been some association between it and the UFO subject after all – at the very least, a coincidental one.

While reportedly underwhelmed by the issue to which Turner threw unprecedented alarm bells, Republican members of Congress seemed more concerned, now more than ever, regarding another subject they had been briefed on that very day, the 14th of February.

According to Liberation Times, Republican members of Congress were briefed by five individuals at the Republican Conservative Opportunity Society regarding the UFO issue. These individuals included Lou Elizondo, former director of AATIP (who has not commented on the matter), as well as (2) “a former member of the UAP Task Force and decorated uniformed military officer,” (3) “a former military fighter pilot and eyewitness to a UAP sighting,” (4) ”a former DARPA scientist,” and (5)“a former political advisor within the Obama administration”, which, while it is, of course, unconfirmed, one can’t help but suspect is John Podesta, a persistent champion for UFO disclosure.

That Turner’s statement and the Elizondo briefing occurred on the same day was not the only apparently coincidental element between the two issues, however. As pointed out by Liberation Times:

“According to sources familiar with the matter, the wording of Representative Turner’s public statement coincidentally and ironically mirrored the sentiments conveyed by individuals who had received the briefing from Elizondo that same day … “

Their concern involved not only the issue of classification, which constipated their ability to discuss the national security implications of the issue, but stretched far beyond. Why did Turner issue that announcement on this exact day? Might it have additionally been used to distract the media from the Elizondo Briefing? If so, it appears to have worked, as the media – our alleged unofficial fourth branch of government, the supposed watchdogs there to keep an eye on the goings-on and provide the necessary data to the public at large so we can make educated decisions in what is ostensibly a representative democracy – were for the most part silent on the matter.

According to Journalist and founder of Ask A Pol, Matt Laslo, only they and their NewsNation colleagues were present outside the SCIF at the House of Representatives that morning. They both caught Representative Ralph Norman (R-SC), who was on his way out of the SCIF, with NewsNation first inquiring about the classified material Turner made available to the House regarding the not-so-immediate threat.

Laslo then questioned him on the briefing, with Norman confirming that Elizondo had confirmed to them the validity of the earlier information Grusch had provided them – which is to say, though he didn’t state it specifically, the existence of illegal programs that retrieve and attempt to reverse-engineer craft of non-human origin. Specifically, however, Norman said that “we’ve got a real problem” and that “this isn’t playland” and “this isn’t political” for “this affects all of us, young and old.”

Laslo also interviewed Representative Eric Burlison (R-MO). His reaction to Turner’s classified data regarding his warning was that he was more afraid of the consequences he would suffer as a result of releasing the information disclosed in the SCIF than he was regarding the actual information disclosed. While he thought the American people should know, he couldn’t say anything.

Interestingly enough, he then immediately shifted gears and mentioned, without prompting: “We did have Lue Elizondo today.” When asked if he had any takeaways, he said, “Those guys, from what they presented — of course, this is not in a secure setting, they’re not under oath — but what they presented is very similar to what David Grusch was presenting.”

“Yeah?” Laslo replied. “Why not hear from more of those folks?”

“I’m working on it,” he replied. “Right now, I’ve got something up my sleeve. I don’t want to talk. I’ll keep you informed, because I got a big thing that I’m gonna announce.”

“Nice. UAP related?”

“Yes,” he said.

So it would appear that the push for disclosure is ongoing after all, fueling my ever-cautious optimism. In addition, though part of Turner’s objective in issuing his warning may or may not have been to distract from this briefing, whatever the length of his motivations, it seems to have blown up in his face. In fact, this asinine act may end up being helpful for UFO disclosure and other issues.

In the aforementioned letter Ogles wrote to Johnson, he called Turner’s announcement:

“… poor judgement at a minimum and a complete breach of trust influenced by the pursuit of a political agenda at a maximum. Mr. Speaker, it is with great reticence that I formally request an inquiry as to any impact the Chairman’s statements may have had on U.S. foreign and domestic policy. Furthermore, as the Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence is solely appointed by the Speaker and under your direct purview, should the Chairman retain his post, you have a duty and an obligation to reassure this body (Congress) and the American people that the processes of the Intelligence Committee have not been corrupted by the very institutions they are charged with monitoring.”

That corruption is clearly present, too, and most certainly involves the gatekeepers of secrets regarding the UFO data and material, so there’s reason for cautious optimism there, too.

I must add that everything since the revelations of Grush since June of last year untl now brings to mind a clip I saw on YouTube from a relatively recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast featuring his friend and fellow comedian, Duncan Trussel. In the clip, Trussel equated the recent news cycles regarding UFO disclosure as akin to the practice of Edging, a sexual practice that involved stimulating sexual feelings until just before climax, then cooling off before repeating this process of approach-and-retreat. It both prolongs the build-up and intensifies the inevitable climax.

Well, we’ve certainly experienced the approach-and-retreat part. I just hope to see the load of disclosure blown before I die.



Why did Mike Turner disclose Russia’s anti-satellite weapon?


The Shadow of God & Religion (Of the Woke Cult & the Assault on the Freedom of Expression).

Friedrich Nietzsche first wrote “god is dead” in his 1882 book The Gay Science, and then in his work Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None, which he published in four volumes between 1883 and 1885.

When he spoke of the death of god, he didn’t mean this literally, of course — he seemed to be an atheist and so, much like myself, never believed that such a creator deity existed in the first place. What he meant to convey is that the rise and successes of science had killed our notions of such a creator-being. Along with this, I’ve always assumed he meant religion as a whole as well, and on the surface, this shows signs of becoming increasingly accurate. After all, according to a 2022 Gallup poll, people who claim no religion — the “nones” — were at 21%, and it’s been 20% or higher since 2017. That’s the highest it’s ever been.

While some have applauded this, I think they’re overlooking the fact that this doesn’t mean the “spirit” of religion has been exorcized. Not in the fucking least. Its poisonous spirit is alive and well, dwelling in new costumes, hiding behind different masks. In The Gay Science, he articulates this fact in his typical style.

“After Buddha was dead, they still showed his shadow in a cave for centuries,” he wrote, “ — a colossal, terrible shadow. God is dead, but given the way people are, there may still be caves for millennia in which his shadow is displayed. — And we — we must still defeat his shadow as well!”

While I appreciate Nietzsche as a thinker and when I read him he always inspired my writing, this is certainly not to say I’ve always agreed with him, or for that matter always felt certain what he even meant. Even so, this quotation has risen in my mind several times as of late and I am confident that I understand, at the very least, what it means to me, at least at present. What it says to me is that, to the contrary, the spirit or shadow of god and religion persists — it has merely vacated its former, decaying vessel and gone on to possess (drum roll) politics.

Concerning the extremes on both the Left and the Right of the political spectrum, at least in the United States, the ideologies embraced have essentially turned into political cults. On the Right, you have what I often refer to as the “Trumpanzees.” This is the MAGA crowd who still rallies around the former president like he is the second coming and accepts all he says with blind faith. On the Left, you have the “Woke” crowd, who essentially constitute a sort of cultural authoritarianism — though they as of yet have no central figure that they rally around like a band of lunatics.

Nonetheless: lunatics they most certainly are.

The MAGA Cult seems to strive to dominate the populace primarily through political and moral avenues, which makes sense, as they see themselves as the forces fighting to uphold traditional and established morals, values, and ideals. The Woke Cult seems to strive to dominate the populace primarily through cultural and educational avenues, which also makes sense, as they see themselves as fighting to destroy those traditional and established morals, values, and ideals. Or, perhaps more accurately, to invert them, at least concerning how they see them from their perspective, particularly in the style detailed in Nietzsche’s The Genealogy of Morals

The MAGA Cult seems to clearly be a cult to those on the Left, and the Woke Cult seems just as clearly to be a cult to those on the Right — but few, it seems to me, accept the cult-like qualities of both.

Naturally, the reader may question: where do I reside on the political spectrum?

In the interest of full disclosure, while I pledge allegiance to neither party, by my very nature I lean to the left side of the political spectrum. I’ve taken the Political Compass test numerous times. Whatever your perception of the test may be, I’ve always landed in the lower, left-hand, green-colored quadrant, which is to say that the test would describe me as a member of the Libertarian Left. In any case, perhaps this is why I feel calling the MAGA Cult a cult requires little to no explanation, and why I’ll dedicate my time here to focusing on the Woke Cult.

Another reason I’d like to focus on the Woke is that I value the freedom of expression quite highly, and while the Right exercises its own forms of censorship and compelled expression, it’s been that way since as far back as I can remember. Back in the 90s, even more recently, it seemed to me that the Left was on my side on this general issue, but clearly, a terrible shift happened somewhere along the line.

One such way in which the Woke Cult exercises this is by taking already-established words with well-understood meanings, redefining them, and pushing those definitions on others. Interestingly enough, the Woke Cult did this very thing with the word “woke” itself, a fact that was first brought to my attention by comedian Bill Burr during one of his bits, and which some subsequent Googling on my behalf appears to have confirmed. In essence, the term “Stay Woke” derived from black culture, where it was intended as a term alerting the community in question to remain aware of racial prejudice, inequality, injustice, and associated issues that it continued to deal with.

While the Woke Cult condemns “cultural appropriation,” in its eyes this apparently does not extend to their appropriation of this very word, which began somewhere during the 2010s, when they started using it to refer to far, far broader issues they perceived to be similar if not synonymous.

Now, given that people (often but not always those aligned with the Right) have often thrown around the word “woke” without making any sincere effort to define it, and it has certainly endured considerable mutation since its original use in its native context, I’m going to define what I personally mean in my use of the term in as much detail as I can manage so that there is no confusion.

It should be understood that the definition I provide here is by no means universal, but merely the definition that has arisen in my mind over time and encapsulates the qualities and characteristics of a movement I have watched evolve over time since its apparent conception on college campuses.

I do not demand that anyone adopt my definition and it should be understood that I only use it here, and have come to use it elsewhere, out of convenience.

In short, what I have come to call the Woke Cult is the extreme, authoritarian, sanctimonious, and often humorless faction of the Left in the ol’ US of A that consistently displays aggressive prejudice against those who so much as question their rigid, faith-based ideology – and who are utterly blind to their hypocrisy.

They are so unquestionably devoted to their own political ideology that they feel it is not merely their right but their duty to push it on everyone through force rather than engage those who oppose or fail to see their rigid belief structures as self-evident in discourse and try to persuade them through reasoned argument or strategic means of eliciting empathy.

They embrace censorship and compelled expression, for instance – they not only feel they have the right to force everyone to not say certain things, in other words, but to force everyone to say certain things. In their minds, they are the absolute authority regarding both what cannot be said and what must be said.

And while I plan to write more on this subject soon, for now, I’d like to zoom in on their insane love of censorship in particular.

If they are students on a college campus, for instance, they may hear that a guest speaker who they disagree with – or, for whatever reason, assume they will disagree with despite knowing diddly fuckity fuck about them – is scheduled to give a lecture. Or imagine, instead of college students, they are employees of a streaming service, and this streaming service provides a wide variety of content to its many viewers – much as a campus does, or at the very least should, provide for its students – but one day, the service provides a comedy special by a comedian that speaks about topics near and dear to a certain segment of their employees and who holds views that those employees consider offensive.

Now, to my mind, there are rational, reasonable approaches that could be taken here. They could attend the lecture and listen to the guest speaker or watch the special and listen to the comedian and come up with arguments against his perspective. In a lecture, when the speaker often takes questions, they could engage with them through asking questions or providing critiques. If a comedy special, or if it’s a lecture and they are somehow unable or unwilling to engage with the speaker, they could write a rebuttal of the speaker’s views that they could publish in a newspaper or online, perhaps on a blog, or even create a video stating their case and speaking their mind that they subsequently post on YouTube or TikTok. They could even create a documentary creatively portraying their arguments.

Any of these perfectly reasonable approaches would shine a spotlight on whatever issue is at hand, give them the ability to state their position clearly and spawn conversation with those who agree, disagree, and all of those in between.

This, in my opinion, is the appropriate way to respond to those who exercise their right to freedom of expression: exercise your own freedom of expression. More specifically tailored to the above examples, the answer to what one considers “hate speech” is not less speech, but more speech.

There is still another rational, reasonable, course of action that could be taken here, however, as not all people are inspired to debate an issue they feel strongly about. Perhaps they lack the skill, or merely the will, or perhaps they recognize that the issue inspires too much emotional reactivity in them and it makes them so uncomfortable that it would swiftly become unbearable.

In today’s language, they would feel “triggered.”

I’m not disparaging such reactions or the individuals who suffer from them, understand, but the best course of action in such a case would be to simply not attend the damned lecture or not watch the comedy special.

The Woke mindset seems to inspire them to invest little time and energy into such strategies, however. Instead, when such college kids hear that a controversial guest speaker is to present his case on campus, what they do in response is organize a protest to cancel the lecture. If the lecture indeed goes forward despite their protests, they will continue to protest outside the lecture hall and even get inside the lecture hall and interrupt the speaker with dramatic demonstrations, which sometimes include rushing the stage. Or when employed at, say, Netflix, for example, they may do something similar if the company dares to keep a controversial comedian such as Dave Chappelle on their platform.

What this suggests to me is that the Woke mob considers themselves the ultimate authority on what is absolute good and absolute evil. They equate speech that contradicts their rigid viewpoints with violence. In their minds, such speech is not only spoken by agents of evil and inflicts danger and violence upon the vulnerable and innocent that they have taken it upon themselves to protect at all costs but feeds and empowers other agents of evil to do the same.

To make matters worse, it threatens to infect others with this urge to inflict such danger, evil, and violence through such vile incantations, so silencing and destroying these agents of evil is their duty. So faithful are they in their morally righteous position, as a matter of fact, that no debate is necessary, no conversation is permitted. They already know all they need to know, and so they feel justified in silencing and destroying their opponents by any means necessary.

No half-measures are acceptable, either. It must be the Inquisition 2.0, all the fucking way. After all, they are morally righteous. They have absolute authority regarding both what cannot be said and what must be said.

This manifests not only in their war against opposing viewpoints, mind you, but even in what they regard as problematic words.

As an easy example, consider the word “retarded.” As explained by the grossly underrated comedian Doug Stanhope in his 2016 release, No Place Like Home, the word “retarded” was not a term born of hatred, but rather of sensitivity. Doctors, he tells us, used to call such individuals imbeciles and morons, but people eventually co-opted those words to refer to, as he put it, “our friend when he does something incredibly stupid,” and so, over time, those words became regarded as an insult. So to distance those afflicted with the actual condition from this problematic association, doctors decided to change the medical term, and so began referring to them as mentally retarded.

Soon enough, however, can you take a wild stab at what happened?

As you could probably guess, the same damned thing as before: we appropriated the term to refer to people who did something we regard as incredibly stupid. And so now the word has changed again. This, Stanhope tells us, is what Stephen Pinker refers to as the “Euphemism Treadmill.” Regardless of what new word is attached to individuals with this condition, the same thing is always going to happen.

It seems to me that the stupidity in this particular, modern example is actually compounded now thanks to the fierce and anti-intellectual ideology of the Woke mob, for not only are we no longer permitted to refer to those actually afflicted with this condition as “retarded,” but we are also no longer to use it in the appropriated sense. In other words, the word “retarded” is to be stricken from our vocabulary entirely. It must be banished. In no context is it ever permitted to be used again, which seems absurd.

After all, if the authentically retarded can no longer be referred to as retarded, then what’s the harm in using it in its appropriated form? And if we can no longer use it in its appropriated form, what’s the harm in continuing to call those authentically retarded as retarded?

In the condemnation of this term in all conceivable contexts, would this not accelerate the euphemism treadmill to a dizzying speed, ensuring that whatever new word is acceptable when referring to those who are legitimately afflicted with the condition will be far more swiftly appropriated to use to refer to the stupidity displayed by ourselves and others?

In other words, however noble the intent here, doesn’t this only serve to exacerbate the issue they seek to squash? Doesn’t this strike you as not only censorship – bad enough in and of itself – but unenlightened censorship at that? Doesn’t it strike you as silly? Stupid?

Dare I say: retarded?

Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens, Part I: Wilderness Encounters.

Humanoid mantis beings – also variously referred to as Insectoids, Insectalins, Mantis aliens, Mantis entities, Mantids, and I feel confident other names I have yet to come across – have been described in a variety of physical and non-physical contexts. In general, these creatures have been described as looking remarkably akin to our earthly praying mantises in various respects, though also occasionally described as giant grasshoppers or ants as well, or as merely insect-like. If you look online or scour the available alien abduction or cryptid literature, you’ll see a great many individuals providing their summary of the appearance and abilities of Mantis entities. While some of it is interesting, particularly when it comes to researchers who have amassed a large number of first-hand encounters, I can’t help but consider such things suspect.

I want to see the source material for myself. I want to see the bulk of actual, first-hand eyewitnesses, where they describe the appearance and capabilities of these entities. So I went on a deep dive far down the rabbit hole and tried to put the puzzle pieces together for myself. And here is where I share what I’ve found so far to anyone who happens to give a ragged rat’s ass.

Of course, in so doing I feel it’s only fair that I provide just why I happen to give a ragged rat’s ass.

Since as far back as I can recall I’ve had strange experiences that would fall within the categories of what others have referred to as synchronicity, telepathy, astral projection, past live memories, and encounters with the dead but not gone. Central to all of this, however, has been a life replete with experiences that others have referred to as UFO sightings and encounters, and encounters and abductions by the occupants of UFOs.

The fact that any one of these experiences alone and by themselves would likely exceed the boggle threshold of the typical human being (whatever that constitutes) hasn’t escaped me; that all of these things would have happened to a single, hopelessly lost and irreversibly weird soul such as myself would certainly lead them to the conclusion that I’m bat-shit crazy, I assure you, has certainly not escaped me, either. In any case, for whatever reason, these things have indeed occurred to me, and continue to occur to me. I’m left with only what I am, to go with what I’ve got, and to continue to seek the ever-elusive truth in any way that I can.

Aside from telepathy, which seems to bridge both, the two recurring experiences I’ve had throughout my life, which have been largely compartmentalized in any clearly-defined sense but which I have always intuitively felt had to have something to do with one another despite a total lack of evidence (if only because they were both so weird and happening to the same person, being me) were my astral projection experiences and my alien encounters.

While these two categories of weird experiences often seemed to occur around the same time as one another, there was no other apparent relation between them. My UFO sightings or encounters and my alien encounters and apparent abductions had no apparent direct relation to my astral projections, in other words. During my astral projections, I had never encountered an alien being, though at one point, even during my initial astral projections, I even attempted to summon them into that space, nor did I consciously recall any instance where an alien triggered an out-of-body experience of any sort. In short, there was no clear connection between these two weird categories of experience.

Until September of 2001.

As I’ve written of elsewhere, I went to bed around ten in the morning on the 29th, and at some point afterward, I felt those familiar out-of-body sensations:

“As I rested on my bed, the familiar paralysis crept up on me, the volume knob on my senses seemed to turn down to zero, and I felt my subtle body drifting from the confines of my skin and sinking down into the otherworldly black void. Struggling to reattach to my body, I focused on a “whirring” noise I could hear as if from underwater, using it as the auditory equivalent as a rope by means of which I could pull myself back together, quite literally as it seemed. Once I met with success, I lifted my head, looked around, listened and discovered that the whirring had been coming from my computer, which I had left on in the midst of writing an article. I then went to sleep.

Around quarter to eight that evening is when I next awoke. I found that my computer was reading an error on the screen and my keyboard wasn’t responding. I rebooted it but had to unplug the keyboard and plug it back in to get it working again.

Heading downstairs, the quiet house suggested my mother and sisters were still out. I found my father asleep on the sofa chair, out cold, a strange movie on television. When he woke up as I came down the steps, I asked him if for any reason him or my mother had come in my room and fiddled with my computer as I was sleeping. It was a dumb question, and it didn’t surprise me when he told me they had not. The electricity had clearly not gone off, either.

Pouring myself a mug of coffee, I then put on my shoes in the mud room to go outside for a cigarette. As I began to open the front door of the house, I saw the red globe of light shimmering as it hovered just slightly above the front lawn and began to silently rise. Shaking myself free of shock, I aggressively yelled for my father, urging him to book it the short distance to the door.

The globe rose, crossed the driveway onto the other side of the yard and then ascended above the power lines and trees to the far right side of the property close to the horse barn. As my father arrived at the door frame, it had dimmed and was ducking behind some trees before it seemed to shrink or move out into the distance, glow turning an opaque milky red that then dissipated until it was entirely gone. He seemed perplexed by it, at first wondering aloud if it had been a flare, then asking if I wanted to check it out.

We hopped in his truck and drove to a nearby dirt road where it seemed to have been headed, but I was not even looking towards the sky. I knew it was gone. Soon we turned back around, and on the way back he tells me how strange it was that I had stepped out the front door at just the right moment to see it. He adds that it reminded him of the fireball my mother had talked about seeing in the sky while she was on the highway a few years back.

My mind was elsewhere. The important part of the red light sighting for me was that it established a connection I had for long suspected but had never had any real reason to believe: that the alien stuff was somehow related to the OBE stuff.”

That was the last suggestion of any connection between my astral projections and my alien encounters and abductions for almost 22 years.

Until September of 2023.

On the 14th, I had a particular form of out-of-body experience that I began having on March 2, 2021, and came to refer to as “serial OBEs.” I would awaken in an immobilized physical body, feel my subtle body drift upward, and then violently snap back into my physical body. This would happen again and again, over and over, and all the while I would have the distinct sense that someone was watching, intensely observing this as it all played out. This had never happened, not since these experiences began spontaneously happening back in May of 1995. More disturbing was the pattern that played out after the experience:

“For one thing, after I’d finally awakened into my physical body, I didn’t write the experience down. This was something that I noted at the time as being unusual, as this has been standard practice of mine for three decades. It was also strange that, despite my lack of immediate documentation, I remembered it at all. It was even stranger that once I awoke in the physical reality, I didn’t immediately roll over and go to sleep. To the contrary, I remembered remaining awake and in bed, eyes open, which is something I haven’t done since I was a kid. […] Yet that evening, after the first set of serial OBEs, I distinctly recalled having remained awake in bed, eyes open, staring high up on the wall to my left – in the area between the window beside my bed and the wall separating my bedroom from my living room. I watched as the rising sun bled through the curtains, casting shadows across my bedroom, all as I just stared and marinated in terror.

This profound terror, I felt certain, had not stemmed from the serial OBEs. Instead, it seemed somehow associated with the physical plane — specifically someone, I later felt, who had been in my room, and was likely the source of the presence I’d also felt when out of body. I’d just remained staring at the area where he’d been after his departure. Whatever had happened, whoever it had been, it brought back fears of living alone – I remember that specifically – which in turn frustrated me, as I was determined not to live with anyone ever again. I also felt what I later described as a ‘fear of fear’ – a fear of remembering something that would inspire intense terror, no matter how much I desired to recollect it.”

On September 14, 2023, specifically, there was an additional element. Rather than seeing a nocturnal red light hovering above my parent’s lawn, however, it was something that implied a more direct link between aliens and these astral projections:

“After laying back down in bed, it happened several times in succession. I’d blast into awareness, feel a head rush, hear the sound of blood rushing into my ears, making that muffled sound like I had been submerged underwater, and I would realize my body was paralyzed and I could move my subtle body to some degree. I couldn’t see, all was black, but merely felt the sense of touch and movement. I kept fearing that I was dying and didn’t want this to be permanent, and that fear drove me out of it a few times. Each time I was out of it, the process would happen all over again.

Four distinct episodes happened during this experience, though I’m not sure of the sequence. One of the first two I’ve written below came first, however.

At one point, after my focus came to the immobilization of my body, I sensed a presence nearby, so called out with my mind telepathically, ‘Who’s there?’ While there was no verbal response, I immediately received a tinted visual still image that slowly faded out of the black background of my mental space, and it certainly felt as if it had come from outside me. It was a Mantis-type Gray alien. Shortly thereafter, I snapped out of it and the process started over.”

However utterly irrational it may seem to others, I have come to sincerely believe that this Mantis entity has been visiting me since at least as early as March 2, 2021, though I now feel strong suggestions that this entity, or those like him, have been involved with me since my early childhood. For that reason, I decided to explore the personal encounters others have had with such Mantis entities. I went on a deep dive. I went as far down the rabbit hole as I could manage, and here is where I begin to share what I’ve amassed.

Encounters with these creatures have been reported in what I will categorize, for convenience – and however potentially arbitrarily – as Physical Encounters With Mantis Aliens and Encounters With Mantis Aliens in Altered States. At present, I will focus on physical encounters, which I will subcategorize into three types: Wilderness Encounters, Urban Encounters, and Abduction Experiences.

First and foremost are Wilderness Encounters which I will define as those random, apparently chance encounters an individual has had with such a being in an area outside the home, typically in a forested area.

I initially came across such stories through Beyond Creepy, a YouTube channel I would highly recommend to anyone interested in UFO and paranormal tales, especially obscure ones bearing a particularly high strangeness. This YouTuber, who prefers to be referred to as Mr. Black, seems to have acquired the bulk of these Mantis tales through Fortean researcher Lon Strickler, who has published countless books and also began a blog in 2005 entitled Phantoms & Monsters. It was only recently that I began taking notes and quotes from Mr. Black’s relevant videos, however, which in turn led me to Strickler’s website to see what other cases he might have collected. What I found there was quite illuminating.

The initial post I came across on Strickler’s site was dated July 26, 2011, though whether this was the date of the report or the date of the incident is still unclear to me. In any case, the unnamed eyewitness described the incident as having occurred five years prior while he was fly fishing with his boss on the east bank of the Musconetcong River in Hackettstown, New Jersey. It was mid-afternoon, the sky was “white and heavy,” and while there had been heavy rains for several days, he described the river that day as smooth, though with an incredibly strong current. Both he and his boss were in the water, with his boss about fifty yards behind him. He was chest high in the river, leaning back, digging his heels into the gravel beneath, when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye to his left.

On this side of the river, he explained, there was a sloping bank perhaps ten feet high with a strip of trees between 10 to 20 yards thick, beyond which there were fields, though there was an occasional, roughly 20-yard gap in the trees that provided unobstructed access to the river. When he looked towards the source of movement, it was in one of these gaps, and what he saw, for what he calculated amounted to “only a couple of seconds,” was a creature some 15 to 20 yards away and several feet above him, its figure cast against the aforementioned “white and heavy” sky.

What he caught first was a strong left thigh and calf that, while reminding him of a grasshopper, was bent forward like a human. He then saw the creature in full, which he described as a tall humanoid, somewhere between six and a half and seven feet tall with a “gangly, nobby” body. While he remains uncertain as to the nature of its hands or feet, he insists its arms were typical and not akin to the literal praying mantis forelegs that earn the earthly insect its name. Its head was triangular with huge, black, slanted eyes that reminded him of a praying mantis, and he spotted it as it was moving away from the river and up the bank, presumably away from him, as it looked over its shoulder at him – and at this moment, they locked eyes.

Upon their mutual gaze, his immediate sense that the creature was astonished, and though he remains uncertain why, he suspects that the fact that he had not only been able to see the creature but had not reacted in fear may have had something to do with it. He emphasizes that he has always had paranormal experiences and has come to shrug them off, and feels that his “whatever” kind of attitude may have played a role in its reaction, and so in the creature’s reaction. At the same time, however, he is swift to insist that this was a physical, biological creature, not some apparition. In any case, he said the Mantis quickly faded into transparency. It “disappeared into thin air,” as he put it, mid-stride. He feels it had a cloaking ability and he “caught it” at just the right moment, as it found itself against a new background and was adjusting.

He also adds that he muttered not a word about this to his boss, and honestly, I can’t blame the guy.

What makes this tale more intriguing to me is that he wasn’t alone in encountering a Mantis entity in this general location. To the contrary, Strickler came across a post on the Hackettstown Life online forum describing yet another sighting of such a creature along the Musconetcong River. Though it was a second-hand story, he began corresponding with the individual who posted it and I feel it bears mentioning.

As the story goes, the poster was far into a conversation he had been having with his friend, a successful businessman, when the guy began tearing up. He confessed to having had an incredibly frightening experience roughly two years prior and explained that he hadn’t been the same since. Around dusk, he and his brother were fishing at Stephen’s State Park, and as his brother was fishing about 50 yards downstream, he suddenly felt a vibration in his right ear, and so naturally turned his head in that direction. As he did, he saw a 6-to-7-foot-tall black-and-gray-colored humanoid resembling a praying mantis. He saw the creature for perhaps three seconds, he claimed, though it frightened him so bad he wet his pants and subsequently sat down in the water so his brother would be none the wiser. After this original confession, however much the poster struggled with accepting the story, he knew his friend wasn’t lying. They then both Googled “Praying Mantis Man on Muscenetcong” only to discover that he was not alone.

Despite the similarity in their activities at the time, their locations, and the general description of the Mantis creature they witnessed, I find it interesting how their reaction to their individual experiences differed in such an extreme manner: the first, utterly fearless; the other, not only so terrified he pissed himself but was traumatized by the sighting for long thereafter.

Another Mantis encounter took place in yet another forested area, though not a river, and not in New Jersey. I believe this was the first Mantis encounter I heard of on Beyond Creepy which I believe he got from Strickler, who in any case posted it on his site, though the story originally derived from the radio show Coast to Coast AM on its September 29, 2016 broadcast. It was delivered by a caller who only identified himself as “Ricky” from San Diego, California.

As the caller explained it, his sister had taken him, a friend, and others deep into the Sequoia National Forest around 2014, and while initially everyone was having a great time, things ultimately took a turn towards the undeniably strange. Around nine in the evening, as the rest retreated to their tents to get some shut-eye, he and his friend decided to stay up and gaze at the bonfire. At some point he decided he wanted to listen to some music, so he went to his sister’s 4Runner and opened up the back door to grab his iPOD, and as he did so he heard a sound that suggested to him that something had fallen out of one of the nearby trees. It hit the ground with a loud thumping sound – and it hit the ground so hard, he said, that he could feel it. “I had a flashlight on me,” he said, and:

“I looked over at the tree I heard the fall from and I swear on my life – and I swear to God; honest to God – I saw a 6-to-7-foot-tall praying mantis. And as I laid eyes on it, I completely lost breath. I was completely taken aback. It took a step back and it became completely invisible. I could not believe what I saw.

I slammed the door and I ran back to the campfire. I alerted my friend. I woke everyone up and no one would believe me. I was really upset because I knew what I’d seen. So that happened and my friend didn’t believe me. He was laughing at me and then all of a sudden I could hear all these things surrounding us. And finally, when I brought it to my friend’s attention, he kinda put his ear to it and he heard it too. Finally, I was patrolling the campground with my flashlight and I could just hear these things surrounding us and I heard, like this clicking sound, it was like… It was really strange. I was so scared.”

All three of the above reports occurred in rural areas, with the first two in the same area, and with the first and the last both describing the apparent abilities of these Mantis beings to cloak themselves. In the first case, this seemed to occur in tandem with eye contact, and it may be the case with the last as well, though it isn’t entirely clear. This last case also added that the creature made a clicking noise, however – but, much as with the “astonishment” of the Mantis in the first case, this is by no means the only case to report this.

Another report, for instance, comes from the newsletter UFO Roundup, Volume 9, Number 32, published on August 11, 2004. It involves an experience reported by an eyewitness, A.T., who explained how he and his girlfriend were lying on the grass in Kay Rodgers Park in Fort Smith, Arkansas, on August 4th of that year, at around ten in the evening when they saw two humanoid beings walk out of the bushes about ten feet away from them. The creatures were roughly seven feet tall, he said, though the one on the left was a few inches shorter than the other.

“They wore grey or off-white tunic-style outfits,” he explained. “They had shiny bronze or gold medallions on the center of their chest or shoulder.” They had “mantis-like heads” that bore eyes that would change from “blood red to neon green” and “made strange clicking noises.” The couple and the two creatures gazed at one another for five to six minutes before “they disappeared into a white light.”

Again, the clicking. Again, the capacity to seemingly vanish upon eye-gazing – though in this case “into a white light.”

Other wilderness sightings of the Mantis beings come through another YouTube channel, What Lurks Beneath, specifically a video entitled “It Preyed Upon Me – 2 Scary Stories of Insectoids,” which I must confess I initially had profound doubts would provide any useful information. It seemed like one of those YouTube channels that serve only to provide creepy stories for entertainment purposes and remain loose on the facts. While the first story lacks satisfying detail, it bears mentioning, and the final story certainly seems interesting.

The first story was provided by a fifty-year-old fighting cancer who asked that their name and gender not be revealed, but who for the sake of convenience I’ll refer to in the feminine. She had purchased 20 acres in the Ozarks in the early 1990s and came to believe a “small family of Sasquatch” lived on the property. While she permitted close friends and family to hunt whitetail deer on the property, when they did so they were required to leave something such as a basket of fruit and chocolate. The Sasquatch always took the basket, she claimed, sometimes leaving a bundle of sticks or nuts in its place. Then, around August or September of 2018, everything changed. She no longer had wild boar destroying the property, the elk disappeared, successful deer hunts became a rarity, and the baskets were left untouched. The reason, she says, is “something in the woods” that she has seen during the daytime “that I cannot explain. It looked and moved like a six-foot praying mantis and made this clicking screech as it followed me to the woods.” She adds that “it was big, fast, loud, and it was not afraid of me. It was definitely stalking me” but she “didn’t see it or hear it after I got in my truck. I just sat there, paralyzed. I couldn’t move.” Even her pets were petrified. “My dogs were barking, snarling, whining obviously terrified,” she explained, adding, “I’m gonna sell my property. I’m not going back into the woods.”

Despite her frustrating lack of description regarding the actual incident, she writes:

“I see it almost every night of my dreams. I always go back looking for it, like it’s calling me to it, beckoning me closer. Sometimes I stumble on it and it’s consuming a fresh-killed deer or a hunter. Sometimes it is waiting for me and lashes out with its stiletto-laden arms, piercing my body before I even have a chance to defend myself, before I even have a chance to scream. And each time I see it, how do I know what it is? It looks exactly like a praying mantis. There’s just something different about its eyes like they see into my soul like no insect ever could. It knows you
fear it. I think it knows how to follow me into my dreams. I’m wondering now if it can track me here to my home in the city through my dreams. I barely sleep anymore at night and every time the dogs bark at night I jump, adrenaline racing through my heart. I need to add this even though it may cause some doubt to my story even more.”

So again, we have an encounter with a being that looked liked a Mantis and made a clicking sound, though this time described as a “clicking screech.” She also mentioned being “stalked” by the creature. We might also add the element of presumed telepathy here, as she felt that its eyes could see into her soul, and felt that it could follow her into her dreams as well.

The next tale was an account by someone who identified himself as Daniel. He described himself as someone who, though he was no hunter or adept outdoorsman, loved being in nature, taking in the beauty, and enjoyed exploring the forest, particularly the swamps of northern Florida, into which he’d been venturing for years. Then, during the pandemic, he began letting himself “kind of get lost in the swamps, to not just escape but escape reality, escape the world that we live in to find myself in a place of so much beauty.” Unfortunately, that’s when he began having experiences that left him with the feeling that he was being stalked by something that even he admits is more far-fetched than the notion of Bigfoot, which he’s not even sure he believes in.

“It all started when I began hearing this weird clicking noise. Sometimes it would appear as if it was directly behind me, then other times it would sound like it was all around me, top to bottom. Degrees. Like some sort of swarm of insects that I couldn’t swat away. It was very bizarre. The noise would just kind of come and go and sometimes would change in volume and even pitch. Over time, it began to make me more and more uncomfortable. I soon realized I wasn’t just hallucinating or having some sort of vision, I was experiencing a noise that was surrounding me that I couldn’t identify, I couldn’t pinpoint it to any specific animal…”

Then, about thirty to forty feet away and directly in front of him, he saw large, bulbous eyes, very close together, that “kind of emanated a bright yellow glow. And that’s when I was able to see the silhouette” of the “large, insect head” to which the eyes were attached. While he couldn’t see the body, which “was standing in the bog and the brush,” it seemed larger than himself, and “as I looked at it and as it looked into me the clicking sound grew louder and louder” and he was suddenly overcome with the fear that if he remained there any longer, he would perish, so be hightailed it back home.

He further explained that this had happened just a few weeks before writing his letter, which he was shaking in the process of writing, and he was writing all of it down mostly to process the experience and was uncertain who he could send it to who wouldn’t simply label it as crazy. He had sent it to this YouTube guy and a few others, however, “out of desperation” in the hopes that someone could provide him some information regarding what he saw.

And so we again have the clicking, the eye contact, an the glowing eyes – not “blood red” or “neon green” in this case, however, but yellow. As with the previous case, there is also the fact that the Mantis appeared to be stalking the individual.

While the seven encounters above may leave one assuming these beings are intelligent creatures native to the earth and merely as of yet unacknowledged by the scientific community, they are without question also associated with the UFO phenomenon.

To provide a recent case of such an encounter, we’ll now turn to an incident that occurred on Thursday, July 16, 2020, in Warwickshire, United Kingdom. At about five that morning, Paul Froggatt was riding his bicycle home after working a 12-hour shift when he suddenly saw what he described as “a glowing orange sphere just hovering on the horizon” and wondered if it might be a satellite, or perhaps Venus, though he ultimately concluded that the object seemed too close for either to serve as a suitable explanation. After some time, he stopped to take some photos of the object with his phone, adding in retrospect that it seemed larger than the photos depicted. In any case, as he continued watching, the object began to rotate. As he went on to explain:

“I could see it was circular with a part sticking out from the main body. When this started I got the chills down my back and felt like there was something wrong here, I hurried on my way home. As I kept cycling I could swear the object was moving along my course but I just told myself it must be some kind of optical illusion. I entered a wooded area and lost sight of the object through the trees. Usually at this time of morning there is a chorus of bird song and insects but the woods were dead silent.”

This is a common experience during UFO encounters, it should be mentioned, that is often referred to as The Oz Effect. It is as if time has not just slowed, but entirely stopped. As if the whole of the universe, from inception to expiration, were but a roll of film, and you are suddenly stuck in a single frame – yet paradoxically able to move around as you otherwise would. In such instances you often quickly realize you are not the only free agent in this temporal amber, however, just as Froggatt did:

“As I cycled down the path I came around a bend I saw something I will never forget. Standing a few meters ahead is what I can only describe as a humanoid praying mantis. This thing was at-least 7 foot tall, light green with triangular head and big oval black eyes. It had all the features of a mantis but stood on two legs and had a somehow human like shape about it. I was completely frozen with fear. For what felt like an age, but was probably only seconds, I stared into this creature’s eyes and it stared back. I felt like it could read my mind and I could read its. My fear was replaced with completely alien thoughts of utter hatred and evil I felt projected from this thing. I suddenly snapped out of this hypnotic kind of state and it made a step back as if it was gonna pounce on me.”

As I can find no article that references the conclusion to the encounter, I must assume that he tore ass home, just as I would have. In any case, yet again we have a humanoid Mantis-like entity roughly seven feet tall who engaged in prolonged mutual eye-gazing with the witness that left the witness feeling as if telepathy was occurring.

There are still other UFO encounters associated with such Mantis beings, and while this final account makes mention of a Mantis entity only peripherally, which is to say second hand, I feel that it is important to include nonetheless. As recently reported in “Messengers,” the first episode of the 2023 Netflix docuseries, Encounters, there was a UFO flap over Stephenville and Dublin Texas in January of 2008, one which I had passionately followed in the news at the time. Concerning eyewitnesses of the event, the docuseries focused on Steve Allen and Lee Roy Gaitan, the Constable of Erath County, both of whom witnessed the UFO on January 8, along with over 300 other eyewitnesses.

Allen first saw the UFO while around a campfire, bullshitting with some friends of his, and he equates what he saw to a religious experience. Two seconds after it disappeared, they all witnessed two F16s come flying by, and shortly thereafter he talked to the press – and subsequently was contacted by the military:

“A military Colonel called me one afternoon at my house and talked to me about an hour and forty-five minutes. Says, ‘We’ve had a lot of discussion about you and what to do with you,’ he said. ‘You’re kind of a high-profile guy. If you was to just happen to come up missing it would kind of look suspicious’…'”

Along with his young son, Gaitan saw lights in the sky outside his house, which then departed at an insane speed. A minute or two later, like Allen, he also saw jets appear, traveling in the same direction as the UFO.

Neither of their accounts or any accounts in the general area of Stephenville, for that matter, struck me as hard and with as much depth as the account of Ricky Sorrells, however – even when I initially began following the story when it broke in the papers and news stations back in 2008. He was one of the first to come forward with his UFO experience, and the sincerity and simplicity inherent in his character made the truthfulness of his account undeniable to me. Sorrells’ encounter took place in December of 2007, however, which is to say a month before the 2008 flap.

He had gone out to hunt deer on his property, dressed in the appropriate camouflage and bearing his gun. At some point, however, he got tangled in some briars, and with his head down, as he made efforts to get untangled, he suddenly realized that everything had gone dark – as if a stormcloud were looming above him. As a consequence, as he freed himself from the briars and was in the process of stepping forward, he instinctively looked up, at which time he saw the object hovering about 300 feet above him. While he raised his gun, he thought it best not to shoot, though he still stood under the object for roughly three minutes, studying it with his naked eye and often studying it through his scope as well.

He explained the object in detail through interviews as well as in William J. Birnes’ book Aliens in America: A UFO Hunter’s Guide to Extraterrestrial Hotspots Across the U.S. While he couldn’t see the edges of the object through the canopy of trees nor see passed it, he explained it as being akin to a smooth, perhaps three-football-fields-wide sheet of iron, barn gray in color with a dull, matte-like finish. There were no bolts, rivets, or seams. There were circular indentations beneath the object – each of which went perhaps four to six feet deep, cone-like in that they were bigger at the bottom and smaller at the top – that were placed about forty feet apart. It made no sound as it hovered, and made no sound and produced no wind as it took off. To his surprise, it didn’t pivot skyward and take off as an airplane would, either, but rather remained flat as it departed at a 45-degree angle – and with such an insane speed that if he had blinked, he said, he would have thought it had simply vanished. After that, he hightailed it back to the house.

Sorrells, it should be noted, was not featured in the Netflix series, however, and there may be damned good reasons for that. On Larry King, he openly confessed that he believed he’d been harassed since his encounter by what he assumed to be the military, who had flown helicopters above his property in a grid pattern. Someone claiming to be a Lieutenant Colonel had called him on the phone, he said, and requested an interview with him, which he refused, after which they had a rather heated discussion. In the midst of it, Sorrells asked him to stop flying helicopters over his airspace, upon which the guy claimed that it wasn’t Sorrells’ airspace, but his. Eventually, he said that if Sorrells quieted down he’d stop his helicopter bullshit, and Sorrells had remained quiet – until the Larry King interview, that is – and the activity above his property had indeed ceased.

Angelia Joiner, a reporter for the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, had also said on Larry King that she thought Sorrells might have been singled out because he had a detailed, daytime sighting.

There may have been another reason, however, as mentioned by both Gaiten and Allen in the Netflix series – something that, despite my interest in the flap, I had never heard before. Gaitan said one day Sorrells came to him in tears, alleging that someone was harassing him.

“Suddenly, Ricky stops talking to everybody,” he says, ominously adding, “I think Ricky saw a lot more than what the rest of us saw.”

Allen also asserts that Sorrells was “being intimidated,” as he put it, and he added details that Gaitan had not.

“Ricky has said he saw some sort of ‘something’ inside the aircraft, and it resembles some sort of insect,” he said, “or maybe even a praying mantis.”