Just Another Questionable Sacrifice.

This is what gets me the most. If you believe Jesus was the son of god and that he died for your sins, you essentially believe the most illogical story imaginable. Honesty, its not even good fiction.

We’re stranded on a deserted island together, and it is clear to us that we shall live out the rest of our lives here. Due to some trumped-up charges and guilt tripping I convince you that you owe me ten dollars. You have no money on you. You will never be able to pay me that ten bucks. That’s a debt you can’t repay, and I established the law that you owe me that ten bucks, and I can’t go back on my law because that would make me look bad, so I create a loophole in which I’m am not only me but incarnate as the son of me and pay off your debt to me for you. Now, instead of you owing me, you… owe me.

Yes, this is the lamest loophole imaginable. And this is the central story. And its not a good one. Not from a conceptual standpoint and not from an ethical standpoint.

First, it promotes human suffering. It spawned a religion who’s central symbol, George Carlin noted, is a method of torture and murder.

Second, who gives anyone the right to forgive everyone’s sins? It may sound good for the sinner, but what of those the sinner has sinned against? To them, this is clearly injustice.

Third, what’s so great about dying for our sins if you were the one who designated those sins into existence in the first place? Someone creates laws and executes them as well, and puts us in a prison of his own making, and then we’re supposed to be eternally grateful when he lets us out? And where’s the proof that we’re free, or that this prison was ever there to begin with — where’s the proof to those of us who are alive and could use it, of course?

Fourth, why should we inherit the sins of our great-to-the-whatever-the-fuck-power grandparents? Why should we have to pay off their debt? This sounds like a curse, and curses are silly. Is this a curse? And how could Eve or Adam know whether it was good or evil to eat of the tree, given that the tree was called The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and it would be logical to assume they could receive that moral knowledge only after eating of its fruit?

And last but not least, is dying as he allegedly did such a sacrifice if Heaven is such a great place and he basically got be king upon arrival?

Christian Greed.

Sometimes it seems as if the Christians want to control everything. Your “life” from the time you’re a zygote, your marriage, who you can and cannot marry or even have sex with, what you can and cannot use in the act of sex, what you can and cannot do with your own genitalia, your education system, what can and cannot be said over the airwaves, your politics, what the standard reading material provided by hotel rooms should be, what and when you can drink, what holidays should be national ones, and even your death, the manner of your burial. They don’t just try and exercise their power-hungry hands over and though their members, either, but wriggle and force themselves into law so as to oppress nonbelievers as well. That religion is a hungry little monster.